FLO will fly like Raven during the next weeks

FLO will fly like Raven during the next weeks

Medici Ventures just posted a tweet that goes to a FLO Blockchain medium article

With regards to Medici Ventures,

"Binance has partnered with Medici Ventures’ portfolio company IdentityMind, a risk management and regulatory-technology compliance platform, in a bid to enhance its fraud protection and compliance protocols."
FLO > Medici Land Governance > Medici Ventures > Binance. OOOpps!!!

Medici Ventures owns Medici Land Governance, which has a presentation tomorrow at the World Fucking Bank, showcasing their decentralized land registry built on top of FLO


Billionaire Patrick Byrne is also behind this, just like with Raven

It looks like we are going to make it

Attached: flo-world-bank.png (1264x1462, 425K)

Oh, and by the way, did i mention that Raven coin will be using the FLO blockchain via the Open Index Protocol ?

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-03-28 at 3.43.17 AM.png (1198x338, 75K)

wow but i cant invest at all cause the fucking coin will skyrocket 30%

When’s binance listing?

obvious moon

Google tZero, rvn, flo

how many fuckin coins and platforms do you need to do 1 thing? so far 3 with this piece of trash. So what do you buy, tzero, raven or flo???? muh adoption!

Look who's backing it, retard.

Fuck off with your total shitcoin, Telegram tranny.

I always hear this coin is about to pump but it's been like 5 years and nothing ever happens

Funny that you’re saying this while it's pumping

>7 btc 1d volume

Man please leave the board, tired of you (a single person) pretending to be 100 people to get people to buy your heavy bags.. Literally hyping a DEAD token as the next technological breakthrough of the crypto world, so sad

Mars is a toxic faggot

FLO is going to be listed on binance and will moon fucking hard


what happens to the price when Bittrex essentially closes after implementing KYC?

Exchanges will see the chance to list this for some free volume. Keep in mind this is only listed on 2 exchanges this shit will moon hard any day now it’s a ticking time bomb

In for the moon. These coins are scarce prob 50% of all coins have been lost since 2013

Marslander, get the fuck out of here. Everyone, marslander is hiding his trip because he has developed a reputation for shilling FLO and then dumping on everyone here. He did so last time FLO hit 2700 sat and then he came on here and gloated about it. Remember that this is a zero-sum game; he has no selfless, goodhearted incentive to share his "tip." His only incentive to get other people to buy in is to ramp up the price and give himself liquidity. He has no qualms about dumping and cratering the price. This is a rinse and repeat cycle he has done before.

The sad thing is that FLO is a good coin. Just make sure you sell before he dumps on you and drops the price back to 1000 sat. Marslander, I'm going to post this in every obvious thread of yours until you fuck off.

Explain why 60 eth Worth of Flo was just bought from some idiot who put up a sell wall? That’s 25% of daily volume in one trade. Big players are watching and accumulating we will see a next leg up very soon. Get in or stay poor pajeet

It's so obviously you, lol, you really have problems, dude

Nobody cares about you that much, and you don't have enough money to drop it to 1000 sats

40 eth buy wall placed looks like someone took the advice and is buying in. Don’t be left behind idiots this shit is pumping as we speak!!!!

As predicted were mooning so easy

Just imagine when this hits binance

Attached: Screenshot_20190328-125529_Blockfolio.jpg (1079x1880, 291K)

If it hits binance we will see raven type gains