goodbye frens
Goodbye frens
see you later space cowboy
killing myself too
be sure to jerk off with a rope, feel amazing
stay with yor frens
Don’t kys on your way out
Don't do it, stay with us fren.
You don't know how many timelines there are. Many are worse than your current one. Many are better.
Hope to join you soon user
Death is glorious, do not be afraid of it
I won't say goodbye. I'll see your shitposts again friend.
dont go fren
Yous a bitch ass nigga
good buy frens
Stay fren, we still have [redacted]..
Don't go fren. Buy BAT and we can watch it moon together. This is how ill dance when we watch it moon.
don't go fren
did it dump again?
FPBP absolutely based and redpilled Cowboy Bebop
I try’s to leave once fren, came back here, I don’t leave here now I’m happy here
It'll be okay, fren. Endure.
Stop it fren, I keep losing frens and it hurts so much. Go fuck some hookers and do some coke in mexico for me fren
Be honest, few are better
my short is about to be liquidated too, not sure what i do if it happens desu
Just do a reset fren, not a shutdown. Start again, sack off trying accumulate money, just try not to give a fuck, live by your own rules, fuck everybody else and see where it goes. If you end up sleeping in doorways jacking off, do it then instead...what do you have to lose?
At the very least tell us your story. More people than you think are in your position, I guarantee it.
Ending your life is a permanent solution to a temporary problem, no matter what that problem is, there is an effective way to overcome it without taking your life.
plz don't be the buy signal.
Stream your suicide, I want to watch
do it, faggot
If he lives, the bogs will just pick somebody else. What will they leave behind?
You can't stop this machine, you can barely slow it down.
We are all dead eventually. We are all forgotten eventually.
fuck off reddit. do whats best for you OP. if its because of something you can fix tho, you're a faggot and should kys anyways
don't do it
my friend did it a month back
I know he would have not done it if he gave it some time
knowing that he could still be alive crushes me every morning since
he enjoyed so many things when he could escape the funk
i miss him everyday
dont do it plz
one day someone will value you asa friend,
you can and will brighten someones life, dont throw away that future
stay with us fren.
Take a break from trading fren
if you have siblings, then live for them fren
>Go fuck some hookers and do some coke
what is up with this meme? have you brainlets always recommending this tried this yourself? you will end up twice more depressed after coming down of that and potentially blow your brains out forreal.
let me guess, tired of waiting forever for something to happen with LINK? Yeah, I'm getting sick of wagecucking for a dream too, if LINK takes much longer I'm giving up.
I've seen that porn
I prefer to do LSD and MDMA with my hookers
Think about these brappers you will not be able to see anymore.
If you pay you can even sniff them fren
Why do people try to convince suicidal people otherwise? Why the fuck do you care? I'd understand if it was someone you know because you don't want to be sad over their death, which is a selfish reason anyway. There are lots of people who are literally better of dead and it is not like they are gonna miss anything since they will not exist anymore.
This is just a retarded virtue signaling behavior.
suicide is a sin
Because if he’s here there’s a good chance he’s huwhite and we need him to get his shit together and have children and teach them the truth about niggers.
OH no another braindead retard is killing himself because he's too stupid to fix his shitty life. What a tragedy!!
instagram link please.
get a job
You can't escape what you've taken on yourself as tasks before being born this time. You will put yourself into a darker, denser energy place with suicide and only make the next life harder.
Go out in nature and have big hikes. Take shrooms. Take CBD oil and 5htp. Do crossfit/martial arts. Joy will come back. Dont fall for the coke trap.
Green ID and checked. I am speaking the truth