it's basically ai that has agency and sovereignty.
and if you look at the chart you will see it is about to start going off.
it's basically ai that has agency and sovereignty.
and if you look at the chart you will see it is about to start going off.
you have been warned
Thanks, based
Any chance of it going above 12%?
no way i think 12% is the biggest gains we'll see on this.
it was a binance launchpad coin, right? it's over for sure.
still very strong downtrend tho.
it's like it has a magnet pulling it down.
OP, do you know whats the MC for this?
its broke out, not in
this ~.21c range is really heavy resistance.
i think it's around 15mil give or take
it is well off its highs
I picked a small bag at current value, if it does 22-40, that's be nice
yeah but see that accumulation?
someone bought in
and all the holders from the ico are in no rush to sell.
resistance, sure, but where is the downward pressure after the jump?
it's stabilized now, which means there's an equal chance for some more upward activity
Hitting 14% again
that 10btc buy order keeps getting refreshed
do i sell my KCS or BNB?
I'm trading BNB pair to increase my stack
How much of a newfag do you have to be to not know how these always play out.
>Binance starts trading competition for shitcoin
>Shitcoin pumps a little bit at first
>Shitcoin trades sideways the rest of the competition
>Competition ends
>Shitcoin dumps
I have yet to see one of these trading competitions play out differently.
What the fuck is the trading competition, to bring awareness to a coin?
i didnt know there was a trading comp for FET
Well now you know. The only way to make money on these is to buy within the first minute of the announcement and sell when it starts to flag out or go sideways. Sometimes the pump happens before the announcement even comes out and CZ doesn't even try to hide what a blatant scammer he is.
this user is right.
it's over.
sell your bags before you lose.
The coin has been bottomed hard, I think the announcement gives the whales a crowd attention to play out a pump. The BTT competition happened after it already pumped
you know what?
fuck it.
i'm not selling
i'm happy to go down with the ship
i said that in my other post and i'll stick to it
FET we'll be fine imo, this shit was never pumped
Celer is weird tho, rejected the pump twice now sideways
is this a celer thread now then?
They both fit the narrative, and same market makers
Are you the same anons from the last good thread?
but i did by some celer
Celer doing moves again, Fet flags sideways
how much celer are you holding
be honest
none, it kicked me out at stop loss, used to have 500 bnb worth
Fet is just slowly dying
I feel the same with everex.