Crypto signup free $80 (former Monaco) is giving out $80 registration bonus if you get referred.

1) Download iOS - Android app of
2) Register your e-mail, phone and ID
3) Use referral codeD3HZAJFS8W
4) $80 is yours!

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Hi frens, each card holder can give away only three gifts. You can also use my referral- qv50ua2qjz

Attached: 1553556119768.jpg (740x987, 78K)

Nope that’s not true. My cap is 20 people

Says angry Chinaman from his usb dongle booth at sim lim shit posting between scamming tourists.

if you run out of codes mine is x5rae2znf5

$20 sign up bonus

Hahaha you call me chinaman while you post Chinese quties. Gtfo of my thread

Attached: 1547132671623.jpg (719x1280, 513K)

Imagine what this gooks teeth look like

Does her vagina have teeth, no?, then I don't care.

Why is biz obsessed with Asians?

Cuz majority of biz are incel neets who fap to anime. It’s really a sad situation desu

Hey nigger, why I only got 20$? You said 80$, you fucking liar.

It’s 80 fag

former tomacco


biz has always been about making money and asian qts

3q9vzdecs5 works for me

I'm not seeing the 80 bucks though, how do I claim them?

formerly chucks

Referrals and cashbacks sections. You need to insert a referral code to claim $80

Lmao I have to wait 3 months to get the money? What a waste of time

It’s free $80 user.... you can’t be picky with free money

Fair enough I guess

Is this real?

post link proofing it is real?

Yup, but it's locked for 3 months apparantely. OP's code didn't work for me but I used the one I posted earlier, maybe it will work for you as well

Attached: Screenshot_20190328-113408_Cryptocom.jpg (1439x2754, 1.38M)


I used the referral code in OP and now my MEW is empty wtf

It is real just google it lol

I just posted a pic to show it though

It's only 80 bucks tho anyway + it's locked for 3 months. It's free money tho

I googled and found nothing.

Then dont bother faggot, why bitch about it?

So you have something to ask Pajeet.

Fresh referral for anyone:


You have to stake a certain amount of MCO tokens in those 3 months to claim the $80. Basically, op is just scamming for refs.

Nothing is required as far as i know. You just need to wait 3 mos

I fell for this trick already. When the 3 months are up, the timer resets to 3 months if you didn't stake. I think the info is somewhere on the site but I cba to find it right now on my phone.

thats wrong
you just have to wait 3 months, there are no other conditions

No trick here. Just use referral code: D3HZAJFS8W