Would someone with aspberger's, or mild autism, be aware they had this condition?

Would someone with aspberger's, or mild autism, be aware they had this condition?

Eventually someone would tell you, right?

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Perhaps you have OCPD?

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it would have been diagnosed at a young age. stop looking for an excuse.

Where did the second bracket go in the "Ericson theory"?

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Or maybe it's largely heritable, which it is, and you grow up the the parent who has it, and it's never diagnosed because they think you're normal, just like them.

it's a trick
if you ask about this it means you have OCPD

this is exactly what happens with single mothers. obviously, autistic men are far less likely to procreate so the spastic gene is passed down via the woman, and the child is essentially fucked from birth.

You could just be an INTP

That's called epigenetics

That’s absolutely not necessarily true. The spectrum is wide and some people get by just fine even with an issue like this. Nobody notices it though there is something slightly off. I myself have a personality disorder I never understood until my 30’s. Most people who meet me see me as quite normal and sociable, charismatic and entertaining. I actually have a disorder where I am completely disassociated from people and I have basically just learned to “fake it til I make it” when in social situations. The reason I got diagnosed was because I noticed a couple things off: 1) sometimes with people I knew I would do very weird things like they’d come over my house and I would simply not acknowledge them with more than a hello and go about my business while my wife entertained and 2) realizing I simply didn’t give any shits about anyone and didn’t care if I lost or gained friends.

I noticed these things were in direct conflict with the person I thought I was (someone who is good with people) and decided to see if there was something officially wrong with me. When I want I can “turn it on” but generally speaking I’m devoid of human attachment and knowing this has empowered me and my family who now better understand some of my behavior they always found strange.

I have aspergers and before i was tested i was always aware that i was not like the rest of the children

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What disorder?

yes but the point is the mother has no clue that she's a mongoloid. in the absence of another parent, the son never realises how retarded he is either, unless he eventually becomes self-aware at some point in adulthood

same, I suspected it was autism at around 12 after reading up on the symptoms but didn't want to accept it. eventually diagnosed at 24

These. I grew up in the middle of bumfuck nowhere and didn't get my ADHD and aspergers diagnoses until I was 19.

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schizoid or a nacrissist projecting himself as a schizoid

I got diagnosed with autism at 32, so yes.

19's not too bad. it's a bleak existence regardless of the age diagnosed desu. prior to a diagnosis, there is at least a glimmer of deluded hope you can fit in some day

If you think you're on the spectrum, you probably are. It's worth investing some time into developing your social skills, and exploring alternative therapies like neurofeedback.
As a person who worked as a salesman I found that socializing like a normal person was quite learnable, but at some point there was a ceiling where while I could do the things normal people do, I still found it a little awkward to express what I'm feeling through the limited means of body language and facial expressions.
As someone I know described it, I came across as "awkward but not awkward." Still, it didn't prevent me from making friends or getting the sale.
It doesn't really matter that much as long as you're able to cooperate with others, and in fact it's beneficial when it comes to solving deep problems in STEM fields.

>hope you can fit in
off yourself normalfag

>not wanting friends during childhood
wow you are such a cool edgy guy my man!!

user I've realized they don't tell you

How would they know unless they know someone else who has it or they have it themselves?

I went to high school with pic related and he has asbergers. He was weird af and stuck out like a sore thumb.
Link to viral video: youtu.be/3l8sroTeQ84

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I remember there was this famous guy who came to our school when i was younger and i asked him how old he was.

in 2019 helpful criticism is perceived as hate by normies. nobodh would tell you if you have high functioning autism. look up the symptoms

Lmao, maybe if you were born after 2005

because it's agonisingly obvious to normally functioning people. I'm afraid it seems you have the 'tism to not realise this my friend

I'm just a bitter loner because people suck and society is shit

Never realized till I was an adult. Put my entire life into perspective when looking back

>wanting terms to be logistically sound is grounds for diagnosing a major personality disorder
Ok sure retard

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yall gotta realize, normal people are sheeps that are easily influenced, manipulated, and extorted. they are the type of people who will quote headlines or just briefly scan articles and repeat quotables poorly, making them actually susceptible to fake news and social engineering. Sure they all fit the bill for 'fitting in', but that territory by nature comes with being a sheep. if you arent a part of the herd, you dont fit in.

you can in a way, be better off than normies by being mildly autistic. I know I would for sure trade decent social skills for rainman like intellect. I imagine I would use it to make money and then use money to get females - and I would be too autistic to be bothered or perhaps even notice the motives of said gold digging women.

t. Ive had several different diagnoses as a child. parents never kept me on medication for any of them for longer than like a week. ADD, ADHD, OCD, and one doc even made one up, something like 'impulsivity disorder' or some shit. So theres definitely something a lil fucky with me

>mild autism

If you seriously believe in this you are a fucking faggot.
Grow the fuck up and quit blaming your faggotry on something you deem out of your control.

Its called developing social skills like the rests of society and maybe if you werent such a shut in fucking loser youd quit making up bullshit reasons why you are held back

this is this true, unironic redpill that one must accept to continue on his path towards enlightenment

This. Unless you're one of those autists with a 75 IQ and can't make your own meals or dress yourself, you're just making excuses. Maybe you're playing life on hard mode, but your "mild autism" is untapped potential that most people will never have access to.

high functioning aspergers/adhd/ocpd are all pretty similar and are extremely easy to miss since you don't have problems until later in life

Kys normie.

>Fixation at anal stage

Fuck I have OCpD

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>too autistic to be bothered


You’re both idiotic retards

>all these people ITT claiming they were diagnosed with autism as adult

There would have been clear signs in childhood that would have put you into a special learning class. You're just socially inexperienced/awkward faggots who play video games and watch anime too much, and replaced socializing with video games and anime as you grew up and wonder "How come I dont' have social skills?" Social skills are learned with time and practice. You never gave the time or practice for it.

don't act like it's a superpower mate. there are positive aspects but only the rich get to play life on easy mode. i can outperform a lot of my peers in technical areas but it's a trade off for irregular stomach problems and crushing anxiety whenever i'm in the physical presence of someone. i got by for decades by having good facial genetics, getting high marks, and keeping more or less to myself. gradually became more of an obvious issue as i got older and couldn't pass myself off as an awkward child anymore.

I knew Jow Forums was stupid but not this stupid

when I was in preschool I wouldnt sit in circles with the other kids. Instead I'd go to the counter and look at "science" stuff (butterflies in magnifying containers, models of the earth, geology collections, etc). When the teacher came up to me to tell me to sit in the circle with other kids, I just ignored her. Fuck that. When I met my new nanny, I couldnt say hi to her, so I left a voice mail on my home phone saying welcome. I got "held back" in preschool because of my childlike autism.

I was never diagnosed with anything or met with a psychologist about it, so not sure how I could get diagnoised. If I do have autism I'm fairly high functioning, I have a well paying job and a physics degree, but no gf.


Nice try Sherlock but why do you think those kind of people have a predilection towards anime and video games? Because they absolutely suck with people.

I've never played video games and can't stand anime, but regardless of how long I spend with people it's palpably clear there is something off about me

aspergers can go undiagnosed. You wouldn't be able to speak english well enough to post this asking if you have autism if you have autism.

>You wouldn't be able to speak english well enough to post this asking if you have autism if you have autism.

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I was diagnosed with adhd at 24. high functioning people can power through the symptoms as a child, but college and real world stresses bring out the negative impacts when people grow up.

you think everyone will be identified and put in special ed right away because you're projecting, and that's actually where you belong.

>leave most tasks last moment

that is like 95% of humans, human nature.

ocpd sounds too like typical human nature.

obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD( HOWEVER is totally different thing. people say commonly they 'have OCD' often have no clue what ocd is, which is psychological disorder and about. 25% of people with schizophrenia have ocd they share some traits, as ocd people do physical rituals to numb the 'voice' in their head schizoprenics literally hear the voices so real they cant tell if it was real or imagined =)

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Oh great another fucking pussy thinking adhd is a real thing. Keep buying into these bullshit mental illnessses that don't exist so Dr. Shekelberg can give you more Klonopin and Xanax to keep your little snowflake brain from facing reality. I'm willing to bet money that you grew up in some coastal, blue state city.

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>being just like everyone else is a good thing.
People that think this way will never get anywhere in life.

Fuck up redneck.

rude desu

like I said, I'm high functioning. I work in tech and exploit the skills mental illness gives me to make 120k/yr in a flyover region. I excel when it comes to most things people like you are bad at, and I'm bad at most things people like you are good at. there's 2 sides to each coin and you should really try to see the other perspective sometime.

Oh great another fucking pontificating frogposter thinking he knows everything. Keep buying into these bullshit conspiracy theories that don't exist so you can feel superior despite being a complete pseudointellectual with zero grounding in reality. I'm willing to bet money that you grew up in some non-coastal, red state city.

>triggered coastal fag
My sides

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Maybe now that people talk about the more functional end of the autism commonly. I didn't know until I was diagnosed in my 20's. Now, I knew SOMETHING was wrong, and the only reason I went to psychiatrist in the first place was for anxiety and depression that had become unmanageable. By that I mean sincerely wanting to die, losing jobs because I couldn't hold it together to do the work or no-showed all the time because I was at home losing my goddamned mind over some triviality.

If it's a social thing, there are a variety of explanations for deficiencies there outside of the autism spectrum. Autism is, contrary to colloquial belief, pretty specific in diagnostic criteria particularly as it's a developmental disorder and symptoms must have been present and noted during childhood. If there weren't any childhood problems, it's something other than autism.

I should probably mention my psych rap sheet. They stamped the following labels on me:
>aspergers (this was pre-DSM-V, changed to ASD now)

OCD is by far the most troublesome of the lot.

>autistic men are far less likely to procreate

Good. I decided never to have children for this reason. When it turned out my niece was also autistic (worse than me), that sealed it. No one should be brought in to the world by parents who know damned well there is a chance of passing it on.

I'm sure I have something wrong with me

I have this thing where if it's a 50/50 shot I will chose the wrong thing to do 100% of the time

what does OCD do you do user?

I remember when i was 11, i told my mom i think i have aspergers and she basicly told me to fuck off, people say im autistic all the time but i have no condition, but i dont feel very autistic anymore but i defently was behaving like one when i was younger, so i think its very proseble a autist knows hes autistic,

word for word, same.

I don't understand the question. OCD in general is constant anxiety/fear about false correlations the patient has made. Things like; if I don't do (some meaningless repetitive task) my house will burn down. If I don't brush my teeth five times a day I will get cavities and have to go to the dentist and they will force me to get elaborate orthodontic surgery and it will be painful and they will forget to anaesthetize properly and etc etc. So you brush five times a day and brush so hard your gums bleed and now you have a receding gumline and you should probably get surgery for that...

The black pill is when you realize the most powerful people are excellent socializers, and generally the most competent/autistic are taken advantage of. Most of life is a game of popularity, not merit.

>>autistic men are far less likely to procreate
>Good. I decided never to have children for this reason. When it turned out my niece was also autistic (worse than me), that sealed it. No one should be brought in to the world by parents who know damned well there is a chance of passing it on.
dayum son, hardcore... my sisters kid has the tisms, like he cant speak n shiet, hes like 6 and still wears diapers. but he was premature so maybe it wasnt them genes?...what are the odds that i pass it on in the unlikely event i somehow end up having kids?


>what are the odds that i pass it on in the unlikely event i somehow end up having kids?

Genetic correlation is not adequately researched at this time. It's hard to put a percentage on it. As far as I'm aware, it's only at the stage of 'there appears to be a genetic component and odds of autism do increase if parent is autistic'. But that's about it.

Noone is paying attention to your life that closely. You are not special. The diagnosis is to get more customers on psych meds. Asperger's or mild forms of Asd is a made up disease. Part of the reason why it's so popular now is because social anxiety is alleviated when you have something to blame for what you perceive as awkwardness. Normans hate people who are better than them so they come up with made up problems for them
>That guy is smart
>I wish I was smart
>Atleast I'm not a social outcast
It's a combination of societal factors that has expanded the definition of this "disorder" part of the problem is "proud aspies" who have created in group feels so now awks kids actually want to identify as autistic. The whole situation is toxic and you should only invest your time in ruminating on positive psychology and avoid labeling yourself. Self fulfilling prophecies come true in disease courses and are studied by psychologists, so avoid labeling and remember life is not as complicated as you want it to be.

Not to confuse "socializer" with actually being social or (being capable of) instilling social ideals onto those around you. Like psychopaths, for example.

>remember life is not as complicated as you want it to be.
>im 12 and this is deep
kys faggot

Pseudointellectual bullshit.
>The diagnosis is to get more customers on psych meds.
Not everyone lives in America, retard.

If you have asperger you should be taking sulfuric acid baths.


no it's not


I have aspd, and it took me until aabout the age of 16 to realize that people dont wear masks like me and think like me. So yeah somebody with autism might realize that they have it, but might think they are no different to normies.

I thought that the fat, funny girl chose to be the fat funny girl. I didn't think that she really was just fat and funny

Psychopath obviously.

if your autistic, its very possible that you may just not have been diagnosed proplerly, or your parents purpously did not bother to check because they were afraid of the possibility.

Correct. Normies are full of jealousy and envy. Cant better themselves so they bring others down instead.

Bill Gross didn't realize until he was damn near retirement.


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Same here!

posting from a different device. something tells me you're just trying to be a condescending dick with this post, but fuck me you're probably right. i do not fit anywhere. i piss people off for reasons that i don't understand. the lyrics from creep by radiohead haunt me - "what the hell am i doing here? i don't belong here" it rings true for everything

i don't want to get diagnosed for anything. i just want to live my life off the books, off of state databases and medical watchlists

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my family flipped shit when I started asking if I was autistic because apparently catastrophic shit goes down if I find out

Cant happen. People are nosey and will stick their big fat noses 8n you business all day just for the gossip. The trick is to not care about what people think because people dont matter if you dont let them matter

lol tell us more

>Oh user? He's just slow.

The problem with modern medicine is that they try to make normal human emotions like depression, anxiety, etc into fucking illnesses. Believe it or not, you kinda need these things to some degree to drive you to be successful in life. Just exercise. Is it that hard to wake up 20 minutes earlier in the morning so you can workout for a bit? This would solve 90% of the problems people in this thread are complaining about.

>Normans hate people who are better than them so they come up with made up problems for them

Reminds me of a former friend mine. He outright told me to see a psychologist for my alleged problems even though he had even worst problems. At one point, he even admitted that he envied the skills I have. When always people try bring you down, it's 100% a sign that they hate you being better than them.

The difference between normal stress response and anxiety is how pervasive, intrusive, debilitating it is for the patient. If someone experiences a unusually severe reaction to negative stimuli, or has that reaction without any negative stimuli to begin with, you start to get in to the realm of diagnostic mental illness.

Any half ass decent psychologist or psychiatrist will attempt to identify lifestyle changes that can be made to improve the person's problems before getting in to meds. Overprescription is largely the domain of GPs, unfortunately. I don't think GPs should be prescribing psych meds without a psychiatrist consult. Anyway, first step of any psychiatric assessment is a visit to an ordinary GP to rule out physical causes or contributors what is an ostensibly psychological presentation.

if i hold out in some place long enough, i tend to grow on people and then they welcome me in. but it takes like a year at the least. ive had at least 20 jobs since 2008 so ive had to repeat this over and over again
this is me at work t b h

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