75% up in 3 hours XBASE


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Attached: XBASE2.png (1251x587, 78K)

someone dropped this at .0009 and I threw $200 at it.
Its now worth $1600 so thank you shills

Attached: XBASE3.png (1206x728, 89K)

Where the fuck do I move in my money now, shills? Thanks for these signals Kek, made 2 grand off of this pump

I moved all my XBASE stack to NEXT

smart move

I’ve seen it shilled at the same time a XBASE, is this the next exchange coin pump? I’m on a fucking winning streak right now

See this also

NEXT is not the next pump, but a mid to long-term hold. They have mainnet soon and a MAJOR design overhaul. Idk if you look for a fast pump better look elsewhere. NEXT is a very based exchange coin for long hold

But if they have an overhaul and redesign soon, won’t that mean it’ll pump in the near future?

This is not over yet x2 incoming

Probably, but I won't sell that pump for sure. Not selling until 20m mcap. At 20m mcap I am going to cash out a bit (I entered at 500k MC so it will be a fuckton for me) and buy myself a new lappy and a smartphone for my mom, she really wants one but can't afford it. What is left I will hold until NEXT will be on the same level as kucoin

Checked, I just setup a buy order like the autismo I am, no research LETS GO

I agree. People are selling a bit too early.


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Yes but they don't know better, asking for a link to the pump en dump group lol really people are going to be missing something

xbase is done. Token wont have incentive to hold besides saving on fees. best bet is next which will literately pay you in eth for holding their token.

I will get back to you in a few hours..

Threw in a little bit from another stack and it doubled, can't complain.

Will see where it goes, VIDT pumped for over a week.

>Premium Membership
>The real jewel in the ETERBASE crown is undoubtedly our premium level membership, which is aimed at high-volume traders and those who make moves that influences the rest of the market.
>A 100,000 XBASE token fee sees market maker, and market taker fees waived entirely.
>That’s right, waived entirely. 0 percent.
?If that isn’t impressive enough, we’ve also waived Proof-of-Stake and masternode fees for those who have an ETERBASE premium membership.
>So, no fees at all for market makers and market takers, and no Proof-of-Stake or master node fees.
>What else?
>5,000 maximum trade requests per minute, and up to 100 accounts.
>We also offer direct market access to our premium members, providing an option to rent your own trading server close to our core exchange infrastructure, handing you a competitive edge over your fellow traders.
>24/7 dedicated support is available, and we’re taking 75 percent off withdrawal fees as well.

I hadn't heard about the staking rewards before, has anyone dug into the details on those?


Fucc i gotta buy moar!

Wanneer is de Neder/biz/ meet?

dunno maar koop VIDT en NEXT
het ultieme nederchad portfolio

Guys be honest with me, is this a mid long term hold? I was really planning on helping out my family with this money, otherwise I’d just cash out now and be done with it

Sold some for profit. Now waiting for 2 cents. Let's fucking go.

at least take some profit and put it into NEXT, XBASE is great but NEXT has definitely got long term potential too

It'll spike and dip but probably going to just hold it for at least a week or two. LTO pumped a month.

Alrighty will do then! Cheers!

iam +%144 up this day this is amazing!

Biz is the best. Whose dick do I suck for shilling this?