You're Welcome

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-03-28 at 1.49.27 PM.png (1570x611, 181K)


S-shut up!

Attached: D2xCBVeX4AAdq0m.jpg (1061x1887, 256K)

what does it mean for LINK?


>not able to design memelines
not gonna make it

Attached: memelines.png (1570x611, 186K)

It's not actually gonna fall, but you can make anything look possible with these shit TA lines.

Zoom out further faggot

>it's not gonna fall

>Zoom out further faggot

Zooming out confirms OPs post by allowing us to see each bear market ends around where the last Bull market topped off...

BTC is going to triple digits by end of year, screencap this

100k confirmed

Im 98% down... you telling me im going to be 99% down? holyshit how the fuck am i going to cope... lel. At this point, i would rather watch it burn and take all the faggots down with me.

helping op

Attached: Untitled2.png (769x655, 151K)

You can be 99.999999% down and still have further to fall.


Attached: YIKES2.png (1570x611, 693K)

Only last bear market bitcoin never lost weekly support and held what it needed to hold to stay in an uptrend in monthly and weekly timeframes. Guess what's different now, bitcoin for the first time ever lost support in the higher timeframes. Wouldn't be suprised if it went even lower than last bullmarket top because of this. However so far it's still holding on so let's see.

That's more like it! Welp... We're fucked. You've really made me second guess DCA'ing right now

real chat

Attached: xx.jpg (1329x642, 159K)

What does the scribble in the middle mean? Crab market?

normie fuckery

last top : 1.3k
""""bottom"""" this cycle: first 6k (how many of you bought?), now 3.2k

yeah, no

the meme chart is not of log scale that's why its a bad fit we are in depression.

Attached: btc-psych.png (767x880, 577K)

Dude, your chart ended in November, we're 4 months on and well below depression level.

Your chart shows $6000 as depression...I'd be fucking ecstatic to be at 6k right now

Attached: 1553802209196.gif (300x252, 2.79M)

we are in a 4 month depression yes
you can fucking taste it in the air on this board

Are we at maximum financial opportunity yet?

>daily candles
>normal scale
>using bitfinex/usdt charts


fuck knows man it can in theory go to sub $2k but just as easily go to $5k and never return sub $4k.

i can only tell you in a year you will look back at btc sub $10k and see it was at great discount.

This but unironcally

do you know how people used to call "crab market" before snibs?

Slow bleed to 2025 is more likely, then we go sub $100 - 1000

Wow, you're definitely not in this for the tech

I assume you've sold all of yours then?.. I bet you haven't

>for the tech

No what

there are people on biz right now who's going to miss out

Do not trigger the Bitcoin hodlers 2019 laggtrads, they are the ultimate brainlets and it's not their fault.

Leave them alone and let them see their charts break down, only then will the panic kick in.

>not being a basedboy
>shiggy diggy