You dreamt about being rich quickly but you are now slowly understanding crypto made you poorer than you were.
You dreamt about being rich quickly but you are now slowly understanding crypto made you poorer than you were
Kek unironically the dip that never stops dipping
Please, stop.
I don't want to face the reality.
>gambled 6k away as a poor studentfag with XRP
I know it‘s nothing to you rich fuckers here but fuck that pajeetcoin, FUCK
I lost 0.5 bitcoin in shitcoins and I'm down 95% from ath
>tfw you realize youre never ganna make it
At least I tried my best!
stop this redditry buy dogecoin
Bitch I realised this a year ago
why do my hair and beard grow like that? on other people it grows normally like for any metal player's hair
i-i-its not a l-loss if I never sell... r-right user?
have you tried taking a shower?
literally me.
I had a decent job that I was content with until I found Jow Forums an was conditioned to believe that 'wageslaving' was worse than death and that altcoins were the future
fuck this place, fuck this place to hell
>He fell for the altcoin meme.
wageslaving is worse than death, this is not a meme.
just dont work retail
wageslaving IS death. there is no difference. it is one and the same
I had a comfy job in a shop, never more than 5 customers per day
waking up with an alarm is just so depressing
it might be it
poor fags don't buy XBASE and stay broke for life
2nd shift
I probably wouldn't have saved the money so that's a plus.
Heh, nothin personnel...kid
You become poor by chasing pumps. It works, until it doesn’t. You can absolutely get filthy rich accumulating the select right ones in due time.
Brainlets stay poor
Keked and based