ETH - the future #1

Listen up niggers, I've seen a lot of anons asking why Jow Forums loves ETH so much.. It appalls me that people need to even ask still..

Some of us truly shall never make it.

Let me spell it out for you ETH hating brainlets. During the last bubble, ETH/BTC ratio reached 0.15 BTC for 1 ETH. That's right. 0.15 BTC each.

It is currently below 0.04 BTC per ETH. By trading ETH pairs on exchanges, you make double gains as ETH's ratio returns to 0.15...
Not only this, but smart anons know that

Ethereum is the platform that the future financial system will be built on. MKR.. LINK... BNB.. every kike stable coin as well.

Name another coin with more speculative potential. Dexes taking over, ETH 2.0 development speeding up, staking on the horizon.

In the future, everyone will stake fractions of ETH on staking pools, securing the network further.

Every trade will be P2P on a decentralized exchange, all processed on-chain.
This is how the kikes will be defeated forever.

Usury is replaced by infinitely scaling freedom.
No one will be able to afford a full ETH by that point. Anons are comfy in Valhalla.

So strap the fuck in and stop asking questions about the future king. He doesn't have time nor fucks to give about you.

Attached: download.jpg (2400x1800, 375K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Bnb is building their own chain specifically because eth isnt fast enough. Mkr is going to incorporate different digital assets. Admit it eth was successful because it had a first mover advantage. Even if everything goes to plan and sharding is implemented in the most optimal way there are other cryptos that are better at scaling and can also do smart contracts. Dont you have a street you should be shitting on right about now?

Don't forget Enigma faggot

It's the future

Ethereum will work because of Enigma

But you're totally spot on faggot.

Ethereum is king

enigma is cool. eth and other chains will interoperate and upgrade together.
Not bitcoin though, bitcoin is compromised.

Attached: btcisthefuture.png (960x375, 230K)

Bitcoin is Garbage. First mover my ass

Sorry to burst your bubble OP but EOS is going to eat ETH's lunch

Did I mention Enigma will power ethereum and be number 2 on market cap. Wthereum being one

Eos is a garbage man

>Enigma is cool
How are those bags doing?

OP I agree with you but I've never been FUD'ed so hard for buying something. What is going on?

ETH is always a good choice m8.

Eth is good

Ducking great faggot bought at an average of 44 cents

All these altcoins running on ether that come up with great code and new ideas could easily get absorbed by ether and render them useless.

Ethereum is dying. They will never be able to implement scaling solutions in a reasonable amount of time, and even if they did it would just put them at parity with their competition. They've already lost the majority of the users and developers to EOS and Tron.

This is your cue to spaz out about muh centralized muh not a real block chain muh scam. At the end of the day though, you have to ask yourself, is it the market that's irrational, or is it you?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-28_23-59-25.png (1456x677, 82K)

Not enigma

I bought near the low. I don't really plan on selling so I hope both eth and everything else crashes way harder so I can buy more.

That's where Enigma comes in faggot brain

Isnt enigma erc20

>They've already lost the majority of the users and developers to EOS and Tron
citation needed

Attached: brainlet3.jpg (403x438, 25K)

This for sure

Due diligence mother fucker you have no idea what enigma is do you?

>At the end of the day though, you have to ask yourself, is it the market that's irrational, or is it you?
Based and redpilled

They don't even have a dapp in the top 10...

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-29_00-07-06.png (1272x844, 208K)

Nah its hard for me to take it seriously when its named after broken nazi encryption kek

Even (((they))) see the writing on the wall

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-29_00-19-35.png (1258x853, 172K)

You should take it more seriously mate

How fragile are you

obviously botted activity on at least 8 of those
and pic related btfo you entirely. where are EOS and TRON? almost didn't see ya there down at #15

Attached: muh dapps.png (1260x1138, 162K)

We already know ETH was the platform of choice for scams in 2017

Agreed ethereum is king

>obviously botted activity on at least 8 of those
Why is no one botting on Ethereum I wonder? Bots are valid use cases. I used bots to make thousands of dollars. With that said, even without bots Ethereum is getting BTFO.

And what even is that chart? coinmarketcap doesn't list Tron and EOS tokens.

Dapps..... Dice games

Pick one

>it doesn't count because it's something that Ethereum can't do well
nice mental gymnastics user.


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Are you high

>their competition
>EOS and Tron

You didnt answer my question. Is it an erc20 shitcoin? Is the code open source? Can ether absorb what ever clever code they come up with? Does enigma have pull like ether? Be real with yourself bagholder.

lmao this is the dumbest shit ever

They are going main net faggot, just like eos was an ERC 20

Eth is not a store of value, 0xbtc is.

normie detected

Ethereum is indeed king, it's hard to believe that this is still up for debate. All other pretenders are way too little, way too late.

This is hilarious. People bought EOS cause of weiss ratings and now they are resorting to biz to pump it. Enjoy the dump. You're supposed to sell the news, not buy it lol.

I saw you in another thread. You bought because of weiss ratings. You are honestly a brainlet thinking EOS is anything but a scam.

Yeah and all the code is there for them if they need it. You dont think ether developers are toying with other altcoin code to see if it will be beneficial to ether? Ether will always be top dog when it comes to everything other than what bitcoin does.

Thank you for explaining the obvious to these moonboys who need guidance. Now drop the racist shit

what's with all the enigma cock suckers in this thread? Enjoy your "genesis game" where you fuck around providing free computational power to beg for the chance of maybe running one of those shitty ghostnodes, or whatever the fuck they call them now.

>Not only this,

News are coming on June 1st




To make what, a cake?

It's just the minimum current suggested requirement for staking. That's like buying 1 share of any company.

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more late adopter fantasies about bitcoin getting "killed" by something else, and of all the alts you picked you picked the one that needs cryto to behave rationally the most, ethereum

BNB is a thing to drain money from retards

BNB is a Chink scam.

CZ is a Chink and a pump and dumper.

$80 Eth gang

The 99% are right though

If you're stacking ETH, be sure to get a decent bag of RLC since ETH needs it for scaling

Lmao, no, ETH doesn't need random shitcoins to work. They have the largest pool of talent in the crypto development world already working and contributing various solutions.

Anyway, I don't understand how anyone ISNT an ETH maximalist if they even have a rudimentary understanding of crypto technology.

Larimer and the Chink scams are all a joke basically.

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>Doesnt even know what RLC does.

Try making a chess game with complex AI on ETH. You can't see further than your nose. Remember cryptokitties? Yeah.


ETH is king but for big gains look elsewhere.

Dense mother fucker

Enigma is needed for the dark dapp web

>ETH 2.0 development speeding up
ETH 2.0 is YEARS away
>staking on the horizon
no user, it is not even close. the codebase is a complete clusterfuck. witness the last attempted upgrade that nearly fucked smart contracts up on eth because the devs do not have a handle on the codebase... because it is a total and complete CLUSTERFUCK. yet we are supposed to believe that staking which is many many many orders of magnitude more complex and difficult to pull off is "on the horizon". Staking is years away. informed people know this. you are spending too much time on reddit.
>strap the fuck in
...because this plane is going down.

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>ITT: Super mega deluded bag holders

what would you recommend buying instead?

Enigma they solve scaling ,staking and privacy

They are the 4d chess

literally free money swapping btc to eth rn...

Do you know that ENG is ethereum token?

ABSOLUTELY RECKT. even the blockstream kikes themselves don't even believe in it.