Is too much money a bad thing?

Is too much money a bad thing?

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Was his life good before he was rich? We all know it wasn't. He used to be fat and bald, now he's fat, bald and rich. What a fucking whinger.

He could try not being a fat ass. That's a good goal to direct your energy towards if you're rich

A low status billionaire. Imagine.

Having all the money in the world wouldn't give me everything I want. I'd still want to develop skills, learn, and create things. Between having the time to do that and spend more time with family, being a billionaire sounds great.

This is retarded rich, in both senses that he is very rich and it makes him retarded.

I used to be a F&B manager (I'm not that faggot polluting Jow Forums, restaurant management is shit and I'm never going back) in a very high end hotel in LA

Minefat had a 2 night layover after being in Vegas w/ 5/6 friends
-Took the biggest most expensive suite (the thing's a fucking 2000 ft appartment with it's own gym and office space) a bit overkill, but why not

-they were hungover as shit, so the idea was to chill in the hotel befor flight

-strict instructions to not enter. didn't want to see or talk to anyone or staff. everything was dealt by me over the phone with some cunty assistant giving me green light to send catering, cleaning etc....

-ordered full spread of food room service, a chariot with a buffet that could easily feed 15-20. morning, noon and night. came back barely touched, because although it was paid, they ordered domino's. the room service they paid for was split in takeway boxes among staff present that (~40 ppl) each went home with 2 solid meals

-had the bar fully stocked with everything available from beers to single malts. bar tab alone
was in the hi 5 figures. Only drank one bottle of vodka, we resold everything 9besth bar performance ever that month)

the whole thing reeked of boredom and desperation and gluttony, some fat fuck ordering EVERYTHING although he didn't even want or need it.

He sounds like a spoiled brat.

we were a few hours away from Yosemite, and I bet it never crossed his mind thet you could be a millionaire and go walk in the woods and enjoy one of the most beautiful places on earth. why? because it's free
To be honest, I don't kow if I despise him or if I feel bad for him

Notch is just a sad person. He was a sad person before the money.
He was a sub-par programmer, never decided or tried to get better.
Gave a lazy effort to make other games, completely quit that at a drop of a hat.
In his frequent vacations he just did the generic tourist attraction shit, now he thinks he's seen the world.
Bought a soulless multimillion dollar mcmansion to fit in with all the other richfags

He thinks he won life so he just quit living. He's like a worker bee who somehow got out of his caste. With his riches he could have the best teachers flown directly to him and the opportunity to learn anything. Could start another vidya company and just fund the development of indie games that look promising. He could literally do anything!

But nah. Rather shitpost on twitter and be lonely in his empty house full of nothing.

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Utter delusional larp. Imagine writing all that fucking garbage.

More stories please

No, but not being creative is.

He should give me some of his money to ease his burden.

one night Nicki Minaj came to eat (it was high end but flashy high end, attracted all the trashy rap people)
>Michelin star chef
>orders steak
>homemade 19 ingredient steak sauce
>the thot throws a tantrum
>mfw when I had to send one of the drivers to get A1 from 7eleven because $200 beef is about to be wasted on a threefiddy thot

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Fuck this is a very nice way to sum up his life. It's also sad

>helping out at the pool bar
>people always want to get in because "starz"
>acces to pool for hotel guests only
>chilling with the hostesses
>three fucking giants come up, I'm 6'3 but they had a full head over me, and looked like 300lbs of muscle
>"hello gentlemen, welcome to the pool bar. May I have your room number?
>-Oh we're not staying here, we just want to have a drink.
>-I sorry sir, but the pool..
>get a sharp elbow from one of the hostesses
>one of them looks like she's about to faint, or cum, or both
>turns out they were some star footballers, but I'm Yuro, so I didn't have a fucking clue
>my ass unclenches realizing I won't have to bar three dudes who could rip my head off without breaking a sweat
>"please this way, gentlemen"

>This is retarded rich, in both senses that he is very rich and it makes him retarded.

No different than most rich rappers. Although he's a programmer, he wasn't even the person who came up with the original idea for the game. He ripped off the idea from Infiniminer and got extremely lucky with it.

thx for the comfy bedtime stories fren. always fascinates me to hear what people with fuckyou money do in their daily lives. if you have any more to share pls do

and before he hired other (better) programmers to help him out the game ran like ass. frequent crashing due to memory overload on high end machines

I can actually confirm this. I felt pretty rich at the height of the bull, well over a million dollars in crypto. I made 100k on the last day before the pop.

I became a fucking asshole. Treated people like dirt. I even spat on a homeless man and laughed at him because he was lying helpless on the street. He deserved it because he didn't invest in ICOs like I did.

Well, I lost it all and *chirp* now I'm homeless. There's only one coin I'm invested in hoping to get my money back.

I have shitloads

Meribel, high end ski resort in the Alps
you probably heard of it when Schumacher had a skiing accident, it was there
mostly britbongs, quite a few Russians, who are tho richest and most insane guest

>be Yuri Russian billionaire
>want to celebrate NYE properly
>blocks the one single road leading to the resort for one day special convoy
>no idea how much it cost for the block, but must have bben retard
>block for what ?
>to have HIS FUCKING 30 METER YACHT dragged up to 1500m altitude so he can celebrate new year with friens and whore on the deck of his yacht in the garden of his chalet

tell me more about the whores that fuck-you-rich people have around them

Meribel , French ALps, I was a bartender at the time.

>be Yuri, rRussian millionaire
>want a proper NYE party in Meribel
>block the only road leading to the resort for one fullday, for what must have been a retarded amont of money
>block for what?
>to have his FUCKING 30 METER YACHT dragged up at 1500m of altitude to celebrate NYE on the deck in the garden of his chalet

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Unironically if you make it then read epictetus, ecclesiastes then job, then the gospels, then kierkegaard or you won't make it fully

read them before you make it if you want

god this is the exact nigger tier trash behavior that is absolutely rampant in Atlanta

this one still in Meribel, I got from a friend who was cleaning lady in Russian hotel

>be vassily and boris, two (most likely) russian mobsters
>decide to have a good buddy evening
>have dinner in nice hotel
>with escorts obviously
>17 fucking escorts for two dudes
>eat drink and copious amounts of coke
>go up to the room 7th floor
>noise all night
>the toilet goes through the window
>litteraly the ceramic seat, which no one ever figured out how one or two men could rip out
>crashes through the window from the 7th floor
>next morning, my friend was on duty, that room was on her floor, goes in
>pic related
>coke and condoms everywhere
>bathroom has fucking hole where the toilet used to be
>shit smeared all over the walls
>painting slahed
>they BURNED the hardwood beams, propabaly using aerosols
> hotels doesn't file a complaint for obvious reasons, but bills the repairs. how much in total is rumours only, we knew a local carpenter who did the job of restauring the beams (they were like deeply seared, not burned down) his bill alone was 50k

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sounds based

>litteraly the ceramic seat, which no one ever figured out how one or two men could rip out

There are only two bolts holding it down which can be easily loosened with pliers. One guy probably had a multitool with him.

I once saw DJ Khaled in a seafood restaurant in Ibiza. Seemed like he just wanted to take his girl out for dinner. Just one girl and not talk to anyone. Pretty humble actually, but he didn't pay the bill after he left. Rich people probably have other people who pay stuff for them.

Notch is unironically /oneofus/ and is basically a NEET who got so uber rich but is still the same old NEET
He used to browse Jow Forums back in the day, maybe he still does
Tabloid news articles shit on him because yes, he is sad, but he also holds non-liberal beliefs and hence is another ebil entitled white man billionaire
His dad died and his so obviously golddigging wife left him like the same year, all while Minecraft was on the upswing
He's not really a whiny baby just for stating his most likely true outlooks on Twitter every once in a while

i dont fucking get this. if i was this rich i would buy 3 medium-large houses for me, my brother and sister. mine would have a gym and sauna.
stop working and travel with people i know
still get a second hand car because a new one is retarded.
MAYBE, get a decent boat for sailing vacations through Friesland with my mother and father.
stay lowkey to others and try to get a smart as fuck gf on merit alone, even if that means a 6/10.
no i wont be a cheapskate, but i wont get them fucking brand name clothing, we wont go to africa/america on every holiday.
still spent money on decent home teachers for painting, violin, lifting.

oh there is one thing i might put a shitton of money in if i am actually as rich as notch, and that is the creation of games or anime/ i want to exist.
but mostly buy a animation studio in japan, scout for enthusiastic animators, give them western wages and especially work time and have them make some godly FUCKING HENTAI.
also buy up classics to release uncensored versions of everything

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I like you, user. You've got the right idea.

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also i have no idea why notch has not bought an animation studio's in japan yet

java a shit
there are tons of games with blocks. every heard of super mario?
If anything he owes more to wurm for the survival experience that he watered down to a 5 minute checklist

The game ran better but it went to shit with the awful devs that followed
We can only wonder what a great game we might have now if Minecraft had only not exploded so quickly

nice boys united.

does anyone know if he still lives in that LA place? I run a record label and I want to send him some obscure records I know he'll like.

yea some 85 million dollar mansion in LA on the hills


Send me some of your label’s music user. I like some of the LA diy shit

Yeah. Here's a recent tweet from the mansion

You are a great individual user. You have the right mindset and will surely make it. Based

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That’s over 1.16M per year in real estate tax.

Also wants to add.
I’ve been blessed and achieved wealth beyond what I ever imagined.
However my family and friends always refer to me as the rich guy and we don’t relate to anything.
Most are intimidated by my $. IE won’t join me in Vegas, wont go out to dinner because it’s too expensive, ETC.

He’s worth like 1000 times that, You think he gives a fuck?

No, it's the autism

Sounds like karma came back to get you. You are holding SingularityNET, right user? AI will be the most precious resource known to man in 5-10 years.

The NOTCHED mansion.

That's the worst part about this jackass, he could "King" anyone he wanted at any time. Just completely change someone's life on a whim. He could pay off every medical GoFundMe, campaign for better conditions for the working man in the US, fund tons of building projects a la Carnegie, screw over people who have escaped justice, work to free people unjustly imprisoned, help protect endangered species and biomes the world over, fund climate change/clean energy research, invest in innovative startups -- the list goes on and on. A million ways to improve the world, gain satisfaction from the exercise of extreme power, ways to, in a word, be a hero. But no. No. Instead he complains.

As if we needed more proof that capitalism is not a meritocracy. This man should absolutely give all his money away, maybe split it up among 5000 people or so. Certainly greater minds than his could put it to better use.

bruh release la blue girl or a new story in the same.universe with extra 。futa scenes pls

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>To be honest, I don't kow if I despise him or if I feel bad for him

>With his riches he could have the best teachers flown directly to him and the opportunity to learn anything. Could start another vidya company and just fund the development of indie games that look promising. He could literally do anything!
>But nah. Rather shitpost on twitter and be lonely in his empty house full of nothing.

Main goal would be to make an actual fully animated Katawa Shoujo with glorious sex scenes included, instead of the butchered adaptations that you see every season where they adopt a hentai game for it's story and then dont animate or suggest any sex happens.

even notch cant pump enough money into star citizen to make it a reality.

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no he is just a faggot

Good comment. This is what gets to me about the mainstream media promoting the worship of Billionaires.

Jo sille it meitsje

Nigga i sat weirdly on it once and it toppled over pulling the screws out. You dont need any tools lol.

>fat lazy retard who got extremely lucky is still fat and lazy now he has money
I'm shocked.

Hell I don't even wanna be rich. I just want enough to buy an acreage where I can start an orphanage for kids whose mum's wanted to abort them

This. Having a job is just something I do to get by. I don't hate what I do but it would be really nice if I could spend more time exercising, learning and being with close ones, that's the stuff that I enjoy in life.

Your entire scenario is prefaced on finding a good girlfriend but that is way easier said than done. Dating is already a minefield, now imagine how shitty it must be when everyone knows you are a billionaire.

thats why i wont tell most people

Dude, you great. Hentai turned to trash in 2010s. You are the saviour we need.
Make that katawa adaptation but expect there to be lotta baclash from sjw bout muh white male fantasy.

luckily japan doesnt care

At those levels of wealth most times you don't have that luxury.

Which route you animate first?
Also, pay madhouse to cover the next 2 Kaiji arks

forgot about kaiji. yeah that would be a big one.
maybe just get everything animated like ten.

Notch simply has no ambition. He could use his wealth to gain political power or influence culture but instead he is actively choosing to be a lazy neet.

Notch is the biggest faggot in the world. He plagiarized the source code for Minecraft from Infiniminer and now, even though he's filthy rich doesn't have to worry about money again, he's still got a poor person's mindset and is too stagnant and stupid to do anything meaningful with his life as any plagiarist looking for easy money would be. He doesn't spend his money on charitable causes, he doesn't use all the free time in the world to exercise, learn martial arts, skydive everyday, stop pouring jelly beans down his throat and get on a diet, go skydiving every day he doesn't use it for anything productive at all. He's exactly the sort of unimaginative, autistic dipshit who needs the curse of the lottery to haunt his pasty ass.

What this fat asshole deserves is a bunch of guys to smash his face in with cricket bats and roll him down a hill like the pathetic blob of butter that he is. Goddamnit, his existence fills me with rage; especially since my annoying little cunt of a nephew won't ever shut the fuck up about Minecraft and play another video game or put down the tablet and go outside.

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he could even hire people to do all that shit.
all he has to do is pay a shitton to lawyers and accountants and what not to make sure the manager does not do shady stuff and then just explain to the manager what it is he wants to happen.

for instance he could hire a ton of architects and make a hogwarts like house with secret passages and all kinds of hidden stuff.

If I had that kind of money I might patronize artists and make investments in public spaces and events to push a new philosophical movement according to my own views or something. Also influence politicians to go along with it.

>Notch simply has no ambition
He fulfilled his ambition. What's the point of having ambition that can't be quenched. It's out of touch with reality

Ambition drives people to mature and try and learn new things. There are some things money can't buy directly like skills and wisdom which have to be learned over time. Of course one can be content with the way things are without ambition, but based on what he's saying he clearly isn't content. As another poster said, he thinks he's 'won' and there's nothing to do. But there are other avenues to explore that money will only get you started with.

Nice for you in order to cope lol

Jealous bitch.

>campaign for better conditions for the working man in the US,
Why would a Swede care about that?

>for instance he could hire a ton of architects and make a hogwarts like house with secret passages and all kinds of hidden stuff.

Fucking faggot

Fuck off Notch

He's not good-looking or charming enough to make good use of his riches.

Haha reminds me of my Boss. He went to a Mc Donalds with me and ordered "1x everything on the menu pls". He then took ONE bite of everything and left without cleaning up the giant mess on his table.

A true piece of shit.

fuck. im also wealthy and this is me to a T. once i made my nut i became SO FUCKING LAZY.

Very rich people are groomed into being able to use wealth. When one acquires wealth outside of this loop, the logical thing is to get training as to how to use it.

This will be the first thing I'll do after making it.
o) Social interaction coach
o) personal trainer/nutritionist
o) stylist to help me shed off my autism clothes
o) start to mingle with people at my wealth level starting from simply observing and absorbing their customs and habits, then moving ever closer to interacting with them.

Notch is based, have you seen his twitter trolling?
Easy to say "oh boo hoo, you're rich" but none of you guys are Notch so you can't know what it's like.

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Lol Jesus Christ
I took all my friends to suite seats at MLB nhl ufc and a march madness event and felt good but also kind of like a show off
Also donated at least 10k to different charities and volunteered 150+ hours since 2017 December bull
You people are disgusting

I like Notch

checked and this
> no reasons to keep trying
he should try loose some weight first and stop being a faggot

Given he was ambitions in his past, that would mean he already matured given your logic, right?

>AI will be the most precious resource known to man in 5-10 years.

precious implies scarcity. In 10 years AI will not be scarce or thought of as precious by humans who will resent it for stealing their livelihood.

You forgot Hegel. That one alone takes years.

I just wanna try out a cancer free life.
That means out of town. Maybe move to Argentina or some other developing country, since first world is doomed imo. Do some apocalyptic prepper shit, run a niche business like growing exotic herbs and plants.
In town you cant even sleep properly. When I go to country, I go to bed at 9-10 pm, read and sleep. Here I browse Jow Forums till 2am at best. I dont need to smoke outside of city, I can watch birds do their shit and rustle around the feeding table instead of TV.
I dont actually like my work, cos I need to do what I dont believe in, but check is good, so I keep on.
I dont think I'll be looking for a waifu if I make it. First of all, I wanna make my parents and sis comfy/ Sis has 3 kids and is married to a good for nothing. They need a bigger house, for sure, cos rn all 5 of them sleep in the same room. My parents are in their 60s and are running out of time to enjoy the life. They need a villa in the Mediterranean, cos it's good for health and beautiful.

Sponsoring cool art also sounds great. I am yet to see a good Coppelia ballet. If I were a blnaire, I could stage one for meself.

imagine the cuck that actually wrote that piece of "journalism"

>my life will start when I get rich

EVERY TIME. You'd be exactly like Notch

100%. I'd like to lift weights, play piano, read all day, whatever. Achieving financial independence is just my gateway to that.

"Temporarily embarrassed billionaire" detected


He should pump LINK for the memes, it will get him out of his existential dread for a few months.

Good point you got me there, lol. He could work to improve his own country then.

there's nothing stopping you from being involved in your local community.


Fryslan boppe fren.