>start dating girl, nothing too serious
>she randomly loooks through my camera roll one night
>see my CSW colllection
>”aww user is this your dad, you must really love him to have so many pictures of him”
>figured that was easier than explaining why I have a collection of pics of an Aussie boomer that I use to shitpost on a Mongolian dick slappping forum
>3 months later, things are getting a bit more serious and she wants to meet my parents
Wtf do I do? How do I keep my lie going? My dad loooks nothing like csw.
Help my gf thinks Craig is my dad
Just show your real parents and don't give a fuck.
looks like you're going to have to bite the bullet and go to Australia to let her meet Craig
Fuck off faggot this shit thread was already posted a few days ago, god damn fucking pasta
If I ever got a gf, I wouldn’t know how to explain my collection of apus and pepes
post your favorite Craig pics
Craig Wright is unironically my dad - my mom hates him and I think he's a cunt too.
message craig and let him know the situation.
This could be your chance to have THE Satoshi nagabogo as your surregate father
he lives in london now
Semi related: do you guys have a hard convincing your girlfriends to meet you in person? She always has an excuse or another appointment. I paid to fly her to Illinois for a month and she still had other things come up with her parents or relatives
This was posted the last week
Seems like Craig will bankrupt your relationship... stiff
nice b8
he can't set foot in Australia
OP, all you have to do is deny her the right to see your parents
if she asks why, just say 'You don't owe her anything, why should I show you my parents?"
Do this even if you're getting married, she doesn't have to confirm it, your word is more than enough
my gf saw pic related when scrolling through my phone. one of many pictures of Dr. Creg. She knows about him though and knows he is satoshi, etc. she just thinks its funny I have so many pictures of him. She asked if I wanted him to fuck me. I said I wasn't sure.
I'm dying
He is stern but fair. I do love him, guys.
based and stiffpilled
>my gf thinks Craig is my dad
I've read this pasta before. Craig, is that you?