Go to Ambrosus telegram and join the moon party
Go to Ambrosus telegram and join the moon party
Go go go!!!! Buy
TRAC-quality FUD
Go to telegram yourself faggot
blame it on a 300MC coin.... kys faggot
I guess you missed the threads yesterday showing they've been fudding for MONTHS
my sides amb is dieing and everyone knows this by now
A CB listing simply doesn't matter anymore.
Not FUD, just a fact.
it's a fucking poll they're doing and someone said coinbase as a joke.
Next pump target to 2500 sats get in now
Twittter is going crazy and attracting new whales
this is true
So much chatter about AMB on twitter rn.
Sounds like people are suggesting to buy at 1600 support retest
Let’s get it jugs.
All I saw was some kids having fun on biz. Fudding shit tier tokens is what we do here, deal with it faggot.
>shit tier tokens
>gov mandated partnerships with South Korea and the Eu
Pick one faggot.
>government mandated
Amb did a fucking show&tell for some low grade future secretaries in Brussels. Reality being this shitfest of a project is a classic crpyto hustle. You deserve to get fucked.
gtfo pajeet
AMB is the saddest shitcoin next to REQ. I feel back for REQeez though cause they're so damn naive, not so with AMBlets. AMBlets are the most manipulative, disgusting cunts in crypto. Fuck you guys are dumb. how many biz threads have you made promising nestle and migros in this last year? NO PRICE ACTION FOR AMB TODAY! NO PRICE ACTION FOR YOU EVER!
Go read a book you fucking nitwhit. The time to accumulate is now over user.
I have received information that there are no more dev tokens. Nobody is selling any more. Pump groups promised not to sell a single cent until they reach 3000
You do realize other companies are unironically doing better then Ambrosus? You call this shit gov mandated? Wtf is this USSR comrade? Amb may track a 5 steaks and 3 jars of honey, but competition has you beat user. Once you realize, drop your bags next pump and stop shilling average at best projects.
when mainnet sir?
End of summer possibly
You are an idiot sir and I’m not even joking.
Ambrosus is one amongst all crypto companies and even IBM that will conquer supply chain. Their tech alone is enough reason
Hahaha. The cope
Sry faggot, tech is from alibaba and end of the summer is topkek. Keep delaying the needful sir...
and keep buying trash tokens
>doesn’t know about the patents
1 cent stamp sensor faggot. Their just trolling you punk ass origin trial idiots with aliexpress shit.
Twitter "experts" go nuts over AMB, I'm just here enjoying the ride
Good Sergey and checked
Kek, I watched past messages on this board, you kids have been waiting for years and are down -90%, feels good to be buying the absolute bottom of this crypto-coin
I been dcaing. I’m Down to .126c
this is unironically an exit pump