Holo thread: Holoports launching next week
Holo thread: Holoports launching next week
cant wait to get my literal money printing machine
can you explain the token swap? like what happens if i decide to keep my HOT and not exchange it to HOLO? will i still profit if the price of HOLO goes up? I mean the swap is 1:1 right? I just don't get why they decided to have both simultaneously and not burn the tokens
bump should i sell?
TRX had both tokens for some time
AION had both tokens for some time
NIM had two tokens for some time
People set up bots to do arb so it's irrelevant unless you make bots. They are doing it because there are legal implications to locking people's funds they invested in you after a certain amount of time.
So there is no deadline it's just a swap. AION still has tons of unregistered ERC-20 tokens that will be swappable forever through a smart contract because they too are based in the west and don't want to be sued.
Yes sell
Does anyone know what the new Chan will be on the holo network? I heard there were some anons working on it. Also I just reach my million target. Should I accumulate more or start accumulating chainlink or xcash?
selling now might prove not to good as we are days away from ports shipping out
yeah that's fine with me! i just wonder if I am at a disadvantage if I swap my tokens at a later date? Normally that shouldn't matter right?
i have had a buy order at 26 SAT for so fucking long now. i am hoping btc will pump a few hundreds more and HOT drops to that price. at this point its like a matter of principles
>Not building your own holoport for $26 and already have it working for months
heh, nothing personal but buying a holoport was stupid
aren't the holoport owners priviledged in some way? when can DIY fags participate?
HoloPort owners are supporting the project during testing and get a return of more fuel earned, plus the advantage of a plug and play device, stickers and T-shirt
okay but they don't earn more fuel forever, just in the initial phase, right?
You can set your own hosting price and can be determined by your reputation so the longer you have been doing it the more reputation and fuel you can earn.
what price do you expect per token in 2020 - 2022 ?
fren pls tell me
solving problems no one has
Just put buy order at 27 bro. The 27 wall has been holding sooo long. You'll regret when it starts pumping.
>What does 3% matter, if the reward is >1000%
I’m pretty bullish and once fuel is released the marketing will start along with partnerships too all in your timeframe. Start around 0.20 cents to 2.50 in three years
muh principle
How can you have a bad reputation? Isn't it just plug and play? How can you be a bad actor?
Isn't the reputation thing sort of like eBay sellers and their rankings? But with an eBay seller you can have a bad ranking because you don't ship shit on time or whatever. Not exactly understanding how you can be a bad actor and have a worse reputation with a heliport compared to someone else when it's just plug and earn
wait... do you mean $0.20 - $2.50 per token?
.01 end of April
Lots of things can affect the ports performance like location, internet speed, etc. understand once hot conversion to fuel the supply will be zero as the way it’s set up. Price will be detrimend by cost of hosting.
If your internet is shit/unreliable you can become a bad actor
Thank you
>Should I accumulate more or start accumulating chainlink or xcash?
More Holo. And keep in mind it's a two year hold minimum.
Lock and load holochads
Arthur said $1 in a couple years, early 2018
What's faster, buying holo or earning via machine?
No one knows what machines will really earn you yet, there’s lot of variables. It could go either way but I prefer to buy the token
Yeah I plan on holding this for a while
Buy the token and host with your own pc when the code releases is probably the best move
LOL what a scam
Fine by me, you’d have to be a literal retard to not see this coin will pump to fuck all either way.
>Yeah I plan on holding this for a while
Haha you probably will user.
Most token holders are used to scammy blockchain projects and have never seen a real project before
>pump to fuck all
Sounds about right
I pray you have a suicide bag
how much do you have?