How do I escape fast food wage cuckery? >34 years old >no skills >make just above minimum wage at mcdonalds >live with 5 roommates >never seen a vagina
I just want to live a good life. Don't I deserve a good life? If I'm still doing this at 40 I will unironically kill myself
did you at least save some money during your wagercuck years? if the answer is yes then buy chainlink, if the answer is no then better kill yourself now.
David Hill
you don't need to wait until 40 to KYS
Liam Perez
Buy link fren
Dominic James
pay 3k for a short welding class and then move to Vietnam and become a welder. Rent there is cheap and you can make a comfy living easily. If you're stuck in the US as a wageslave, you have to jump between jobs often and use savings to take at home vacations to maintain sanity. Don't stay at the same place for too long. Also never jack off it will kill you
Camden Taylor
>Not jerking it 4 times a day
Enjoy dieing from prostate cancer lmao
Camden Gutierrez
Join the Electrician's Union. You'll start at half of what a journeyman electrician makes (roughly $45K), full benefits, paid training. Follow their 5-year apprenticeship program, pass and become a journeyman electrician. Be comfy forevermore.
Evan Lopez
studies have shown that masturbating increases your risk of prostate cancer but okay
Zachary Lopez
>be comfy forevermore there's nothing comfy about working 60 hours a week for shit pay and most likely never retiring
Jayden Garcia
What a fucking loser.
t. 25 year old software dev
Grayson Phillips
You must be one of those stupid and unmotivated residential electricians. Literally bottom of the barrel for the industry.
Eli Foster
no way I wasn't dumb enough to go for electrician. I got into welding for the navy and MRI machines, it was decent for a while but I haven't worked an actual job in along time. Long term the best advice is get out of America. There's hundreds of better countries to live in if you are going to be a laborer. Laborers are slaves to Israel in the US. The US is just a farm for Israel owned wageslaves to toil. Move to Vietnam, weld 4 days a week, rent an apartment for 100$ a month, get 5$ massages whenever you want. It's a good life if you got that route.
Samuel Campbell
>Source: betas on a salmon fishing image board
Oliver White
You’re a fucking beta lmao neck yourself faggot
Xavier Cox
You link cucks are the worst.
Carter Rodriguez
>If I'm still doing this at 40 I will unironically kill myself Great. In the Jow Forums we call this setting a stop loss. It's the right move in my opinion.
Jackson Reed
Do the world a favour and take some chinks, muzzies or niggers with you please
Leo Moore
>p-please someone else do it I don't support you retarded nazis but the NZ shooter was right. You people really are a bunch of pussies and are waiting for someone else to "save" you.
Imagine being part of a movement where everyone is just begging everyone else to actually do something. At least the muslims unironically just go bomb themselves and they do it consistently. WIth you white nationalists it seems that the stars have to align for you to actually do something.
Well, glad this is the case. Wouldn't want to fight a second war against you cucks.
Ayden Jones
Where I can short you? Looking for easy x10
Colton Price
I’m just saying he could turn his suicide into a net benefit for the rest of humanity
Joseph Hernandez
I’m secular Persian incidentally
Michael Johnson
>Don't I deserve a good life? clearly not since you have actively not worked at all towards a good life
I just turned 24 and start a job making 140k next monday, you jelly?
Isaac Baker
Net benefit for who? You are just killing innocent people, and for what?
Eli Hernandez
I’m not killing anybody my tattooed, effeminate friend
Jayden Barnes
>innocent people destroying white race cucked and bluepilled
Alexander Allen
Well, Satan, we meet again.
Cameron Moore
You need to start bringing in more money man. If you have the body for trades - I'd look into unironically starting at the bottom, or getting into a comfy trade like plumbing/electrical.
Adam Hughes
The NZ shooter said it in his manifesto, the only ones killing white people are white people.
>low birth rates >no protection of white traditions >whites are either megacucks or megaracist cucks. No rational inbetween like all other racists
I mean. Sure, in Europe muslims are doing great crimes and that is on them, but who let them in? I mean, it's not even that they are muslims. They are absolute third worlders with no education. The only thing uneducated people know how to do is violence. You never let masses of uneducated peoples just come into your country and cum into your wives. But white people did.
Gabriel Martin
Yep, white people are retarded.
Michael Reed
Luke Flores
why is Vietnam so great? genuinley curious. Do they have lots of construction and real men's work instead of cuckold service bullshit like the US?