How is it that billionaires who control huge conglomerates aren't exploding with euphoria 24/7...

How is it that billionaires who control huge conglomerates aren't exploding with euphoria 24/7? I always see these pics of Zuckerberg and he doesn't even look happier than the average person. If I were in that position I'd probably just be rolling around on the floor grimacing and flailing my arms around while imagining myself as some kind of Godzilla-sized mech rampaging through the streets of San Francisco.

Anyone else here wonder about this?

Attached: zuck.jpg (740x899, 165K)

>hedonic treadmill

In spite of his awkwardness he always gave me hostage vibes. Like he has an unseen gun to his head all the time.

if making money is fun you are going to lose it all

Money provides diminishing returns in terms of happiness

>In spite of his awkwardness he always gave me hostage vibes. Like he has an unseen gun to his head all the time.

Do you think CEOs get that from stuff like media shitting on them, wallstreet breathing down their throat, etc?

>worry about million things in your company with millions of people working in it
>worry about getting JUSTED by media / law
>sleep less than 6h for years
>gotta be nice around all the dumb people

At least he doesnt have to worry about his health because he aint human anyway.

>a jew
>not human

sounds about right

If I had his money banked I wouldn't care. And the media has only been shitting on him since fairly recently, they were sucking silicon valley's cock until evil wrongthinkers started making waves. Maybe this week's headlines will appease them and he'll be their darling again. All SV public figures are playing the same gee shucks tech fag routine, but he seems particularly forced and uneasy. On top of being an autistic millennial. Steve Jobs was the only SV personality who seemed comfortable in his own skin and to think for himself.

I’ll never believe that his life is better than just making 50M and buying a few spots around the world and fucking beautiful thots while being a full time artist, writer, or musician.

You would never make it that far if it made you actually happy. You would quit after making 10 mil or something.

There’s gotta be a sweet spot. The richest men seem like they’re all stuck with a 5/10 roastie, max 2 outfits and boring af lives

It isn't. At a certain point you just don't need more money unless you want to try and rule the world or some shit. Once you hit 10 million, with common sense investments, that's it. You won. Go enjoy your life.

Attached: bezos divorced - zuckerberg sweats.jpg (826x948, 183K)

He is a reptilian jew hybrid

Happy people dont need to show the world that they are happy by constantly wearing a fake smile like every loser does.

>steve jobs was comfortable with himself
Too bad his pancreas wasnt

Sword of Damocles

Mark is just a vessel for a very old demon. They are not happy about the flesh prison and keeping up (shapeshifting) appearances.

I don't agree but most of the billionaires got to that level because they were passionate about their projects not about the money.
You can still get rich if you only care about the money too but it's harder.

10 million is nothing over a lifetime. Maybe 100-200 million.


The happiest people Ive ever met in my 40 years of boomer life were Vietnamese farmers (and Vietnamese in general) who worked all day in nice weather doing mildly physical work and made juuuust enough to eat, have shelter and clothes. About 10$/day in their country.

This guy always looks pretty happy about it

Attached: 1532770453422.png (796x419, 414K)

This guy has completely lost his mind the last couple of years

You americans are so stupid/funny xD

What the fuck are you talking about? You could buy a couple of sweet properties and still have enough to generate hundreds of thousands a year in passive income from fairly sensible investments.

Fpbp, /thread, and nobody even bothers understanding how their own reward system works... never gonna make it..

I would unironically trade my life for that. The end game is to be happy.

The amount of power he has feels 1000 times better than fucking a 10/10 woman. That's what you hedonists don't get. You think once you've "made it" you can enjoy life by traveling, eating best food, fucking women etc. It'll get boring. Just try eating your favorite food 2 weeks straight. It'll taste normal.

He got where he is slowly over time dude.

A simple mansion in L.A. costs 10mils alone.. not everyone is a Europoor like you..

Just get a fly condo in Miami or Hawai for 1m imo

They get used to it

The secret to happiness is having your life gradually improve in some way every day. If you suddenly get rich and it's only downhill from there it'll actually make you unhappier. That's how the brain works.

Project lifelog


Mo money mo problems as BIG would say

This fag is the least deserving of all billionaires to be a billionaire but I'm no commie so he coo

He does, doesn’t he?

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