I believe both have some solid potential to at least 5x
my issue is- which one of them will move first
NEXT has the full launch in april but pnk looks like its on the ground floor
I believe both have some solid potential to at least 5x
my issue is- which one of them will move first
NEXT has the full launch in april but pnk looks like its on the ground floor
Does PNK have any catalysts? If not, buy NEXT.
either go all in NEXT or 50/50 imo
This, you need to trade based on upcoming catalysts, that’s altcoins 101
Quite interesting to see how it will pan out.
oh sweet, hadn't seen this yet. thanks
I put 15 eth on next at 0.0019 eth and i just put in 2 eth into pnk just in case at 0.000051 eth, also check out stash i got in at 0.00000015 eth with 8 eth and doing nicely
Is PNK just another ByteBall? (now Obyte) [GBYTE]
Never mind I watched the video
what the fuck is this shit? fuck off rakesh
Actually XBASE is looking better for me. (#1 volume IDEX) Probably people dumping ICO bags but i'm invested in much bigger marketcap exchange tokens with MUCH less volume so it's a no brainer.
atm best shots are xen, stash and xbase
pnk/pkg are moving too but have less potential
next doesn't have enough hype
>doesn't have enough hype
not enough hype *yet* - they haven't even started marketing for it as it's still in beta until 1.1 comes out in april... biz once again is fucking ridiculously early kek
compare xbase with next
xbase has 100x more potential due to uniqueness of services
next is yet another 13-in-a-dozen shitcoin exchange
Witness a pajeet finger pooper that did zero research, enjoy fomoing into NEXT later, you sunshine.
I did my research actually
how are you so sure I dont have any next bags?
I just say that xbase has 100x more potential, objectively
refute me or fud all you want, yet it's still true
Xbase token has 1 use=lower fees.
PNK literally ONLY pumped because of a ridiculously thin orderbook and some faggot making a SINGLE shill post on biz and conning a few idiots. Itll die as soon as taht thread dies, why risk that? NEXT all the way
If you DID do your research, you would see that NEXT has much better tokenomics then XBASE.
That is the objective truth, I did make money on the pump though
There's plenty of dead projects that have good tokenomics. I haven't purchased anything since QNT first got shilled. I'm going with XBASE for now.
lower fees? kek
you mean 0 fees if you hold >150k xbase
Yeah, almost the same for me. I bought QNT in like August/sept and then CHX a few weeks later, and have not touched a damn thing shilled on here since then until XBASE. It made my autist spidey sense go-off. I did pick up a much smaller bag of NEXT too, though.
>The Solution
>Kleros connects users who need to solve disputes with jurors who have the skills to fairly settle them. Our resolution layer uses blockchain technology and crowdsourced jurors to adjudicate disputes in a fast, secure, and affordable manner.
Unironically the dumbest blockchain pitch I've heard since, well.. Pink Date.
I haven't been on Jow Forums for ages since I don't want to be in 2017/2018 mode of refreshing Blockfolio every second.
Having a reshuffle of my bags now things are low energy.
Go 50:50 in NEXT and XBase
In going to second this. Took my XBase earning and got a Next masternode
Next to me look better than xbase.More solid token and more upcoming short term.
You need KYC to run a masternode lol
Dether $DTH
Ink Protocol $XNK
Oh noooo how terrible