Richest Rothschild's kids on IG

Richest Rothschilds daughters on IG :

>pic fucking related

Attached: Screenshot_20190323-155336_Instagram.jpg (1439x1802, 1.04M)

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Their house in OP pic

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She's unusually attractive.

just typical rich people. they go on expensive vacations and wear expensive clothing. basically just like any other rich family. it's what they do in private that's probably interesting...

Can you imagine dating this girl and meeting her parents on a sunday afternoon dinner?

will instagram kids inherit and manage the empire they built?
the private elevator just in the living room.

Was Howard Hughes the last based billionaire? All these people do is go on bullshit vacations and never step outside of their comfort zone. Hughes was like fuck that, I'm gonna design and fly airplanes. What an alpha.

kek. kikes man.

if link moons to 1000 usd i could imagine myself in that neet lifestyle using a private elevator

she looks bored as fuck

i doubt a poor guy would be allowed to date them. they probably only date guys that have money or from wealthy families.

Guaranteed these girls lost their virginity between 12-15. You dont even imagine how laid back and easy it is for those rich kids to fuck. That's a thing that striked me hanging around the upper class: sex is no big deal

What country?


switzerland but the elite really is cosmopolite

that jew nose

I just realized something about you. Remind me to tell you later

Broh she is a Rothschild, she will marry her cousin or at least someone from another rich jewish family

The elite travels constantly. They have family and a big network of high net worth friends all over the world. Their life is like this weekend there is X birthday in London then I will see Y in Scotland visit his new domain then some mariage in Marocco then visit friends in Poland, NY, LA Tokyo etc etc. Parties everywhere all the time.

she will marry in her social circle but she will have fucked plenty of guys since then. One of them (not the rotschild) fell for me a while ago.

Should i share Olivia "s snapchat ? Its simple to write with Her and try your luck

They have no friends and usually eat children while satan does shit with their asses

It's unironically Elon Musk. Of course, just like Hughes he's going insane.
that time when she wanted to fuck a sand nog. They always have some handsome ultra rich sand nog in their circle.
>dont worry guys he's not my bf just a ff i fuck once in a while

Musk doesn't actually do any of the shit though. Hughes was the actual test pilot for his airplanes.

they probably get so many messages they don't bother to read them all. they probably only respond to people they know. unless you are like turbo chad or something. then they might say hi.

They pay a pajeet to answer all the messages.
Eventually you can fall in love with him.
blue eyed girls always fall for that dark skin mysterious guy. Rich like us but with that exciting exotism. Guaranteed this guy fucked more girls at 16 that all of you

did Huges and Musk both make their millions instread of coming into them.

new money= daring, adventerous, intelligent

old money=maintain status quo, indoctrinate their children so they dont squander their money.

I'd rather take that disgraced CEO from Theranos over her.


Fuck off with your cuck fantasies you pathetic little rat

>most well placed for drinking from sparking the new paradigm
>place the same old Great Game ( that always ends the same, too )
Retarded kikes, they literally have all the money in the world and squander it on ancestral shit.
Do they even donate even a cent to biological immortality research ?
I bet they don't even have underground black labs doing human experiment, what a bunch of retards.

dont be mad poltard that's the truth

Good point. And ya I'd rather be new money any day. Also that's why old money doesn't like new money, because it reminds them that their market share is being chipped away and that's hard to handle.

Why do these people wear so much fucking jewelry? jfc...

Pathetic vermin

Their lives look boring.

They are boring and they have no hunger for anything
Bourgeois mediocrity until they die

so THIS is supposed to be that evil empire family?
bunch of millenial turbonormie faggots on instagram
there has to be some bigger overlord...this is sad and disappointing

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The kikes are basically niggers or women without concept of the future, living in the now.
You'd think they have a big, overarching plan, But it's really just a serie of self-serving short-term schemes.

No one on the wheels m8

400 billion net worth (i'm sure they have more). That's nothing compared to banks and large funds. They aren't pulling the strings of anything. And there is a lot of rivalry and wars between them.

you are poltard yourself
she said on the other photo it is not her bf
but he looks like a cool dude would hang out with him

>But it's really just a serie of self-serving short-term schemes.
they became filthy rich because the early Rots aimed for long term wealth.

I know they're not, but this is where redpill trace ends
Think it was plot all along to eliminate the lesser competition
...the bigger dawgs hid themselves
all we know they are of ancient egyptian ancestry, not much else

>This is supposed to be that evil empire family?

Quite literally only two young girls from the family, still dont know 90% of the rest of the family.

it's not her bf means he's one of her fuck friends. She knows people wouldn't approve a non-white relationship.

Nope, from swindling the central bank of england to creating wars, everything they ever did or funded is 10 years outcome max.

Thinking there's secret masters is soothing.
There's not, and it's terrifying.
Deal with reality, and plan accordingly.

the dyor
there are faggots above them
study soviet glownigger archives
though little is known to plebs like us

wrong. If anything they are always thinking about keeping their wealth through time. Needs a lot of planning. I wouldn't be surprised if they funded the team behind bitcoin in the first place so they can store their wealth in a uncensorable asset.

its not that theres masters
its just the masters are just as stupid and human and fallible as you are.

its why we have to put God at the top of all heirarchies. becuase if there was a dude behind the wheel all hope would be crushed under incompetint overlords in perpetuity.
Wanna fuck uber-rich, spoiled, naive, jewish thots? Start a sex-cult!

they sponsored and mentored money skeleton
said it in their amas

The Rotschild ING bank has a lot of ties with tether.

can some user sneak into their lives and report interesting info here?

How did you get to know the elite of Switzerland? What were they like?


That's just their daughters. women are all stupid NPC's no matter what family they come from. they are all literally the same. Now the men of that family is a different story. What the rothschild men do would be interesting im sure.

Their sons are travelling, saving whales and flinging shit with drumpf on twitter
It's ogre

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itt poor fags imaging things they know nothing about

Ineffective thot patrol of your daughters is sign of low power.
Not even talking about going public on social media.

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>no reply
thats how you know its bullshit

>Can you imagine dating this girl and meeting her parents on a sunday afternoon dinner?

Excuse me Baron, could you kindly pass the baby heart soufflé?

proof needed

literally told you where to look for, you lazy fag

no you didnt you stupid cunt spoonfeed me

Honestly, sounds pretty horrible

Also show Patrick Melrose portrayed lifestyle of elites pretty accurately I would say, and it looked horrible, but with money

also this

Jesus I can't leave the house for 30 min without having my biztards mad.

>meet the daughter (8/10) of an affluent swiss guy because I'm organizing an event and she happens to work with me for two week
>she finds me handsome
>I have ways of taming her dominant personality so she's probably not used to it
>I kind of become her obsession because I'm hard to get and I surely reminds her her absent daddy
>be out of the country for a week visiting a friend
>she asked if she can stay in my appartment
>comes back a week later
>fucking marker tags on the walls, some furniture destroyed, fridge door destroyed
>call her and asked wtf happened
>she threw a party
>asked her to pay for the damage
>she ghosts me
>I'm flabberglasted... fucking cunt is filthy rich and can't pay like 2000 USD ?
Never talked to her again after that. I'm sure she saw me like a pleb making a fuss for 2k. In her social circle people wouldn't have talked about money. This is how cunt goes through life with daddy's money and absolutely no sense of responsability. Her life is all about party and visiting friends all over the world. She doesn't spend 1 weekend without a group of friends

How rich are we talking though? mulimillionnaire business owner? Or trillionnaire lizard people rich?

This was in Geneva I'm guessing?

Cucked af

>>she asked if she can stay in my appartment

you're a dumb cunt

Shows your class. It's no big deal.

Multimillionnaire. Her family is old money though.
It was for a friend of her visiting her and that friend agreed to pay a rent for the week so I said ok and explicitly forbid them to throw a party.
It's just that these kids have big houses and apartments everywhere + absent parents. Father is usually too busy doing business so you have all these kids with a lot of money + free time + empty houses + drugs + a general laid back attitude about life that makes sex normal to happen.

>I have ways of taming her dominant personality so she's probably not used to it

ah yes... sure sounds like it

That's why she was literally begging me to have sex. But it all went poof as soon as she saw I was really mad at her and thought it was easier for her to just ghost me.
I also dated the 10/10 daughter of the CEO of a multimillion company when I was studying abroad but she wasn't like that at all. I found her boring but in restrospect i should have had wifed her.
>t. being born with good facial genetics.


>pls user, i want to have sex with you but first rent your place to my friend, you are so different and tamed me but you gotta wait til after this transaction teehee
t. "rich" heiress and not a junkee conwoman

rotchilds are not that rich nor are they evil family that is total myth/nonsense

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Her friend payed for the rent... still dont understand to this day why 2k was a big deal for her...Maybe her father didnt give her a lot of money and she was kind of broke with all the travels she did.
pic related

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tales from da basement

Yep and it's right in the very centre of the city. Probably would sell for a couple billion.

She just didn't respect you I think, and had poor morals.

NW 25 mil. People can front like they're rich because their parents are, but it's not the same. Depending on how disciplined the parents are the kids can't just come up with cash. The kids usually have some assets but are not liquid at all.

No worries, if she did what you asked her not to do after you gave a favor, then her life will be its own punishment. She lacks discipline, and that is one of the cruelest things you can allow.

10/10 made me lol. It's all true but I'm kind of an autist and prefer being alone. Tfw can slay pretty pussy but prefer to pay hookers.

Jews aren't white you retard.

Shut up kike.

>No worries, if she did what you asked her not to do after you gave a favor, then her life will be its own punishment. She lacks discipline, and that is one of the cruelest things you can allow.
That's what I was thinking at the time. There is no way a person like that can have job. Just checked her linkedin and after years of shitty positions as a trainee she finally made it in a big company. She must earn 7-8k per month.
the mother, barroness, has very close tied with Israel.
>blond hair
>blue eyes
>white skin
>not white...
auew buddy

you're thinking long term but not lifetime. Her personal relationships will all disintegrate. At best she will have money. Honestly, I doubt that she will even have that in the longterm. She'll have tainted memories of people she burned bridges to or people that she is so reliant on that she can't be friends with.

The best revenge is living well. Virtue is irreducible. Either be good or be good at it. I know gangsters and mob men that can never retire. They can only hustle until they run out of breath and die gasping for air as they lament their final error. Live well; you don't want that. Family or proteges that you raised to surpass you is the only thing that the spirit can maintain energy for.

this weekend there is X birthday in Iowa then I will see Y in Nebraska and later some marriage in Oklahoma.

similar distances, the main difference being the first three places you listed are massive shitholes compared to mine. it doesn't sound too appealing.

She revenge fucked you for not fucking her by rekting your place. You should have told her "I don't know you well enough to let you stay at my place", then she'd have fallen for you for realz.

Live and learn broseph, story was cool

I know it's comforting to believe some family is pulling the strings to all this shit, but the real truth is that no one knows at all what they're doing and the human race simply keeps fucking itself over through incompetence.
Extinction within the next millenium is very likely. That's the real red pill.
But poltards won't swallow that because reality's too depressing for them.

Lol. That's not rich you wagie fuck. Nice attempt to disguise the fact by calling it "old money". What? Did they inherit 100k of "old money"? Sad!

I'm a multimillionaire btw, and it means shit.

desu. comfort doesn't come until 10 mil and even then you need to be careful. You can't be frivolous until 30-50 mil, depending on your tastes.