Personal debt at all time high

>personal debt at all time high
>nobody can afford their brand new cars, houses and inner city apartments
Why isn't there a bigger push towards van living Jow Forums? It would solve the housing cost problem, force people to stop buying shit they can't afford, and they'd be more happy and content with what they have.

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It's only practical if you are young and it's not practical long-term, maybe 4 years tops. The majority of people who do this are just saving money for better living standards. Also they do it out of necessity so if you don't need it then why bother

Here lemme just stuff my wife and Chads kids into this here unlabeled windowless van.

Van living is the pinnacle of american culture and live style. I agree, vans are not bad at all compared to the usual cardboard boxes you call houses. Won't work anywhere where people are used to a proper roof over their head, that is anywhere except for third world countries.

well you need water and waste water management
how do you clean your ass in van for your boyfriend

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$10/month gym membership. Unlimited bathroom access with showers.

Gypsies. Gypsies everywhere.

so you like using open style showers like is prison and concentration camps
the one thing is bathroom ok, nobody gives a fuck about space
solve the bathroom problem
the gym is fucking hell

I would do it, but having to use shitty gym showers is horrible. They barely even clean them.
Does there exist an RV shower?

>be me
>phd student
>rent a house
>rent out spare rooms
>I end up paying no rent/utilities
>Don't need to live in a van

So to enter you have to climb over a bench and shimmy around a table?

>can't browse internet too long because no battery
>freezing at night

these and usually at places like that you need to stay in certain "grounds" and cant just sleep next to lake, so now you are stacked with 25 other vans/RVs in some shithole lot next to lake/beach..

RV ads are all fake and glam looking whereas in reality you dont have freedom like that and end up sleeping in RV lots or shit camp grounds

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I bought a 25 foot motorhome for 1000 bucks. I've been living in it a few months now. Downsides are getting fresh water and finding places to flush turds. Was thinking of just driving out of town onto a back road and just dumping the poop there. Otherwise it's pretty sweet anons

My motorhome has two showers. One inside and one outside. Believe me fags, you should take the motorhome pill

this see
how hard it will be for me to break in you motor home, I could probably just punch trough the wall or use a saw blade
you can just leave it and go places and expect it to be in one peace

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There's not a lot of niggers around here. It's been all good so far. It's also my personal vehicle. So it's usually not far away. Plus it cost 1000 bucks faggot. And I have insurance on

>ubi happens
>benevolent government provides enough
>everyone just live in your car, shower at a gym
have we made it, Jow Forums

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Imagine falling for boomer propaganda that being homeless is cool. This is disgusting.

g8 m8
now we are all street shitters
imagine the smell !

this is literally what homeless people do

do you want to be homeless?

>I’m not homeless
>I live in a van down by the river

You can add a toilet, not that hard. Can even have a shower in a big van.
>what is a heater
>what is an unlimited data plan and/or free wifi mooching
The whole point of stealth vanning is to park wherever you want, and nobody knows you're living there.
By any official definition, it is a home.

how would that toilet work, are you gonna shit in a cat litter

all other aspects are cool

Those newer high roof vans would really not be bad for a single person

You don't because if you lived in a van your boyfriend would probably be fine with a dirty hole(poop comes out of it anyways)

Open style showers like a prison? I'm going to go out on a limb here and say youve never seen the inside of a gym in your life because any half decent gym will not have open style showers you faggot

You can literally buy a house for the amount of money these things go for.

There's a gigantic untapped market for efficiently-designed mini home daily drivers for millenials, genz, and myself. It's as if nobody has thought this shit through. Billions are on the table.

>AI car
>all electric
>entire car is your living space
>stand up shower
>solar panel charges the car as it slowly drives in circles
>rent out unused half of car
>loud roommate playing hispanic music
>earplugs with earmuffs to sleep in your rolling tumbling AI car
>want to get out
>can't get out without paying toll
>open laptop
>work from home (half of a car you can't drive) on advertisements for phones on the internet
the future is grim

Au contraire. The future is bright.

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hobo nigger I have figured it out

I have some land, and there I can make a out house / septic tank shower system

I can park my mobile there where if I need to go places.


Intriguing concept

Id pay 300k+ for a self driving smart motorhome with a service that knows all the camp spots and waste and water management
Imagine waking up at a new trail head every other day with easy instructions to handle upkeep

I've actually had this idea for over a year now
>buy empty lot on outskirts of san francisco or somewhere in sililicon valley
>build what looks like a mobile home park, but squash the homes together as closely as possible
>instead of filling it with standard, low income trailers, fill it with upscale "tiny houses" and charge silicon valley fucks a ridiculous price, albeit lower than any apartment in the area, to live there

it could work too
>20 acres, for example, is 871200 aq feet
>assume only 60% goes to actual housing
>each tiny house is 400 sq feet
>comes out to 1306 units
>times 750(which is ABSURDLY low for silicon valley) = 980k per MONTH in rent
>little to no upkeep required
Could this work?

with ubi i would literally move in the shittiest cabin in the woods somewhere not even kidding

what's wrong with open style showers? Not everyone is closet homosexual like you.

are not disgusted to the point of vomiting by ((others))
if you think about it is was "people" like you that though it was a good idea

You can build one, van cost included for under $20k. You can't even build a house on your own for that much, and almost anyone can convert a van. And you'd have to be actually fucking retarded to think you can buy anything better than a plywood shack for that money.
I'm not seeing it. People want them to be cheap and customized to their tastes, pre builts aren't either. High efficiency self driving vans/RVs would help demand though.

If you can fight through the nightmare of red tape and NIMBY, sure.

>the American dream

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>(And this is a good thing)

You are either a)trespassing everywhere you stay b) spending more than $500 a month on campgrounds, gas, insurance, maintenance, car payment or c)both

Instead of doing retarded FIRE you need to produce a passive income stream. google it.

ive thought about van life, but youre honestly better off just finding a decent house with multiple bedrooms and renting them out to people as roommates, while you stay in your own little cot.
The roomies help pay off your mortgage while keeping you company

>you can



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I just wish bachelor apartments were more plentiful in my city.

I wonder what impact self driving vans will have on the homeless population. I could see people living out of them while letting the van drive them around to avoid getting harassed like regular vans that people park and live out of. This could potentially increase the amount of traffic on roads theoretically. Whenever they aren't using the van they could have the van go out and act as a taxi picking up people, making money. Or perhaps they could just do ride sharing while they are still living in it for gas/food. Haven't really thought about it much but it's interesting to consider stuff like this. Doubt most homeless people would be able to afford a van like this, but I could see a decent chunk of people doing stuff like this to the point where it could affect traffic and stuff.

continued: I could see the beach van people buying a self driving van that they live out of, and just go surf all day while the van makes them money, then live out of it at night.

Fuck me, but if it had internet, gf and no wagecucking guaranteed I'd take it right away.

Looks comfy

i wonder how often they have to replace the paper towels

Congrats user you invented a condo apartment

van living is illegal in most cities

I lived in a 1996 Chevrolet Express conversion van for 2 years and never had a problem with the cops. I parked it everywhere, WalMart, rest stops, random parking lots, you name it. Had a high top I could stand up in and it was just wide enough to sleep sideways (I'm 6 foot exactly). For electric, it even had a 3500 watt invertor that could run anything. Even managed to get some pussy in it from time to time. Highly recommended.
Pic related is me driving through California outside of Palm Springs

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How would they ever catch you if you kept quiet and used a stealth van?

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>living in a ratty old trailer or tiny shack
>in the woods
>in the middle of nowhere
>just to live with a neet who can't provide material wants

Surely you jest.

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>no where to shit
>no where to shower
>no where to park without being hassled

>$10/month gym membership

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Trips of not knowing what the hell you're talking about.

Planet Fitness is literally 10 bucks a month

You can't shit or shower in a van, you degenerate

>inb4 just shit in a bag bro

why would i want to live somewhere without a shower or a toilet?

not everybody on biz is a fucking shitskin

Just shit in a bag bro

The real red pill is to get a small class C RV. It will be big enough to stand up in. I had an indoor and outdoor shower and a bathroom with a toilet. You dump your tank every week or so.



it's freezing where i live 60% of the year and i like to have a shit and a shower when i get up

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