When the stock market crashes will investors move funds into crypto like crazy thanks to stable coins?

When the stock market crashes will investors move funds into crypto like crazy thanks to stable coins?
>stock market crashes
>need a way to make funds
>in a panic, investors cash put their stocks and move it into crypto
>price skyrockets
>institutional investors tether up
>cash out when the stock market recovers
>repeat every boom/bust cycle

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why the fuck would you tether up as opposed to just holding actual cash?

the biggest weakness of stablecoins is that they are pegged to the usd


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she definitely on drugs

How could anybody dump hundreds of millions on the owner of those crazy eyes.

How u doin

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Shut up, nigger.

>he thinks the number the bank says he has in cash is actually real
>doesn’t understand every bank is massively leveraged

You brainlets are in for a major fucking surprise

only if the value of the dollar tanks with it. which has never happened ever.

No when the markets go down, everyone is going to take off risk, and crypto is going to have an Armageddon of its own. The coins that survive will be the ones you will want to look into if things recover.

just like in 2008, gold will rise and crypto will be meaningless :^)

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Except bitcoin is literally more trustworthy money than gold at this point

What's the difference?

Lmfao thanks for making my night LOL if you’re not being serious then whew fucking kek.com

smart money is already hedged for a crash.

Shes on lsd

People seem to forget that cash will be printed like crazy to bail out large banks and corporations so everyone will be looking for a way out

No, when a market crashes investors don't turn to more volatile investmests.. Ie stocks crash crypto crashes 10x harder

Staples do well like sugar and all that boring crap

crypto didn't exist in 2008, there's no telling what will happen

no retard. If the stock market crashes, people get poorer, and people are going to liquidate their crypto because they need money.