Time capsule link thread

ITT we send a message to Non link holders in the year 2022. Here is your chance to say I told ya so! All you non linkers has to do was listen.

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Other urls found in this thread:


dear future user, please stop sending msg to past. Btw how am i doing in 2022?

No point. They've all committed sudoku.

Haaaa haa.

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hows wagecucking going in 2022 you bunch of nolinkers?

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dear nolinker

I wish I had listened to what you had to say sooner. You were right all along. I'm embarrased and really sorry about making fun of you althought all you wanted was to help me not to lose all of my money.

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a diagnosis without cure for years.

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Buying into something because of the memes wasn't a mistake.

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Chainlink ruined my life

You guys reading this thread in the future are lucky you didnt buy chainlink, because the instant riches leads you to fuck multiple whores....paying extra to rawdog....and then you end up with AIDS like I just I have.

You didn't buy link? Welp, don't lose hope, I'm sure there's another moonshot waiting for you on this Australian boomerang throwing forum...

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Don't worry nolinkers, just accept that it wasn't your time. I have friends I've shilled it to who are incredibly intelligent and successful at life (some not so much) and still ignored it. While there won't be another singularity like Chainlink, just know that this is just the beginning of a new era; there will certainly be other opportunities to unshackle you from the wage slave life.To find them, sometimes you need a drop of naivety to believe in a vision no matter how farfetched, the humility to respect that there are others more dedicated and intelligent than you, and the ability to recognize and value the wisdom of the crowd.

Best of luck on your journey to financial freedom anons. Here's a song to help you boost your optimism and look forward to the future.


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holy fucking cringe

realize that there are people today saying this about late adopters and chainlink, and they're already right

buy ZEC

Chainlink fucked my wife

is 500 Link enough to make it?

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Beautiful, thank you user

>has to do
Pajeet scammer motherfucker

Absolutely, 500k is the perfect size stack

>going to make it

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAH How does it feel? You could have been rich but you are not HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Heard about Link but didnt buy HEHEHEHEHEHEAHAHAHAHAHA

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1k is fud

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How much is a cup of coffee? LINK won’t ever be worth more than that. It says it in their whitepaper. So 500 Link x $4(being generous here). You’ll be at about $200 and that’s if this piece of shit ever gets traction, which it won’t ever be taken seriously because it doesn’t really solve anything and other coins will take care of this before Sergey stops eating cheeseburgers. So yeah, if you’re actially being serious, I feel bad for you.


>wearing pants

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Dear nolinker,

We regret to inform you that your services will no longer be required, as every piece of value you once had to offer has now been sadly replaced by the newly released Chainlink AI. Perhaps you will find time to learn a new craft, or travel the world. As a “token” of our appreciation, the firm has transferred .00000004 LINK to your wallet as a severance package. Good luck with your future endeavors!

Sergey died in 2018, Link whales are using a fat doppelganger so they can exit Quietly. I should have listened to you.

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Also my favourite pasta:
>After Adelyn failed the spelling bee she was disowned by her family for committing a grave Chinese sin. Her father told her that he no longer had a daughter and her entire family turned their back on her. Distraught with nowhere to turn she headed back to the campus, her place of shame. It began raining then, silver streaks that hid her tears as she struggled to stay warm. Sergey found her cold and wet clutching a damp dictionary trying to memorize the words while shivering from the cold. Sergey saved her that day and brought her to a place where spelling doesn't matter. A place where people do as they please without caring for the rest of the world. Adelyn still keeps that dictionary on her bookshelf at the chainlink office in San Francisco. You can't really read the book as the words are all smeared and the pages are stuck together, but Adelyn keeps it anyway as it reminds her of that special moment when Sergey rescued her.

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Is it too late to join the link family?

i have probably OD'd on coke

nope, as long as u buy my bags

Posts like these restore my faith in 4channel.

We are here forever, but we can enjoy the ride at least.

I hope you make it, based poster.

Back to plebbit faggot, you’re not wanted here.


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Link will be 16,038,299,839 £ in 2025. Books will be written about us, movies made. Everything is a head of us.

Based floraposter

Hello, I bought most of my link at 30-40 cents. I would tell you to buy LINK right now while its still at 50 cents but you wouldnt buy... you would think about me that i am a fucking deluded idiot investing into bitcoin, most of you dont know what is bitcoin, what is blockchain, ethereum, smart contracts... you just think its a bubble and you never ever invest in any crypto based investment because media and normies make you panic. If you want to be rich do your research and invest, noone is going to tell you "but this and you will be millionaire" because you wont buy it, same as you wouldnt buy bitcoin under a dollar in 2010 and ethereum in 2015 and Chainlink in 2018. There will be many opportunities and its up to you to discover them. I know its hard i know its not easy, you need little bit of a luck but it is possible (i thought the same).


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I've got 1k link, I hope i'll be able to afford a home for me and my family.

Hi fren, its me your future self. Just wanted to congratulate you on making it big. Well played fren, well played! Enjoy your riches and your time. Godspeed and praise kek.

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kys pajeet

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Reminder that mainnet will come soon.

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20 something years old, approaching 40k LINK, feels good man. I promise I'm not going to blow all my money on brappers, benis enlargement, or living like a rapper.

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I bought 1000 links for 500 dollars.

whats your excuse ? i dont even wanna know.

that rikshaw pajeet from mumbai streets are now richer than you you fucking retard nolinker. i have no pity for nocoin loosers.

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why are you betraying sir craig? Vishnu will punish you for this

At first I believed that ChainLink seemed too good to be true but that was just because I didn't get it. At all. Now 16 months later I've never been more bullish about anything in my short zoomer life. Dear nolinkers - I'm not blaming you and neither should you. You might not have had the ability to connect the dots so that you even had a reason to start researching it in the first place. Maybe it was bad luck, who knows. I feel like I got extremely lucky with ChainLink but I was 100% into crypto innovation and open minded towards everything so that decreased the requirement for luck a bit. I also had some time and some money. Perhaps you, a future reader are reading this from times that it wasn't even a possibility to buy LINK before the singularity. You also would've needed to make a risky investment with your savings which also takes a certain type of a person (and a wallet) to do so.

The journey towards massive token prices really wasn't a linear one. Don't think of it as something that just happened and that any of us didn't deserve it. So many ups and downs we had to bear through. Months of fear, uncertainty and doubt. I've had my doubts too but only because I had not done my research well enough. A certain state of peace of mind with an investment towards something can only be made when you accept that you might lose it. You have to trust yourself more than the project because you are the one who makes the decision to buy and sell. Be the hero of your own story even if this chapter ended. There are always new ones.

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To future anons you might think its unbelievable how people were selling thousands of link at a time to chase pumps and to rebuy link. yes there will be those that succeeded massively, but there were also numerous posts that showed them fucking up hard. when link hit 10k sats a lot anons sold and it hasn't gone to that level yett

shoutout to m future gf, aimee
how do you like the house i bought us haha

to my past self:
hope you didn't fucking sell

it'd be cool if sergey went up on stage to an utterly silent crowd and tried to speak but all that came out is a shrill piercing tone that made all the glass in the room vibrate and explode, showering the audience. then when everyone is screaming all covered in cuts and blood he crouches down into the third world squat, and in a dark voice he says "stinky linky poops like pajeet", and proceeds to strain so hard that he bursts all the blood vessels in his eyes and the shit rips thru his beige slacks, slamming into the stage and bounces like a dead cat. because it is. he tuts and says "bad kitty" then rabidly claws through the carcass and digs out something and thrusts it above his head for all to see and it is an immaculate 6" chainlink cube.

the crowd gasps and with a wild grin the red eyed sergey starts to rotate it in his hand and says "meet my friends!". as it spins the cubes sides change to all the different logos of all the different companies chainlink is partnered to. Was that a nike logo? yes it was. adobe? yes. tesla? yes. swift? yes. the bloodied crowd stands and applauds and he spins the cube ever faster. every company you have ever heard of flashes by. general motors? yes. facebook? yes ben and jerry's? yes, fucking sara lee? yes. "we are ALL going to make it!" sergey screams. "ALL OF US!" and the price goes to $1,000,000, sergey is raptured up to alpha centuri, and i'm telling this story to my great great great great grandchild because i am so wealthy i become an immortal cybernigger.

Sieg heil!

Appreciate nature.

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kek willing - shadilay!

You had your chance sirs.


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poo poo pee pee

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So you're telling me this project has confirmed ties to the banking cartel (Iso 20022 compliant, just in time for the Psd2 directive), the cream of the crop of global legal firms and institutions as well as some of the biggest tech companies in the blockchain space focused on the soon to be mass adopted enterprise level smart contracts such as consensys, Microsoft, IBM, docusign, Intel and Digital Asset and that the solution to the oracle problem which it is aiming to solve is essentially the God protocol as described by the creator of the smart contract concept himself, ie one of the main pillars of the fourth industrial revolution and the backbone of the future blockchain infrastructure (10% of global GDP in less than 10 years) that will allow massive automation of post trade processing, thus saving all the biggest markets such as derivatives, logistics and insurance possibly trillions in saving, AND its the only project of its kind due to its blockchain agnostic and decentralized nature and has the first mover advantage, but despite all these confirmed facts it's being largely ignored by the crypto community, although it has gone up from 120 to 45 ranking in a bear market with no marketing just in a couple of months, simply because a dozens of dedicated autistic neets down vote every possible clue about it on reddit and ACTIVELY fud their own investment instead of shilling it, because they're the only ones who realized this revolutionary project would basically replace all the lawyers with neet nodes where 1 link needs to be worth at least 5k usd in order to be sufficient collateral for the quadrillion derivatives market, the same neets who first called btc and eth when no one was taking crypto seriously and have harnessed the power of weaponized autism and meme magick to put Trump in the white house? Do you realize how delusional and insane that sounds? Personally I'm all in.

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I hope I'll be able to quit wagecucking
8.5k LINK atm
My only regret is that I didn't buy more

0/10 fud can't even to basic match . Back to work wagie

Bumping this cringe festival so more people can laugh at the delusional retards.

If your timeline is pro civilization half of this board are literal millionaires

They don’t deserve to know

Me too user

I don't know man... at the time it all seemed so right. I hope I'm still with my gf in 2 years. 15k LINK was basically my networth at that point.

A fucking Venezuelan living in communism has 500 LINK. You have zero and live in the first world.

Hope life is treating you well.

Based based based based

Thank you biz for changing our lives and making us all fabulously wealthy

We told you

They will have all sorts of bull shit and excuses. My liberal parents asked me if the Mueller probe indited trump if I would admit it now they won't admit it.

Do you realize what a piece of shit you are? Your grandfather died and left you all he had left and you threw it into Chainlink thinking you would save the family. Now its worth ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. How do you feel knowing that you could have spent that money on your mom's cancer bills, but instead you put it into worthless link tokens? You honestly believed a bunch of retards saying "wearing pants" and "stinky linky" were going to make you rich, are you retarded? KYS

I told people, but they didn't listen. If someone told you, and you're here moping about missed opportunities, just know that I and any other stinky linky doesn't owe you JACK SHIT. You had your chance and you fucked it up. You're on your own, enjoy wage cucking. Fuck you and have a nice life.

I actually left messages to my future son in the early GET threads.
Here's another one:
Clean the koi pond if you want a second lambo and lay off the bang maid, she's getting lazy.

>wife son

Lololol u had ur shot faggots

Based haha poster

>larping practice: the thread

I was alive when I typed this message, but I killed myself because of the mental illness and hopium that this project caused me and now I’m dead lol

don't do it user. The singularity is coming.
Just a little bit longer.

Today will be known as the pre precursor to the singularity. The gooks over at Bithumb attempted to kickstart the singularity by exploiting 0 liquidity temporarily on the exchange.

This was just a warmup of what is to come. NoLinkers will forever cope by knowing about this, but not acting on it.

based meme

It’s over fren