I'm back niggers, you may remember me from my last thread which got no responses, the dump is over and we're ready for the second pump in a few days, make sure you're ready too faggots.
You know which coin
Other urls found in this thread:
Exchange launches in less than 4 weeks.
This is a once in a lifetime opportunity folks.
It's like having a bank, coinbase and binance in one, bitmax is shit and still pumped crazy
Ready for the next leg up bizbro. LTO is another one ready for a nice run.
NEXT is also looking good, but xbase is a sure pump
Yes, it‘s an absolute no brainer. Also, if you do the maths:
Max. supply: 1bn Xbase
Premium accounts need 100k
1bn/100k = 10k premium accounts
Of course there are other and cheaper memberships.
What I‘m trying to say is that there will be no sell pressure as most tokens will be used for membership accounts.
And what happens when there is no sell pressure?
How much could a premium account be worth? 1k, 10k, 100k $?
This is your fucking chance.
This or NEXT?i cant decide.NEXT seems to have more going for it on paper.
At 2.50$ per coin this would pass Binance in marketcap, making a premium account worth 250'000$. If you own signifcantly more than 100k tokens you also get positive fees.
I'm in in both, 50/50, they both look good even long term.
why do you want a premium accounts whats the point
From an investor‘s point of view, Eterbase is highly lucrative. And they appear to be fairly legit, here is an excerpt from commercial register:
And something you should read:
Why the hell would anyone invest in untested exchanges that have not even launched? Working DEX like idex on which these tokens trade have only 5m marketcap (AURA). Overhyped and too risky. People have got shocked in Bitmax, won't FOMO into any of these. Come back next month folks. The party's over
Yeah you get rich by buying coins from established exchanges like binance right? Binance will never go x1000 again. Your brainlet comparison doesn't even deserve a comment, thanks to your severely limited brainpower you will never make it
1 btc says this user is American
loaded up on the cheap here
How much coins to make it Jow Forums?
American here. My money on NEXT right now. I feel their tokens offer a lot more in terms of value when compared to XBase. Rode that XBase wave thought that’s for damn surr
Visualization is an integral part of the manifesting process, the one that we use to focus the creative power within us to attract the things we desire. A successful visualization is able to make our brain believe that what we’re imaging is actually happening – it stimulates the same physiological processes as the real action. When you apply that knowledge to the Law of attraction, the phrasing:
„whatever the mind can conceive, the mind can achieve“
is perfectly logical: the more your mind believes that what you’re imaging is true, the better the chances to manifest it, and to make it a part of your reality.
This is you entering the Lamborghini dealership in 2 months.
might be the case but XBase has a way better entry price right now considering the big sell off
500k should be more than enough idk
Probably around 1mil, but wouldnt be surprised if we hit 0.50 in mid-April. There some juicy news on the horizon
How do you know there is news on the horizon? Has there been an annoucement of it or speculating?
There isn‘t a lot of information around, this is still quite under the radar. The pump we saw wasn‘t Jow Forums buying. It was the big fish.
Take a look at nano when it was added on CMC. It went from 0.012$ to 30+$ in 9 months. Xbase can pull this off too. Also, keep in mind that BTC halving is on May 2020, you know what this means. How would this perform in a bull market? Imagine if coinbase had a MCAP. How high would it be? This one is around 2.5M
Which exchange launches in 4 weeks?
Where do you buy your Eterbase? Or what is the second besides NEXT?
I can't say much more, but its regulatory in nature. Go look at when news of this exchange started and youll notice that it was almost a year ago. Theres good reason that its taken this long
Oh cheers man. Now I need to buy some xbase though. Any recommendation?
I buy it on IDEX, don't trust CoinTiger, don't know any good project atm besides NEXT, XenChain and BitStash are cheap pnd attempts
Thank you very much! May god be with you.
Admin posted this in telegram today
"General fees will be lowest on the market. IBAN accounts. Super cheap SEPA payments. One of the fastest trading engines. SWIFT and most of G20 currencies as a starting point"
He posted a screenshot of the platform too it looks slick, some other good info in there today. This shit looks legit
You're welcome, we're making it bro
What do y'all think when to sell xbase? Or are you gonna stick with it until you want/need some cash for your real life?
Not before 2020
idk it depends on the success of the exchange, i might hold this for some years and actually open a bank account there, no buying through coinbase anymore and instantly ready to trade, i bought several premium memberships worth of tokens can't wait to see what happens :)
Could you provide me information on the premium membership part of the story? Very interesting. Is it on their official site? Sorry for the many questions, I just learnt about it and am pretty amazed.
xbase has huge potential,I'm hodl for now. Actually will buy more now and sell some when pump.
All I can say is that as someone who has been around for 5+ years, I can tell you that buying ETERBASE (XBASE) and NEXT and keeping them for 6-12 months can make you a life changing amount of money. Both european regulatory compliant exchanges lunching soon. XBASE has a ex Senior JP Morgan VP Advisor on the team.
To give you an idea, Nash (NEX) in terms of fundamentals is identical to these 2 projects (even inferior since it's Neo now) but because of more marketing is now sitting at 60-65 million dollar while these guys are around 1 mil. Eterbase and NEXT have NOT started marketing yet. Once they start, this will climb up to a 10-15X value and in a year, you are looking at a significant and massive amount of money.
Do not hold a particular coin, Fantom might fail. LTO might fail, CHX might fail, but a European regulatory compliant exchange platform will never fail. The only other one is NASH which is 60X. Put ALL your money into these coins. NEXT mentioned bringing STOs and IEOs as well. In 2019, only regulatory compliant exchanges will rise. Entering them at a 1million point is an incredibly once in a life time opportunity.
Oh and the CIO/CFO Jozef Brhel is legit, he's worth 200 million euros making him one of the richest people in Slovakia.
Honestly when I bought this shit on the dump I thought fuck it let me just get some quick gains and get out, but the more I look into it the more impressive this starts to look. Should get to at least a 20 mil market cap and that's a worst case scenario
quality content, thanks
yeah i found it here on Jow Forums and thought well looks good and bought a bag, after doing some research i then went all in and bought a bag of NEXT with my gains
Read this.
" It is built to accommodate new users and experienced traders and is currently seeking to acquire a European Money Institution (EMI) licence, which will mean it can provide IBANs and debit cards to customers. It will potentially provide many of the services typically provided by banks, with the inclusion of cryptocurrency trading and facilities. It is also a further blend of what was once considered the realm of traditional banking services with modern cryptocurrency innovations."
This project sitting at 1-2million mcap is insanely undervalued. All in on XBASE and NEXT, not wasting time thinking about anything, just holding them for 1-2 years.
Great info man. Dudes on here really buying shit like PKG, xenc and icobay when there's projects of this calibre on idex for dirt cheap. April gonna be good to us fren
$0.20 easy by end of April
Easy money
sign me up senpai
Already 10x-ed, everyone dumped their bags
Bids thin as fuck
This is going back to $0.002 imo
>bids are thin
if you know, then you know. Great few months ahead of us.
what should you know
that this is a once in a life time opportunity to buy the top european regulatory compliant exchanges with european banks on board and fiat ramps integrated. these exchange are sitting at 1-2 mcaps are going to be 60-80million caps once marketing starts. next and bxase are unknown and incredibly under the radar. /biz is ahead of the game for knowing that these gems are on IDEX. this is the time to buy and accumulate and wait for 6 months.
remember this; you are looking at a "European Coinbase" at a MASSIVELY undervalued point.
With all the information we gave these retards today they are still skeptical, i think the few smart anons that bought at this point will absolutely make some decent money.
Don't try to convince retards to buy this, they don't deserve money and will look back to this thread in a year and feel incredibly stupid (which they are) about missing such an obvious moonshot.
Good luck bizbros.
I second this. There is no need to let /biz know about this. As someone mentioned, the pump we had was not even /biz buying. Twitter, Reddit, and even /biz are still unaware of this project. NASH at 60mil because of marketing, these guys at 1-2mil because of lack of marketing. All european regulatory compliant. NEXT and XBASE (Eterbase) incredibly undervalued and true sleeping giants. Lets not post about these projects now. We will remind them in 1 month.
>not even /biz buying
Everyone in this thread is an Indian
But Im a jew though
You need to feel success first. then it comes.
when will CMC update the supply?
cointiger won't let me change my password. never had so much trouble setting up an account.
>1-2 years.
That is several eternities in crypto.
Their command of the english language is that of a native born english speaker (or european). These are snowapes and I would rather get burned by them than chinks.
Took this screenshot just now
Remember to do your own research
Read this: coinspeaker.com
"ETERBASE is seeking to become an all in one cryptocurrency trading platform providing a vast array of financial services and a seamless trading experience. It is built to accommodate new users and experienced traders and is currently seeking to acquire a European Money Institution (EMI) licence, which will mean it can provide IBANs and debit cards to customers.
It will potentially provide many of the services typically provided by banks, with the inclusion of cryptocurrency trading and facilities. It is also a further blend of what was once considered the realm of traditional banking services with modern cryptocurrency innovations."
everyone who was gonna sell sold yesterday. Look how thin the walls are going back up faggot
nigga I'm literally all in.
Imagine a life where you have never had money, never felt the urge to DYOR, never felt that magnetic admiration to someone who was good at making money, and wanted to imitate and ultimately make it like him. Just nothing. Literally all you do in life is exist. Occupy space, pass the time, and lose money. You're an Indian.
You're bored, as usual, in telegram chatting about your fucking shitcoin bags and not even feeling any kind of happiness from it, just soothing your constant need to be poor and stupid and petty. Every single thing you've done in the past year was mundane, disgusting, and boring. You spent the last six hours watching youtube videos about cryptoniggers who lost their ass buying shitcoins or some stupid bullshit that you don't really understand since you can barely comprehend english. You're just sitting there, gestating, fermenting, with a pain in your gut that guarantees you'll have to run out and take a shit in the street very soon.
And then you see it. White men, over in some corner of the internet, making money. You've never seen this before. What are they even doing? Instead of bagholding and complaining to the "developers" of a scam shitcoin, they are imbuing their conscious energy into making memes and discussing the qualities of legitimate projects. All the bitterness and stupidity you feel nonstop seems to be absent, as they congratulate each other for being victorious, and happily learn from someone who bought high and sold low. These creatures are truly content to be alive. They have found gains.
And your gaze turns back on itself, on your self, and you realise you've never had that. You can never have it. You're just a stupid fucking Indian with shitcoin bags on some obscure low volume exchange.
So you get up, you walk over there, and you shill your shitcoin to them. Just shitpost and beg all over their whole fucking image board. The .2% bump your tiny bags get will be worth destroying it. Because you're an Indian.
Can you tell me where I can find NEXT? I did some googling, but as you can imagine "next coin" "next market" and "next crypto" gives you everything but what I really looked for.
Okay, by adding more and more buzzwords I was able to find what I think you were talking about:
Am I right? And by the way - would 60% XBASE 40% NEXT be a good idea or way round?
Well fuck. I bought my stack and it went down 10% immediately.
Guess I should sprinkle my orders the next time. Right now I don't have the premium membership.
But I think this would be the perfect time to get it, since it will only rise.
That’s just the IDEX spread
What is meant by Master Node fee and Direct Access?
IDEX bro, I'm 50/50
I really am afraid that I miss out on this one, since I only got little money. 250$ is in xbase and 90$ is in NEXT.
I don't know how to feel at this particular moment.
well shit, but you'll still make some decent gains
Yeah. Would you mind to tell me what you and others invest in this project? Just out of curiosity and to be jelly, when it does what it is expected to do.
Got myself 500k for 0.005 in case this reaches 2$. And it will surpass 2$, mark me.
Becoming a millionaire has never been this easy, this is the time travel back to 2008 that everyone was wishing for.
had 770k tokens, sold some almost at the top of the pump, reentered at 5300 gwei, bought a decent bag of NEXT and still have have 680k tokens, i want to swing trade to a million tokens.
oh and i bought at 900 gwei, more at 1400, and went all in at 2000 after doing some research
Alright thank you, too!
Wow CMC just added the 7 day change. This did 1109% in ONE week and it is still going strong! Mcap right now is around 2.5M. What we are wittnessing is absolutely BONKERS guys
>Those YouTube comments
Holy shit I was almost convinced but the overwhelming curry stench is too much
Avoid this scam lads
You‘re causing the stench. A coin that is literally under the radar and that hasn‘t been shilled excessively makes >1000% in one week. Who do you think is buying in? This coin is practically inexistant on Jow Forums and reddit, compared to other kinds of coin. Bitch now you tell me who bought in last week!
>Who do you think is buying in?
Seems like just Pajeet to me
Some people can have all the evidence in front of their eyes and still call it a scam. People like you are the reason why there‘s not only Lambos on the street but also Ladas. Thank you for choosing to be poor.
So what's your reasoning as to why no one on Jow Forums wants this amazing opportunity? Is it because even the most retarded and desperate people here know that this is a farce?
Are you implying that your retarded and desperate?
screencaped, see you at 1$+ in a year, you don't want to buy it, then don't. i found this coin here at sub 1M and it looks like the best long term project i've come across in a long time, so i made this thread for more bizbros to see. Maybe this is a shit exchange and will never take off, it's like gambling atm, but you don't make big money if you don't take any risks.
my stupid ID is always changing due to 4G, I'm the OP
The gems can get lost amongst all the maggot infested shills on here sometimes. This is the real deal frens. Not even 3 mil market cap
I've been investing in crypto since 2011. I work for a large Swiss bank and let me tell you something. Crypto IS becoming an issue and it is of bigger interest than most of you could ever imagine. Believe it or not, but Eterbase has been a point of interest not only for us but for many other Swiss banks. Its geographical location is, from a Swiss point of view, more than excellent. A lot of BIG Swiss money is heading to Eterbase, at the moment only a handful of people are in the know about this project.
Watch this start a chain reaction. Watch other Swiss banks try to do what Eterbase is doing. I cannot emphasize the impact that this will have.
hahah some classic in here... stop dumping everytime is goes up a bit and people may actually buy.
are you goys scared to show your score or what?
nice, test
Since this post, XBase has been pumping 12%.
You're losing money while you're wasting your time in here hating.
Considering the launch of the exchange end of this month, this thing is going to surpass the ico price with ease. Easy 8x this month alone.
>And it will surpass 2$, mark me.
dubs confirm.
I got 1M myself, can't wait for early retirement
Duhh, do the fucking maths people:
Coinbase fees are way too high. If you were an institutional investor, or a rather financially potent investor or simply a fucking normie that does not want to spend a shitload of money in fees, where would you buy it? Would you buy it on Coinbase?
Or would you buy it on Eterbase, which has significantly lower fees, or even positive fees which make you even richer?
Do the maths people.
Also, check bollinger bands. If it surpasses the red line, a breakout is about to happen. Do you smell how close the breakout is? If you're reading this right now, you might make it perfectly on time before the next pump.