The only reason this place was good

Is because there were no likes.

Attached: 5472.jpg (965x643, 112K)



OP has a great point.

+5 karma points.

wtf, it's becoming a normie social media

Bumps are a version of likes

likes are for normie cunts

These likes are the cancer that is going to destroy Jow Forums.

How do I into perks? My social status is under threat

I need to like a post but can’t cos I have no likes. Can someone like my post please. #FOLLOWBACK

xD this place is great I'm gonna tell all my FB friends haha xDDDDD


Oh no it's ok guise, April's fools, thank god

t. likelet

Attached: 1539340378887.jpg (234x250, 6K)

Create a username and account you fucking ccuks

Liked and shared to insta! Prepare to get popular.❤️

If only i can heart!

Attached: ReversePsyop.jpg (767x431, 27K)


[Comment removed]

Edit: I actually support trans cuckholds
Edit:edit: I think refugees deserve the West more than racists and homophobes
Edit:edit:edit: women know better than men and I didn't mean to sound antisemitic when I disagreed with the nutrients in onions

You can post emoticons now?

Test nger

>not emojis

You sure are old af

have an upvote, user!

Do third worlders not understand the concept of April 1st?

>sick as fuck over weekend so not online
>log in today for my daily dose and see "likes"
>loading... loading... loading...
>realize its April fools

Attached: b9d63869b7a94983570301c89428d67d1f83e3eb5d1d18c085b4f8c1b178fb83.jpg (640x480, 29K)

Like if you're reading this in 2019

I hope so. This board is good for it's controversy opinions. With likes, there is less interest for this.

I lost all my points.



votes are for fags