Oh noooo
What went wrong biz kek
this post goes to show how inexperienced you are. if you think "what went wrong" you obviously know nothing about this space whatsoever
the bottom line is smart money cashed out and moved on to the NEXT
That is so last week. We have moved on since then.
Mmmmmm I love the smell of cope in the morning
Buying a fucking useless PND pajeet scam.
That's what you retard fucking shit.
You deserve to lose money.
NEXT is also a fucking scam, just like TigerCash and BGG.
BMX is the only low cap exchange coin which seems kind of legit.
DYOR first fucking retards.
"that exchange is a scam, just like that exchange and that other exchange too. but BMX, this exchange is legit"
kek you're fucking retarded
I don't have a BMX bag.
This is pure fact based on 5min DYOR / token.
KYS Pajeet
i already wrote you off, the way you speak is despicable and shows your true lack of intellect