>bitcointalk forum goes mandatory KYC in order to use the forum
well, now that bitcointalk is fucking dead, where is a good place to talk crypto besides Jow Forums?
>bitcointalk forum goes mandatory KYC in order to use the forum
well, now that bitcointalk is fucking dead, where is a good place to talk crypto besides Jow Forums?
What is April fools moron
lol so much for that ancap praradise hahahaha
it happened before April you fucking moron.
>March 29th
>1st of April
They implemented it on the 29th you non attention paying faggot.
u stinky negro. this is a meme
Fuckingtold you so retard
you had to fucking ruin it didnt you.
get out you fucking newfag pajeet
Why so angry brainlet ?
lol reatard
thanks for the (You)
>good place to talk crypto
>ruined by april fools kyc
Jej april fools fractals
Different timezones dumbass.
already sent my documents and info, I am good to go
blacked and cucked
>besides Jow Forums
Oh no we can't use pajeetalk anymore what are we gonna do dear sirs!
>time zones are 3 days apart
kys youngfag. you have to be 18 or older to post here
PajeetCoinTalk died years ago. As soon as people started posting ANN on Jow Forums they were officially dead
Respect to them for making fun of the mentally ill.