You can only post in this thread if you've held LINK for my than 1 year

Attached: Screenshot_20190402-205520.jpg (1012x572, 69K)

Lol you were late mate

Since mid 2017 I think. I bought most of my linkies at around 20cents. Never sold any.

462 days report in

nope, been accumulating since july' 18. i entered at the perfect time anyways. 22 cents.

Attached: link ico.jpg (1555x578, 54K)

430 days bagholder reporting in sir

Block 473 reporting in.

i bought 10k yesterday, am i not cool

i plan to hold it while i build my website

Was about to buy at sibos but I decided to hold off and go party in Ibiza for a while instead

don't tell me what to do, you autist faggot

519 days
fuck me i cant believe its been that long

>tfw over 510 days

over 460 days

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Dec 2017, 100k+ since middle 2018

You sumbitch, I was block 489

Once i held my shit 7 hours in the train, then i made it in a bucket, like the one that Sergej uses every day.

539 days and 19 hours. Doesn’t feel that long, had a busy live. Still was checking price almost always daily though.

Result: 477 days
Stack: 44k, avg link cost: 33 cents

Checked, also in 5 months, it will be 2 years... Someone free me from this madness🙁

when are you selling?

been a marine since the beginning
what do I win?

sell... chainlink...
what are you talking about?

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I can guarantee that the only thing I did was to buy more since that day

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And it was thanks to you! the level of FUD that weekend was so stupid I knew this shit was gonna be big

is 50k enough frends

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Quads full of fours, my linky is stinky

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>mid 2017
Wasn't the ICO in September? I remember trying to get in but was a bit late since I cheaped out on gas.

september 29-31th 2017

Yeah I’m right about 500 days I was buying November 17

shit negro, 22k is already made it for me, its half a nice apartment in here. It would save me from 15 years of wagecucking for mortage.


Some of us live in actual livable countries tho

I've been buying link for over a year

But I only fomo in when it's expensive

Then the price drops and I rationalize not buying more by telling myself I'll already be rich, no need to risk more money

Then it fucking doubles and I fomo


Bought virtually nothing under $0.30 depsite staring at $0.20 link forever.

I have 300k link and got most of it between $0.4 and $0.5.

how much do you need


April 5th will mark my 1 yr linklet anniversary. Can I still post here? Please don't make me wait

>Needs more than 22k to get a fancy and comfy apartment
>mocks others for living in "non-liveable" countries

i bought 20k last week get fucked

Been holding since SIBOS 17

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448 days. I traded it like any other shitcoin in Dec 17, but the AB threads convinced me to just hold it.

Ive held and accumulated since ico

474 yeah boiiiiiii

Held it since dec 2017, iron hands. Still sub 1k linkies though cuz i love in a shithole country and i'm poor...

Attached: chainlink garfield.png (1000x1000, 254K)


First purchase at 58 cents last year. Feels like I traveled back in time.


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> tfw sub 300 IQ so can’t comprehend the logical and humorous connection between garfield and link
still saved it though

I remember sibos 17 like it was yesterday.. time flies when you find a gf and move states to live together. I checked the charts nearly every day un anticipation for 1k eoy. I even held through the new year bullrun my 10k stack reached $10k and i was actually afraid of it going up more cause the price didnt seem to stop moving upwards.. when it finally went down, my stack not having moved from my wallet, i knew we would see this price again tenfold. Its been a journey with this one.

i bought sept 2017 and didnt sell the top when i should have because i thought it was on its way to the fucking moon