
Most of my school friends are doing ridiculously well either with very high paying finance jobs or via start up businesses they made. One guy is earning $350k p/a, another owns shares in a company that is going public this year and he'll make a very big six figure sum if he sells. The others have decent careers already and several are married or dating very hot women.

I'm here rotting at home trading fucking imaginery coins. How do I fix this shit? Is there any hope?

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Link is the hope, fren.

Why are you thinking about them? They aren't thinking about you.

how fkign beta are you

>I'm here rotting at home trading fucking imaginery coins

you school friends probably wish they could stay at home play vydia and trading meme coins

this cucks have to to all they can to stay in the rat race.
if they earn just 15% less their cuckold wife of a whore would probably suck his colleagues dick in a second.
if their neighbor got a 15% bigger house, 15% bigger car oder whatever, she would complain all day long what the neighbors have and she want it also

fuck them
fuck them all

being at home playing vydia, trading coin and watch anime is the best fucking life you can live.

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But they are talking about him. They are talking how pathetic and miserable he is with Muh magic internet moneiz

I try not to but it's hard

I guess a lot

Thanks i feel slightly better

you will be the winner in long term user. while they work their youth off, you just chill and post memes with comfy /neet/ing. its like car vs rocket, when this shit blasts off you will overtake fast those your friends.

Thanks user. You too. We will ascend aboard our rockets.

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i doubt it. and the economy looks like it's ready to go full on 2008 again. i bet we end up homeless to be honest. it's gonna suck. see ya in the hobo jungle i guess.

fuck all of them

i have this guy i know from back in the days
he is engineer, makes a ton of money, pays for a huge house which he never sees because hes always at work and his thot whore wife doesn´t even suck his dick and he fucks HIS FUCKING WIFE with a condom because
>dicks are disgusting

imagine being this cucked

when you met them next time tell them you met that girl who swallowed your cum and watch how they react. ask them when their stupid bitch ass wifes sucked dick the last time.

even if you are a virgin they dont know just pretend and lie

What is that?
Anyways, I'm slowly approaching your life. I'm 23 and a lot of people I know have their shit together. Then there's me. Completely fucked. I also have not and will not do internships because fuck them. I'm just going to become a teacher and get paid middle class wages doing fuck all.

Just a reminder, there are more losers than winners in the u.s.
60 something % of jobs pay either hardship wages or livable wages (split almost evenly). Only about 35ish% of jobs are half decent-great in terms of pay and hours.

I'm personally going to try to start a cleaning business with my mom on the side.

I'm a loser too. LOOOOOONG story as to what happened to me. To make it short,I was tricked into entering the trades so I got an associates degree.

Little did I know there was no future in the trades outside a union. I am unemployed and waiting on an interview this month (this is month 8 without a job for fucks sakes). I'm probably going to hate it since it's construction, but it pays well (20-45 an hr. 3.5 yrs to reach cap).

End of the day, I eventually want to live off of the business and want a bunch if money so I can gamble/invest with stocks and crypto.

Maybe I'm still ignorant, but stocks/crypto doesn't really feel like it's NOT gambling... but maybe it's a lot more predictable than I think... idk...

I have people I disconnected myself with. One a cs guy (I don't actually know if he graduated yet, just that he gets honors a lot). Another a business analyst. Etc.

Then there's me. Loser for now...

Fuck.. it's hard to get motivated when life shits on you (my final height is 5'5"and it destroyed my body builder dream. I orobably would have broken world records easily by now at the pace I was going. Now I need 40k for surgeries to ONLY make me 5'9". Trust me, my life is a massive bitch. This height made me do the associates instead of finish the bachelor's. By that I mean I got so fixated with the surgeries, I wasn't willing to go into debt to finish it asap. FUCK ME)

Attached: 1553680833620.jpg (1024x798, 61K)

1st: don't compare yourself to others, you know nothing about them
2nd: follow the meme and you will fly higher than these average birds
3rd: don't worry

shit bro, you fell for the height meme hard

I did... but it was a reasonable cause for concern. It's basically a prereq to manliness (in my eyes).

Fuck... I used to be an ultra optimist. I saw a bright future and had it all planned out. Then, I found out 5'5"was my final height and it's like my brain exploded. I was so mindfucked when I found out it just messed me up so hard.

LINK is the answer

For a second i thought you typed "is there any rope?"

Where are you OP? The only people I know from my HS or college making that kind of money are professional athletes. Everyone else is wage slaves trying to stunt on borrowed houses and cars from the bank. Get off the internet you will feel better.

You've got some lucky friends, all of my friends are only doing good on Instagram and FB etc.

Wait, there are surgeries out there that make you taller now? WTF?

Fuck dude I wish I had your friends
All my friends flunked out of college and are now potheads/alcoholics and work terrible jobs with shit pay.

Been a thing for 50 yrs (unless my memory is complete dogshit. I think I read that somewhere). I think it started in russia...

Welp. I MIGHT be wrong, but I don't think so. Anyways, I plan on doing them in germany.


> not ghosting all of your school “friends”

Man fuck off with that bullshit, nothing is wrong with you, 80% of the world is having it way worse than you! I've seen some shit working overseas and trust me that your so-called problems are other people's dreams

I lold hard
Couldn't care less about other's low expectations in life.
There are people out there that would be happy with a deformed body and really shitty and low expectations for life.

I'm not them. I have high expectations for this body. Your logic is like saying "don't have high expectations. Aim to be a loser instead".

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Don't listen to this guy. He's just a bitter copelet

Are you early 20s op. I swear that most people grow out of this by mid 20s. Deleted all my social media and only care about where I was yesterday.

I recommend you do the same.

Heh you're hopeless, you'll always have mommy anyway.

Yep. Mommy is always there for me :3

Seriously though, I just BTFO'd you with stats. I could go on and on with stats if you'd like?

invest in real assets


ill be damned, I didnt know this was an actual thing. Good thing i'm 6'5" naturally. LOL.

5'5'' to 5'6'' is uncanny looking. Features are average (short) sized but to still just be shorter than average feels wrong. Turbo manlets are more obvious and more easily laughed at for daring to cross t. NPC's uncanny valley.

Anyone who downplays, attempts to conceal, how important their 'invisible' to (((them))) and also 'in your face' height privilege is, which is visible to anyone with eyes to see. Privilege that is 'earned' without cause and is hatred without cause. This is what is impossible for manlets to learn.
Stature Idolatry is as important a religion as the vagina. This is why perfoming height misandry as a Social Darwinist, Morally Selative, service to self material hierarchicalist LAW, which is so lovingly inverted to be 'like' natural law, as this law fulfills the social consensus... This idol is more essential than even "THE WORLD".

Flat Earth is easier to convince someone of, so loved is gaslighting manlets with the state monopoly in violence and the preferences of Golems and the Wombmen beasts who keep them.

Ah, here is why the manlet is hated. Because there is no actual selection mechanism for male height. Despite the most amount of effort/belief placed into this uncare as possible. The inevitable ends of incjecting wise little boys with growth hormones, just because. The Lanklet is the superior Goyim. The Jews only value psychopathy. This is what manlets are thus shamed to emulate, or else. There are no other hueristics. Even the lanklets whom see this are shamed with the possibility of losing their privilege! To stand up to insane society is insane!

How do you know? facebook? I know several people who ACTED like they are hot shit. Stop giving a fuck and do your own shit. Believe me, the moment you are on your way to making it, those poser will try to suck your dick. Do not show, do not tell. Just do it.

You obviously did not get my point.

who cares we all die eventually

This height cost me my education (I think it's overrated bullshit, but I just want the paper to be some k-12 teacher even though GE classes are useless), my self-esteem, my hobby (I trained like a MONSTER before), relationships (for example, LEGIT 10/10s would flirt with me, but I let my height issue get to me too much so I denied them all), and will cost 40k.
Also, my fucking YOUTH.

ALL just to be 5'9". Jesus christ, this god is a massive faggot. Personally, 5'10" was my dream height. Perfect for body building.

Which was what? The one I addressed already?

This is death, and everyone cares about your height. (Deeply subconcsiously). What One is allowed to know is framed by being idolizable. Being instead the wise little boy archetype is to be the most hated archetype. This is a sin against the goyims laws of man.

I really enjoyed this art piece. Do you have any more?

>How do I fix this shit
literally just keep doing what you're doing and wait. it will help also to really understand crypto and what drives its value

Take care of your appearance and health, then determine how to change your career/get it started. It make require a lot of patience to get it rolling, but you can still catch up with a lot of hard work. If you have no previous career you're gonna have to start at entry level without connections. I recommend IT, take some online courses for a specific area that has a lot of postings, then apply, then move to a better position after 1-2 years at that entry level

apathy is cuckholdry but more base


This is the most pathetic post I've ever seen.

>statistics are pathetic dur hur
Fucking retards, I swear.
