I keep fucking tell you guys to buy Nano

You are letting Reddit get rich without you out of spite.

Binance added a USDT/Nano trading pair. Do you understand how huge this is? When Coinbase adds nano this is going to explode.

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Other urls found in this thread:


A lot of assumptions you're making.

I have 1600 of these, am I going to make it?

Not holding nano will be a mistake when btc tx times and fees goes through the roof in this next bull run.

best store of value in the market no inflation, but will it develop to be secure? a true thinking mans bet.

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Fuck off with this broken garbage. You fags are still trying to dump your bags. Buy a white man's coin, buy liberation. Buy monero you retards before it shots back up to top 10.

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NANO devs are all white sweetie

>*glow intensifies*
Buy monero. Stop being tracked by the tax Jews. Join the free market or die.

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I do like monero, nano just has more gain potential

NANO 1000$ EOY. Prove me wrong.

>Protip: You can't.

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I doesn't, there are zero miners and no difficulty/work. There are other coins that can do POS just like nano but with even more features (ie. Stellar Lumens and Tron)

Nano $20 max.

Stellar has distribution issues, and I am not so sure about how decentralized Tron really is.

Nano is novel because it completes the triad.


I think every single other coin is missing at least one of these categories. The founders owning a large % of the supply removes it from the decentralized category, as is the case with ripple and stellar.

Cripple yes, stellar no. Nano is a meme with massive whales holding deep bags of it.

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stellar and ripple are both Jed McCaleb scam coins

nano is the god coin. If you aren't holding at least 1000, you're not gonna make it

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Normies only know BTC, ETH and LTC. People are talking crypto again. Money is flowing to these coins.

You are fucking retarded holding Nano right now.

Still more api adoption, chain features, spend volume, and practical incentives then a shit dumped coin like Raiblocks... I mean nano.

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You will make it user. Everyone with at least 1000 NANO will make it.

how about 500?

>When Coinbase adds nano

is 50,000 nano enough to make it?

I only have 500 after bitgrail fucked my shit up

jesus man, seriously?

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If you wait a year I can prove you wrong

Elon Musk says he loved bitcoin except for its speed and that it wasn’t green.

He will eventually find out about nano and the fucking moon ride awaits

Yup. I own 1/3000th the supply. Guess that makes me a whale? 100% in, put the last 10 years of profit from the business I run into it while DCAing over the bear market. My average buy in price is $3.00, so I still down 50%, but not really worried.

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I wanna be you. only rocking 1k here. haha

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1000 nano is equivalent to about 180 btc in terms of total availability, so you have nothing to worry about. I have a mission to accomplish however that is a lot bigger than myself.

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Also, were you around a year ago while this was happening:

This guy basically predicted the global btc dump to 3k, then was mentioning XRB.
I think what he was trying to say was to buy XRB once btc hit 3k. I'm seriously thinking were going to see nano go massively parabolic.

Anyway, cheers to you! Glad you're gonna make it fren.

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Awesome! But now you got me curious about your mission - can you tell us anything about it?

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Thank you fren, but we have not made the gains yet, so we should be careful counting our chickens. I am confident with my hand however, as you should also be. With this confidence comes rest, and with rest, peace. With peace, we can think clearly, and act in the manner that suits our goals and interests best.

Oh, and those threads are new to me, thank you for the history.

Killing ignorance... and the powers that support it. This cannot be done without challenging the powers that be, but thanks to the internet, this can likely be done with a few good devs and those crazy enough to dream big.

We need another renaissance.

Yeah, have a look at those threads. It's kinda a mess as you can't see the guy's ID anymore as they are archived, so it's hard to tell when he's posting. But they are interesting. There might be more if you search the name of the image in warosu.

Sounds bad-ass. =]

praise kek
NANO $100 by this time next year

checked the checking

don't forget 0 inflation, fully distributed.

yeah this one to just chuck a grand on and forget about for few years

What is the point in holding this token?, its cool but i'd rather have something I can stake like FTm

Does nano have a way to prevent spam yet? Will they be moving away from POS at some point? I like some things about it, but speed alone isn't enough. The distribution is also concerning with 25% of the tokens on binance and I'm sure a good chunk held by the devs.

Yes, they are going to use dynamic proof of work...



overbought as fak. sell

$37 per nano was overbought as hell.
$1 per nano was oversold as hell.

We are now at 1.40 per nano. I will let you figure it out.

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You mean the Bitgrail scam coin?!! No thanks OP

Have they considered using a dynamic fee and avoiding the POW nonsense? Would be so much simpler and more effective.

Entire market pumps today

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I'm sure they have, but having a completely free network that actually works is an amazing feat.

Price and Speed were the two things they wanted to compete on initially.

Nano went from 24k sats to 31k sats, last week, a retrace was in the cards, needless to say.