Is there anywhere remote in the US where you can buy enough land to plant this down for under $10k...

Is there anywhere remote in the US where you can buy enough land to plant this down for under $10k? Has to be in a location with Amazon delivery and internet

Attached: 332efefwerwerew.jpg (550x413, 124K)

Other urls found in this thread:,pf_pt/land_type/pricea_sort/64.268156,-144.705734,63.745757,-146.182022_rect/9_zm/,pf_pt/land_type/2085517605_zpid/41_rid/4356000-_lot/pricea_sort/38.899583,-99.667969,29.248063,-112.379151_rect/6_zm/

Nowhere safe that has water pipes.

under 10k? land and a tiny home for under 10k in the US? not

how many PAtricians are on this board?
dutch country checking in

I think he meant just the land. The home costs $30k

theres basically infinite land in the non coastal west and midwest...


Just googling where to buy vacant land and you can find plenty of cheap areas like this

Pay some dude a few thousand to mulch out any trees if you need to.
Then all you need is a well or big ass water collector/storage, some solar panels, some guns and ammunition, maybe a septic tank if you're feeling fancy, start your own garden, and you'll be set.

delta junction, AK,pf_pt/land_type/pricea_sort/64.268156,-144.705734,63.745757,-146.182022_rect/9_zm/

Maybe somewhere in pennsyltucky

too many

Plenty of places in Montana and Utah within 50 miles of a city. You can buy hundreds of acres for less than 50k

aint u autist afraid of some psychopath, living so remotely?

you cannot buy hundreds of acres for less than 50k you tard. lel imagine being this dumb.

yes you can get a plot of land for under 10k for that cabin easily. the problem is getting water. if you have to have a well drilled, it'll cost minimum of 7500. getting utilities hooked up like internet also will cost a few thousand. needs to be accessible as well in winter for amazon or whatever.

Yes but the land probably has no utilities and in a lot of cases probably doesn't even have road access. There's a lot of cheap property here in upper new england like that but they're snowed in for long periods of time, as stated no road access, and unfortunately predatory humans who see a isolated structure out in the middle of the woods and loot it. Unfortunately rural areas aren't as safe as we like to think. Yeah you probably won't get shot or die in an armed robbery but property crime is fairly common especially if you have basically no neighbors, and the places where property is sub 20k you will likely have no neighbors.

>you cannot buy hundreds of acres for less than 50k you tard. lel imagine being this dumb.
Wow you're fucking stupid.,pf_pt/land_type/2085517605_zpid/41_rid/4356000-_lot/pricea_sort/38.899583,-99.667969,29.248063,-112.379151_rect/6_zm/

There is really no good reason to live out in the desert other than the price. If you're trying to live with any semblance of autonomy the desert is the worst place to be. The only anti civilization weirdos that live out in the deserts are hippies and anarcho punk fags LARPing as communists and going back to town to collect resources and EBT to sustain their potentially unsustainable lifestyles.

why not buy land with river/lake in it. amazon wise get a spot at your local post office and hows sattelite internet you shouldnt be gaming past age 18 either ways

oh ho ho 160 acres in the fucking sandpit of america. i surely stand corrected. christ lol

Did you bought this thing with nowhere to put it? Ask your parents to make a spot for you in the garden.

Yeah you drill your own well.

>There is really no good reason to live out in the desert other than the price. If you're trying to live with any semblance of autonomy the desert is the worst place to be
I like the desert though. I want to buy some land with an abandoned aircraft hangar then move some shipping containers on it. I'll have an old longhorn steer as a pet. Just me and my steer piddling around the hangar sweating in 110 degree heat. I'll have some solar panels and shit. Since I have plenty of crypto I'm set as far as supplies. I won't be self-sustaining but I can LARP like I am which is almost as cool.

Dover NY

Attached: 272A1097-110B-40C1-8B77-9826D5AD002E.png (1920x1080, 509K)

you're forgetting the part where it will cost you like $10,000 USD to deliver this to the new location + the cost of hiring a crane to install it + concreting / piers.

The more remote the location is, the more you are gonna be forking out for crane hire and operation.

id try this but first I need a wife to come with me to live on the huge land.

Like most things, land has a trichotomy associated with it. Not sure if that's a real word.

Pick 2:
immediately available

If you want to choose affordable + quality you'll have to look into things like tax sales. It might take a year or more of checking out what's available and participating in closed-bid auctions but you should be able to get something. My parents found 22 acres 15 minutes from the city for like 20 grand this way, and it was some really nice land and already partially cleared at the front.

You'll have to find out how tax sales work in your area. There's a chance the information may not be online.