Quit job without notice and left mid shift

>quit job without notice and left mid shift
>boomer step dad shouting at me saying i cant do that and the real world dont work like that

There are no repercussions, right?

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Burnt bridges, don't expect a good review. Considering you are doing shift work, don't think you care

They can sue you for breach of contract and you'll pay for any damages that result from it.

Fuck off retard.

you rack disciprine, and you represent what's wrong with this generation, that wants everything given to them for free, as a "right".

Based on that one sentence I would not hire you.

you are all cool
tell you father you will send him a selfie with a nigger cock in your mouth

If you are seeking any entry level position service industry position, no not really. You won't get a recommendation and will be considered ineligible for rehire by almost any employer you walk out on. You can leave this work period blank but that is a red flag for many employers hiring. The thing is, prior work history usually means diddily shit in the service industry, hiring is made largely off of immediate needs. It is a pure gamble and your ability to not come off as a complete psychopath in whatever kind of interview you get that will net you your minimum wage job. If this is based in your possible future career, you probably just fucked up. Nothing you can't recover from but it will reflect badly and could stretch out an unemployment lull from weeks to months if you are unlucky.

>There are no repercussions, right?

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It's over

How long were you there? Did they treat you like shit? Two weeks notice is always a better alternative than being a complete faggot.

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Can't really judge why you left your job based on those two sentences so I'll just assume it was a good reason, not that it matters for the question. The only two repercussions would be cutting ties with your job and co-workers, don't expect a good reference or good words if they call them up. Your dad also is obviously dissapointed with you if that's something you care about.

There's also the whole now you get to find a new job while not making any money thing. Despite what the NEETs on here would have you believe NEET life sucks balls unless you're a fat degenerate with no ambition other than circle jerking coins hoping to make it rich with pump and dump schemes.

t. A guy who spent 4 years off and on NEETing.

Everyone here is blowing smoke. Honestly it's fine as long as you don't need to use them as a reference for your next job.

Also, based off the choice of anime postings I would say you were better off working. The only way to turn this situation around is to get a better job, or at least land interviews for better positions in the next two weeks so your "boomer dad" doesn't consider you to be a complete retard and failure of offspring for the forseeable future

I've done this twice and still managed to find work after. I'm now unemployed and nobody is saying anything even though I get calls every day with people trying to employ me. I'm a pajeet though so it's natural to live in the family home even in your thirties so I can afford to do this. For once it feels good to not be huwhite

I walked out on my first factory job after one week. From working that one week, i have permanent issues with my left foot and i came down with tuberculosis from working in one of their packing rooms.
The rule of thumb is. If they value you, treat them in kind. If they don't value you, don't give them the time of day.

>1 post by this ID


People do this all the time in the real world. I still think it's retarded but whatever

not responding to any of the legit responses like a fag that quits his job midshift

OP doesn't have to respond, he asked a question and he got answers.

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jeez theres alot of bootlickers in this thread

depends on the job

Also you are expected to give a two week notice. Only the employer can end the relationship with no notice

If you dont care about any references from the old job, then it doesnt matter.

>only the employer can end the relationship with no notice
This sounds like cuck shit to me, get this outa here.

no shit, it's the internet there's no real obligations, still a fag move

not true in an at will state

t.has walked out on employers before

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Does OP seem like the kind of person to care about the labels we put on him? I'm just saying, your shit flinging would be better served elsewhere.

Doesn't at will have to do with the employers ability to terminate, not the employees ability to walk out.

Rare footage of good advice on 4chinz

Not shit flinging, just explaining to OP that not responding to any legit responses is a fag move because he's too autistic to figure it out

it's both faggot. that's what "at will" means. Do you understand consent?

Second verse same as the verse, this time ignore the mean words.

Its reciprocal, both party's can terminate employment at any time. It's just that employers don't have the social stigma around instant termination

That's pretty gay. Just doing a cursory google search brings up nothing about the employee also being able to terminate.

It's true though unless you are in a union

Or an at will state, apparently. I guess it's lucky that I'm in one.

>don't expect a good review

As someone who works in HR we don't call past employers for reviews just to confirm work and quit dates. It's actually illegal for an employer to bad mouth you.

The issue is if they say the person is ineligible for rehire. This doesn't matter much if it is for a entry level service position, you rarely call past employers unless there is a large number of applicants of reasonable qualification. The main things that can slow you down getting another entry level position are ineligibility for rehire from a previous job or a large gap in work history.

Flipping burgers or some bullshit job doesn’t mean a fucking thing. Try not to be a faggot next time though.

>bad goy don't you dare stop working without giving your obligated 2-4 weeks mandatory labor

i wonder if they still use whips in states that don't allow you to suddenly leave

people ghost on them motherfuckers all the time. you're fine