do you remember when Peter the Deleter warned about 80%+ parabolic correction just few weeks before the crash? Will the madman do it again?
Do you remember when Peter the Deleter warned about 80%+ parabolic correction just few weeks before the crash...
A fucking lot of people called the crash, desu. Specifically that the futures commencement would be the top. Even plebs like me explicitly called it.
And it's just as obvious that we will go up again ,too.
Hmph. Not bad for a boomer
It is not obvious
Shit, now I have no idea what's going to happen
I usually trust Peter Brandt but I can't believe another parabolic rise is coming soon
>futures close
>msm warns against buying Bitcoin
>it is not obvious
>It is not obvious
Literally the most obvious top ever. Random normies talking about Bitcoin in the pub, kids in McDonald's jokingly asking if they accept Bitcoin, price up 1000000000% in a month.
"not obvious".
literally the dumbest chicks i knew back then out of a sudden "wanted to buy bitcoin".
they've already forgotten by now. their attention span is like 2 weeks max.
most of those normies don't have any savings anyway, those retards are stuck in debt and consumerism, when btc moons to 20k again they will put in their $200-$500 and pretend like they have muh skin in the game
Literally this. Normie midia channels always tell you to buy the top and sell the bottom
crypto mooning a just one year after burning normies money
good luck with that
peoples need time to forget
normies aren't going to make bitcoin moon, ETF approval and solving the legality of institutional bitcoin custody are going to. Normies were just a taste of what's to come even
Peter is based. We should listen to him. All in.
ETF is underestimated
99% of boomers are still waiting for a "safe" way to invest in Bitcoin, and ETF is the way
institutional money is just the 1st big step fren... Think about what comes next. 1st institutions start funding and creating infrastructure for the tech with their resources, then they start implementing the tech so it becomes a usable product, the endgame will always be to push for mass adoption, these big players aren't going to come in for the charity or for the technology, they want to make huge figures on top of it like any other asset in existence. Literally trying to blockchain for solving every problem possible, cutting costs, increasing efficiency, making payment systems faster and decision making more transparent. The endgame im my opinion is that blockchain tech will grow to be at least the size of the internet IMO
Yup who do think has more purchasing power zoomers graduating from college in debt or boomers who have large amounts of equity in stocks and real estate?
Everybody save the screenshot least he deletes it again
The current pump is going to be a mini mania. BTC is unlikely to break 6k but then who knows. The charts are telling me right now its going up..
Checked. The blockchain will be bigger than the internet eventually. It took the internet 30 years from its inception in 1983 till 2010 to actually become what it is today. Blockchain is still in the early stages I mean eth barely released in 2015. If you stay in this market for one more decade I think you will be very well off in the future. As you said the companies will push this if it saves them money. Remember buy low sell high
Lmao 20k, this shit is going to 300k at least
why the second parabola has such a different angle?
this. i see it hitting the 5.5-5.7k level, lingering there while plebs buy into the resistance then back to 3.8 over the next couple of months.
>this. i see it hitting the 5.5-5.7k level, lingering there while plebs buy into the resistance then back to 3.8 over the next couple of months.
Yeah pretty much.
Though I see it getting hit much harder if it falls that much after a 6k rejection. That would mean we would have enough weak hands for another capitulation incident.
>another capitulation incident
capitulation hammer on the 200W MA, then bull? :^)
>remember that one of the ten million "crypto TA fags" who got one thing right? This time he as a another prediction!
If BTC seven gets to 10k it will blow clean past 20k. Not that I think 10k is going to happen any time soon.