doing coke by myself tnte got nothing to do so wanna talk w my biz bros wassup? AMA
Doing coke by myself tnte got nothing to do so wanna talk w my biz bros wassup? AMA
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I love cocaine myself but I'm doing the marijuana tonight
>coke by yourself
Never done that. Mite b cool
It is. It’s a good time
U should go to a pub and be the guy that never shuts up and is involved in everyone’s conversations .
Biz on coke is lame.
t. former addict
yeah I mean its good and bad. im feeling really good and enjoying myself right now but id be lying If I said I didn't wish I wasn't in the company of some girls at a party or something. also I feel weird going to a bar by myself.
any special plans?
holy crap I do love cocaine. I haven't done it in years, and I probably won't ever do it again. Get fucked up for me bro.
Yeah I dont go to bars by myself either.
I would never do cocaine because I know it would be stepped on too much and I'm afraid of it giving me bad anxiety
honestly cola makes going to bars alone pretty fun, i duno wtf you are doing at home.
Wage cuck tommorow
Just watch live PD then hit the hay
maybe ill try it out then
will do!
Just play a FPS instead. Or try to scalp trade. GOTTA GO FAST
me too, it's my last night before I quit
im a 30 year old barback and when i clean the restrooms at my upscale bar i always find coke spilled on the floor,
whenever i see single guys come in alone, i dont think they are wierd im thankful they are there ordering drinks keeping me busy.
sometimes i wanna talk with them but nah
>sometimes i wanna talk with them but nah
why don't you?
Doing drugs and browsing the internet is so sad, I can't even be a dick about it.
Go get some friends, kiddo. Use your talkative coke confidence. Go outside.
I go to bars by myself, AMA.
user, are you happy when not high?
you gotta quit that shit mane
what city?
>talkative coke confidence
based and cokepilled
so do I Jow Forumsbro.
Just slammed a rig full of H. AMA
I barely go outside. I spend 70% of my waking time researching and learning for the past 2 years.
So speed with a hint of cocaine?
Also nice dubs.
Nice. What do you usually order? Personally I like drinking good ol whiskey
I'd be doing this shit all the time if I lived in North America. Shit's too expensive in Straya. Got some layin around for a special occasion
I'm drinking some local beers with some honey THC tincture dropped in
im in the "waiting for my life to begin/realizing I need to do something about it phase"
Just dont mix coke+alcohol, the fastest way to burn your brain, fuck your memory and alzheimer
trust me im not some loner incel I've gone out a lot before im just in a phase in life where I don't have many friends. I want to go out but im not used to going out alone. Im more of a house party guy im young and cant see myself walking into a bar alone. maybe I will.
normally I just smoke crack or meth. Dealer was dry today so I had to buy some of this chonya white
any advise i am nervous and have no friends.but want to try it.
cocaine. seriously. im an autist who would never consider going to bars alone.. until one summer I had a brief affair w/coke. It made the bars fun, I could talk to anyone, and they seemed to like me for the most part.
In the end, not worth it because coke is way overpriced and it's all been stepped on with god knows what, and bar friends aren't real friends anyway :( oh and coke dick is a real thing so if you do bring a girl home you won't be able to perform
not worth it desu, other than maybe once or twice just to try it
oh, and coke makes you drink twice as much so you end up staying up until dawn and then waking up the next day with a hangover that makes you wish you were dead
Never liked coke, never understood the appeal of it, you’d have to pay me to even think about doing it. There are much better alternatives.
haha this definitely happens a lot
z? my nigga?
How are the comedowns for you op? Heart pounding out of your chest and crippling anxiety or a smooth comedown?
That's wild , fren. I'm too much of a wimp to do meth or crack but I am always curious about how it must feel like.
I would recommend to make a list of bars that stand out to you first or that have some sort of free interesting event going on (ie trivia night, live band, etc.)
After you found a couple of places, drink a bit beforehand and bring something with you like a magazine or crossword puzzle or anything to keep you busy while still gauging the environment.
If the place is boring or nothing interesting is happening finish your drink and move on to another place. Rinse and repeat. Sometimes nothing happens and other times drunks will buy you drinks if you listen to their life story.
The important thing is to enjoy your drink, the fresh air and any surprises that come your way.
ASL? although facebook is pritty much dead, i remember looking at my "friends" list on facebook, or what meager amount of people that would add me, and just see the kids i went to highschool with just traveling, partying, well, just living life. i mean i know its mostly fake ass nigger shit, posting the best pic forward after taking dozens of vain shots, but still... it always got to me, that im just sitting here, rotting away, while kids my age (26) are not even working alot of the times, and just traveling and shit. how the fuck are they traveling so much. god damn, as far as we know, this is the only life we have, im too angry to die poor and alone. i need to succeed, not to rub it on anyone's face, but just to know that the world/mommy nature/god looks out for the rejects of society one way or the other... hurts bads only if i think, lost most of my feelings many times and many years ago for the most part... any bizraelies in similar situation? how 2 cope being broke, and not lived life as people call it?
dont care about what anyone thinks of you, because the world gives no fucks about you.
hey man check this out. this is the most awe inspiring video i have ever seen in my life.
do whatever the fuck you want with your life because the simple truth is that none of it fucking matters in the end and all of these feelings you are having, they are just your genetic programming trying to get you to reproduce because that is what is in your nature.
My drugs of choice are carbohydrates and baby cheeks. Is coke as good as kissing a soft fat baby cheek? If it is, how do you stand it?
thanks fren!
Holy motherfucking shit
what country and how much per gram?
damn, wish I had some weed, since I moved to a new state I don't have a hookup, and I hate asking people and looking around because I'm super fucking paranoid all the time (my prior hookups all came from close friends), so I'm drinking booze and that's what I got for now
What state you live in?
Do shrooms instead, plebeian.
FL, I could probably find a plug if I really tried but meh
meant for u
Have fun user. But it feels fucking good being sober from everything. Took me a long time but I have reached it. The amount of joy from the littlest things make it so worth it. Sometimes I feel like I’m 4 years old and just got my Big Wheel. You should try it anons
I live further north but I've got a friend that lives in the panhandle that slangs. You around that area?
Its nice to be ultra fit and feel stable.
But who wants to live in the grinding reality?
this sounds like something you'd put on a resume when in reality you've been skimming articles for the past 2 years, how do you define "researching and learning"?
going out alone isn't easy, but if there's one thing that should get you going, it's coke
weed is better enjoyed alone IMO, but I can't imagine taking coke to stay home alone, I haven't aken any in years, but when I used to I would have been talking to the wall if I had been by myself, it made me litteraly NEED to be with other people
where you at I want some too
nah I'm way south at the tip but thanks anyway user
>going out alone isn't easy
It actually is! I really enjoy going out by myself! If i go out with friends, I will ditch em for a portion of the night! Tear up the dance floor! I love a good boogie! You don't need friends to dance! Just go out with the sole purpose of enjoying yourself! Who cares if people judge you, you are never going to see them again!
When you are by yourself you meet new people! Go out to the smoking area if your in a club, chat to people. People go out to socialise! Yea sure you run into groups that don't want to be disturbed, just wish them a good night & move on!
Doing drugs and going to bars by yourself is redpilled as fuck. AMA
>doing coke by myself tnte got nothing to do so wanna talk w my biz bros wassup
Pathetic next time buy you're self some friends :^)
youll never quit
where did you get it?
It's fun until you run out. Then, not fun.
im a fucking retard, AMA
All it ever did was give me anxiety. At best literally one minute of good mood, then anxiety. Coke is only fun on opiates.
''former'' coke addict here, why not try & be productive ?
Also I've a question focusing around my feelings towards being productive and hustling in general.
I am extremely anti-social & unproductive, no motivation to do anything when not doing coke.
I used to spend £2k/month for coke and do well at work, networking & socialising.
It's been around 3 months now and I've not done anything with my life.
I've probably watched every single movie there has ever been created.
How does one find motivation to do anything when not doing stimulants?