Chainlink reaches 1k

>chainlink reaches 1k
>sergey has 350k
>sergey becomes the worlds richest man and first trillionaire if chainlink reaches 1k

tell me again why linkies aren't delusional?

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>>chainlink reaches 1k

350 million is nothing to write home about

correction he would have a net worth of 350 billion

still the worlds richest person

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you mean *officially* richest man

I never really thought of this. Im a link marine but i doubt ((they)) would let sergay become the richest man in the world.

>Jeff Bezos puts all his spare money into whatever crypto he feels like picking
>Announces amazon accepts that coin
>Bezos is back to being the richest man

Sergey Nazarov, the hero of the Fourth industrial revolution

Name of boy in girl's clothing please

Fuck me, crypto really is a ponzi joke

The whole system is a joke, why do you think Bezos is still trying to make more and more money despite having more than enough money to make a real metal gear? He isn't trying to be like the normal corrupt fuck who rents the local governor, he's doing his damn best to stack congress with an entire generation of politicians he owns. He's fairly open about how he only employees as many people as he does so he can use the threat of firing them to blackmail any politician who tries to tax him. He'll probably manage to pull it off even without crypto.

wasnt that ripple guy the richest person for a while during the bull

Yeah, power, we already knew it
Really makes you wonder

Now worries, he probably would spend it all on bigmacs anyway.

And why not

The pc revolution created the wealthiest man bull gates

Then the internet commerce revolution crested the welathiest man Bazos

Now the blockchain revolution will create the richest men
Brad or Sergey

>Now worries, he probably would spend it all on bigmacs anyway.
just long mcdonalds 100x to profit from it

>350k x 1k = 350mil
Jesus you stinky linkies are retarded AND delusional.

he has 350M tho

based af

OP says 350k

so if op tells u to kill urself you will? pls op do it

how big is your stack

Basically this

Nothing delusional about the man who begins the fourth industrial revolution and brings smart contracts to mainstream use becoming the richest man in the world.

>tell me again why linkies aren't delusional?

No one really believes 1k. LINK can hit 50-100$ in top of a huge bull run in next 5 years but before that anons and Sergey have already sold 95% of their stinkies.

Show me 10-15$ link and 80% of holders are selling or have already sold, trust me. It happened with Bitcoin, Ethereum, NEO etc. and will happen again, they are just humans after all.

You're just pulling numbers out of your ass based on what seems sensible to you. Truth is that nobody knows where this is going. People thought eth would cap at a hundred too because it seemed sensible and look how that went.


he actually has 650m

This has always been the plan.

You faggots are wrong

The name is Jed Mccaleb

what is a liquidity

>Supply. Meet demand.
Price only goes that high if circ supply is low

Ie. He cant cash out

Bezos' assets aren't liquid either.

Sirgay doesn't have 350m tokens, you fucking retard. 350m will be used to incentivize node operators and 300m will go to keeping the network going/upgrading and maybe to paying the team members. He doesn't own that many personally. He'll still end up rich as fuck, but you have to be

He also cant cash out
Imagine he wanted to sell 50b worth
What happens to the stock price?

we made it lads

Sergey deserves it, he surely is the next Steve Jobs

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You don't clearly understand what supply is.

link bagholders are fucking retarded