Who fell for the house meme

and bought one of these pieces of shit when prices were at an all time high, because some boomer told you it was the best investment?
Bonus points if it was made out of rot-prone OSB (a wood substitute made by gluing together wood chips with toxic glue) and Tyvek cardboard--build quality on par with a German doghouse.
Europeans must think we're insane for spending $500k or more on cardboard houses.

Attached: lol.jpg (1111x1539, 2.11M)

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I have heard the excuse that it was the land that was valuable

The only thing your jewed out burger culture has of value is the fact that you're aware that the government can fuck you over at any moment without your guns. If you didn't fight so hard for gun rights you'd be a Germany level cuck nation by now

Insane? We think youre retarded.

When i see the fucking tv and a girl can break a freaking wall using a sledge hammer im like... The fuck is going on, isnt that the land of tornadoes and shit?

Tornados are going to tear down any structure in its path. Even most castles wouldnt stand a chance. But the good thing about a tornado is they are small so the chances of one hitting you head-on are slim.

>When i see the fucking tv and a girl can break a freaking wall using a sledge hammer im like... The fuck is going on, isnt that the land of tornadoes and shit?
Actually, men can break it just using their fists, as demonstrated by this 400 lb. burger:

You can tell Europeans are on because they immediately start talking about Americans. Every board is the same. Even reddit it's just euros obsessing over Americans.

Most castles are actually made of mostly wood, and just often look like they're made of stone. So I guess they aren't that different to American homes.

What the fuck are you on about.
A tornado tearing down a castle?
Are you amerifarts really that uneducated and retarded? Jesus christ.

Is this OSB thing actually common? Is it only new houses or have places used a variant of it before?
Seems like a joke.

wood is not glued wood chips

it's called gypsum board and it is smooth, easily installed, easily tepaired, easy to cut a hole in and do something in the wall cavity then close up the hole and get back to new, inexpensive and fire resistant and breathable. name another material with those properties.

Iived in a million dollar homes in the states. It was made out of:
2x6 - paid for the upgrade
Chicken wire
Oh, it had a concrete base though!

There designed to last 30 years...I wonder why!

>Are you amerifarts really that uneducated and retarded?
Yea, they are!

*pop* this is america *woo*

Glued wood chips glued wood logs what's the difference

very common and new versions of it work well when installed properly and the control layers in place. 100 bucks thatthe window in OP is the source of failure in that wall assembly. there is no pan flashing visible

I have found the burger here.
The difference is strength and residence to the elements.

>not me I bought a condo

Attached: Capture.jpg (641x211, 31K)

>Glued wood chips glued wood logs what's the difference
OSB burns down much faster:

Don't buy condos in Toronto built after 2015. Major safety violations were made and they are not insulated properly. You will lose everything buying those pieces of shit.

Does that mean the Chinese were the ones that got scammed for once, rather than the ones running the scam?

They'll offload them onto stupid canadians so no probably not.

In 5 years yeah the Chinese will be losing money on their condos once they literally fall apart but it's mostly third worlders and young families that will lose their money immediately. It's disgusting how poorly built they are. I remember old Toronto and the houses that cost 500k and were built to last 200 years literal 4 story mansions now you can't get shit. Sorry for sounding like a boomer it's just bad times were living in.

Ok OP, riddle me this. Where should I live?

I am 27 years old and live with my parents. They don't charge me rent. Do you think this is a good life? Please tell me what choice of housing would be superior.

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Yes the castles that have stood for a millennium in some cases are made of wood. It's a good job most of you never leave murica

>*laugh at a retard*
>hurrrr you must be obsessed with retards!

Nah, you're just retarded

I'm glad you euros have these threads to school us burgers on how its done. Maybe someday we will have actual building codes and real life engineers like you guys do. Then we can have all our buildings made out of alabaster like you. Hopefully a few of us live to see the day but we will likely be crushed to death from a building crumbling on us first.

You are fucking around, but low tier burger cardboard houses are a problem. I mean my holiday house in the meds is over 300y old, survived earthquakes, burger level hurricane tier wind happens every few months. There was floods... And I ain't even worried mate. It is made out of stone and older then USA and still looks great. Even gives 400€ income daily in the season.

Just checked, few times a year there is wind exceeding 200kmh in speed, record is 260km. Which is basically tier 5 hurricane. And nobody even bats an eye, because their shit is well made. I mean even my dog has a 5k € house made out of solid wood and roof that exceeds average burger home in construction quality.


t. Eurocuck living in village in valley below Millennium old cardboard castle

You have no idea what you're talking about. I worked construction in Florida for years and its rare for any building, residential or commercial to be built from anything but CMU these days, and if its an exterior wall they are pumped solid with rebar stirrups linking the blocks together. Wood structure in any form, including wall studs and roofs are being replaced with steel.

Like anything else you spend money on a good building or you can save money on a shit building, sometimes, but like I said if a building isn't built to code it shouldn't pass inspection. No your building codes in Europe aren't more stringent. The base line for all building codes is IBC .

You are a complete nigger for saying your place in the med sees hurricane force winds every couple months. I suppose it sees storm surge with those winds too? You're too dumb to realize they go hand in hand aren't you?

St Augustine is the oldest place in the US, the fort and some other structures have been there since the mid 1500's. I don't think that's remotely special. I don't know why you do.

OSB, you have to be joking right ? That stuff is fine and common in europe too but hell no you dont use it for outside walls that is just retarded. We use it to put below the wood floor as base (on top of the solid wood floor structure in old homes, like mine from 1930) or use it for inside walls in home with wooden walls. In any case every house has masonary or concrete outside walls, i mean seriously if we want cardboard we go to ikea and buy a LACK cardboard table that we throw in the trash after a couple year. You dont make outside walls from wood unless it is a vacation home or you are plain retarded.

>not building a quality log cabin in the woods and homesteading

The only proper American answer

Why don't you get your burger ass over to the the old world and see how shit is suppose to built. Every few months I see crying burger on tv because "muh cardboard house got fucked by X"... Sorry mate but this shit cannot happen here. Idc about standards or whatever, this is about home construction culture. Even if a europoor is legally allowed to build paper house he won't do it because he stems from generations of monument and castle builders. We build to last. When we made you, we gave you all the neccesary to be great... Instead you live in a catalog house made out of paper, on no foundation and if you are lucky you keep it up for 30y until it rots.


>When we made you, we gave you all the neccesary to be great... Instead you live in a catalog house made out of paper, on no foundation and if you are lucky you keep it up for 30y until it rots.

Haha. But to be fair to America, a lot of the older western coastal cities I've seen have loads of quality built brick / stone buildings. Unfortunately those were all built pre-war and the trend seemed to stop after it.

The American "atom age" gave us all so much, but some how American suburbia got left out and even in some cases, lost out. Permanency is now seemingly a foreign concept to them.

An f5 would skull fuck a castle.

I've been to europe. Yes there is lots of old ass shit made of stone. Yes stone is durable. No new construction is not particularly different from here.

Why don't you get your ass over here so you can get over your delusional superiority complex.

Builders here are European for the most part btw, Do you really think all the people here of european descent hire black building contractors to build for them?

You see this shit on TV about peoples houses falling apart because your government is trying to keep morale in your country up. No doubt you would all kill yourselves if you couldn't cling to the idea that life is better there because your house is made of different stuff.

There was some quality constructiob being done in the past yes. But if you order a premade catalog cardboard house with a 3cm outer walls you are a nigger and deserve what follows. And this seems to be the case these days with the 56%ers. When I build there is no caliber known to man that can shoot through the outer wall... Just my 2 cents

No, something else is going on here. That faux stone looks shady as shit. Why would the tyvek disintegrate and the osb look ok?

i bought my european townhouse in the center of a small city for 260k€. It's stone and decent. Did some renovations, at the total cost of 300k€. Paid of the mortgage last year when i was 30 years old.

You guys are fucking retarded to pay 500k$ for a cardboard house in a country where there is land enough.

But hey, it's all about debt. The more personal debt the better.


i know its all time high but what is going to lower the price? more people keep moving to my state and rent is about the same as a mortage anyway.

My house was built in the late 50's. Remodeled over the years but still the house itself is solid as a rock and sealed up pretty good. (no major heat loss during winter). During the winter months look at your roof or your neighbors roof. If you see bare roof you've got major heat loss. If you see snow, well it's sealed up tight.

No way in hell I'd buy a new home today. Costs to much then there's a very high chance that they cut corners during the building process so down the line all those "cut corners" would bite me in the ass as well. (and cost me a shit pot to fix)

It could be soft shadowing, but that OSB under the window sill to the base looks damp. That beige patch is either left over adhesive or serious mould.

OSB isn't structural when wet. Regardless, i wouldn't want to replace whatever the fuck they skinned the house with and leave the OSB up in that case.

2 houses across the street from me got metal roofing. there is bare patches from snow all over it. my 1940s house with asphalt shingles is still going strong

i dont know if there's ever been a stronger case for dunning kruger than goldbug end the fed retards

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Britfag here, my 1920s house is build out of brick. Even the internal walls are brick. I like my walls to be walls, not a picture of a wall on cardboard.

Brits don't have earthquakes
Large parts of the US are subject to get them
This is what earthquakes do to brick houses
There are ways to earthquake proof a brick structure, but your 1920's house does not have it

Attached: New-Zealand-earthquake.jpg (1024x686, 818K)