Go and ask a normie

What they think about BTC/crypto today

Try not to influence their answers.

Post the results. Pic related, got that one just now.

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My dad consistently says it was a good idea but its time hasn't come yet.

Based thread, very interested

From a family member who knows I was heavily involved in the past:

>I occasionally come across news headlines regarding how volatile the crypto markets remain. I don't delve into these news articles at all as I don't fully understand them as thoroughly as yourself. I therefore am unaware of how valuable they are as assets or whether the bubble has burst and they are no longer seen as a viable alternative to other commodities.

That the time to get rich of it has come and gone (I also believe this)

The most sophisticated normie response ever

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My mom told me it was a scam the other day because of the fake volume. It's okay frens.

Fuck you nolinker scum. You’re normie tier retard and probably have very little life experience.

My economics professor, based Krugman told us it's internet funny money that only reddit-browsing milennial virgins are gullible enough to believe in and hope to buy tesla model 3 one day (because model S is too expensive for them). Yeah I go to City University of New York (CUNY) so....

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>(I also believe this)


lambo moon

"i think im not ready for this paradigm shift yet"

All the normalfags know about it now and it won't go higher

"know about it" is very VERY different from "bought it already"
This distinction will be important in the near future.

I do know some normies getting into it...but very few of them have actually bought compared to shitcoins like Litecoin and XRP

people have been saying this since 2014 at least

Its only used by criminals
It will be hacked
It was hacked
Its comparable to WoW gold
Why can't someone just copy them?
If you try to sell it and withdraw they won't actually send you money

>I don’t understand crypto as well as you
>therefore I won’t read about crypto or try to understand it as well as you

That’s a bizarre line of thought but not really surprising. My normie family has little to no interest in learning about Bitcoin/crypto — their minds have already dismissed it as a scam, ponzi, fraud. They won’t even touch it and don’t want to know more about it.

“I knew about Bitcoin in X” is the biggest normie cope ever. You hear this line all the fucking time. Every normie “knows about Bitcoin,” but in reality they don’t know shit and probably don’t really even know how to buy it.

> tfw you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink it

You literally can't withdraw.
Eth is a mess.
NKN github is empty.
It's a clown world. Honk.
CSW is Satoshi.

It went up massively because people jumped on the hype train.
The normalfags I know are too smart to waste their hard earned cash on internet meme money
One gullible idiot bought at the peak
Prices will stay within 3000-4000 for a while then maybe drop to 0 once the new meme money comes along or the government seriously fuck it over

most of the time they reply with, "what is bitcoin?"

>That’s a bizarre line of thought but not really surprising.

tbf, there are a million things in this world we could undertake to learn about, but we don't. Crypto is a mysterious, confusing and slightly unsettling world - like Finance in general but much spookier. I don't expect normies to want to get involved, their minds are on other things, like having some kind of life outside of the internet.

How about you spread your boy CUNY for my massive lap hog

Good points. It’s hard for me to relate to that kind of thinking because everything about crypto is so interesting to me, from the tech to the finance aspect and everything I’m between.

I think actual, helpful use cases for cryptocurrency will go a long way in getting normies to rethink their views on crypto. Hopefully.

My whole family held emergency family meeting when they realised I held 6 figures worth of bitcoin.

They questioned my sanity and told me to the sell the bitcoins and buy a house.

I laughed it off, but family think ive lost the plot.

They think bitcoin is a ponzi.

My sister in law called it a shit investment. LOL

Lets see what happens in 2-3 years.

Either i laugh at them or i check myself into a mental ward.

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>listening to jews, ever

Could've bought ltc and silver, but instead you long communism and the usd. Enjoy poverty I guess.

When my family found out my crypto was worth around $150k at peak they act like I've "lost" $100k+ "gambling" and have a mental problem even though over all I've cashed out like 4 times the amount I ever put in. They think I have a "gambling" problem and loosing tens of thousands of dollars. Literally anytime we meet they have to bring it up and give me shit about it, even though I've made a lot of money over all and I never talk about it, they are ones obsessed with it.

I have actually spoke to a few people in different jobs I worked recently (last few months) that hadn’t even heard the word bitcoin or knew absolutely nothing about it , quite surprising really

I got a coworker to buy a ledger hes learning how to set it up this weekend

>It crosses my radar but I chose to never look into it. I would rather it remained a complete mystery to me.
High level NPC right here. This is why some people deserve to be ruled over by their betters.

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>family found out
Found your problem right there user

Consensual reality is rejecting it. They are scared and moving back toward monarchical and fascist ideas. Crypto represents chaos and they don't like it because the world is already out of control and chaos = criminality to them.

Asked in December my colleague from work

He thought it was gonna go down more and eventually would crash

just came back from grilling with some friends.

talked with one guy about bitcoin, he talked like 10mins and i listened. he knew effectivly nothing. told bitcoin can be hacked/copied,- like -not even the basics.

i bought my dad a book on crypto. he said he had read it. first thought was "cool now he will buy some, smart move!".

told me what bitcoin is gonna do when the person who owns it decides to shut it down one day.

holy shit

other occasion he just said its pure

user friends, i tell you:
1) btc will go to 100k one day - everyone deeper in this knows it eventually inevitable. it will happen. 100% to 100k (and even more).
2) if you're now in crypto and think its "too late" - guess what, you're dead wrong. fill your pockets as long as we're
still that low.
3) the feeling you gonna have when btc surpasses that 20k ATH once again, in combination with the faces of these idiots that you shilled it for and that didn't buy - it will be sweeter than cumming into a thai ladybois anus 5x in a row on crack-cocaine.

My mom keeps telling me to be sure "the money is real" even though I've made like 3x on LTC. I'm just gonna surprise them with my wealth one day and be like told you so

LTC criminally underrated
I got like 100 coins or smthg
last chance to stack it this year

What are your projections after the halving?

nobody irl knows i'm even aware of bitcoin or crypto and that's the way it's staying. keep it secret keep it safe

My grandma just said to me that this crypto thing is syphoning my money away and instead I should invest that money in human relations.

>too poor for nyu

the last normie i talked to said "bitcoin is over, you already missed the boat on that one" but that before this pump (ie like 4 days ago)

Many of us knew about bitcoin. Started mining in July 2009. It all reeked of Jewish tricks so I stopped. Told other people to buy. It went from 40 to 60 and I told even more people to buy.

I avoid talking to normies about it as they refuse to hear anything besides its a scam from my experience.

And telling family is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. They will only cause drama for you and if you flex your money they'll just try to leech. They don't care if you were right all along just gibs moneyz plox.

Except Bitcoin IS a Ponzi and you all who are holding crypto’s are “investing” in a house of cards scam. You DID miss the boat to riches, Bitcoin will NEVER hit $20,000 again.


An estimated 30 - 100m people own crypto worldwide.
That's like a mean average of 0.5% of the global population

This. Its literally over boys.

>High level NPC right here. This is why some people deserve to be ruled over by their betters.

He is socially superior to most of us here, desu, mate. There's a lot of bias here where we think crypto is the entire world since it occupies such a big part of our thoughtspace, but it's really not and other people have different interests and different lives. It's like how retards on /fit think anyone who doesn't destroy their lives with lifting and obsesssive dietary control is inexcusably retarded.

Oh shit he's right. SELL SELL SELL

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no way its 100mil , its way lower...like max 20mil people so far

Completely ignoring opportunities in technological progress is like completely neglecting your health. You don't have to be a Jow Forums nerd to go for a jog or lift once in a while, and you don't have to be a Jow Forumstard to buy a couple bitcoin packets and sit on it just in case.

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We underestimate how hard it is to get into crypto in even the most basic way, mate, really. The barrier to entry for basic fitness like you say, going for a jog once in a while, is not the same as "buying a few bitcoin". Most people would INSTANTLY lose their fucking coins, you realise, kek.

And before even finding a way to buy them, there is the massive hurdle of actually wanting to, when every mainstream notion and sensible person out there thinks and says it's a fucking bad idea. It's not like they're all sitting there thinking they realllly want to buy btc but are too lazy.

They don't WANT to, they don't fucking like it, because it IS risky, it IS volatile, there ARE hacks/losses/scams all over the place. They're not completely wrong, they just have some of the details a bit screwed up.

Well to be fair if someone eats Cheetos everyday on the couch yes that is retarded.

Most likely this. It’s fucking over

You're basically just describing an NPC. If someone isn't willing to put in the effort to research and learn about something then that's their problem. You don't need a 130+ IQ to buy Bitcoin and not lose it. You just need to put in a bit of effort.

Same goes for staying in shape. People just make excuses. I can't afford a bike, health food is too expensive, gym memberships are too expensive, I don't have the time to go jogging/cook my own food etc. and then they wonder why they have diabeetus and all sorts of health problems by middle age.

Yeah that OP is stupid literally just have to download Coinbase and boom, literally stupid easy compared to like 2012

keep hodling usd boomer

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Again, the HUGE difference is that "staying in shape" and "being healthy" are universally promoted as good things, safe things, positive things, incredible accessible and everyone is "meant" to do it.

As a polar fucking opposite:
Crypto is almost universally (outside of our basements) portrayed as something for gamblers, paedos, hackers, a dangerous and volatile place that people are very ill-advised to enter.

You may be autistic, though, and so can't pick up on how other people feel about things and what the "general feeling" is about something.

It's like saying, shit, Afghanistan is actually SUCH a beautiful tourist destination with many positives, why are normies so fucking lazy that they don't look past its reputation as somewhere you'd get instantly beheaded, and see it for what it really is?!

Yeah, you're right. And it takes a non-NPC to understand that there is no reward without risk, and if Bitcoin was as scary as it's made out to be it wouldn't be worth what it is.

Theres 20million just in africa.

There are about 32m BTC wallets. Everyone in crypto now entered by researching BTC and then buying some.
There will be very few who entered via a different coin I.e. LTC and never held BTC during their crypto tenure.
Like you said 20 mil max, it may be more, but people have more than one btc wallet. I agree with you, but I overinflated numbers to account for any incorrect data and to highlight that even at those estimations its still nothing in the grand scheme.

This. I think adoption will break us up into the next Elliot wave, and that will come with communist shit-holes squirreling their wealth away from inflation / state control. Your average white middle class boomer or boomer-spawn won't lead that, they trust banks and the guberment. They have no idea of even the most basic concepts of why they should be taking control of their wealth with a decentralised borderless currency, let alone how to do that if they understood. Fuck them. At this stage of the game, I have no sympathy for any no-coiners

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>if Bitcoin was as scary as it's made out to be it wouldn't be worth what it is

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"the fact that they could be worthless tomorrow morning means I'll pass"

She's right and wrong at the same time

A handful of those could hold crypto for a while shit load of boomers. They'll keep their coins on a exchange, you just know it

I have decided at my new job not to say a word about bitcoin, and as soon as these normies start talking, ill know it's time to sell. feels good

This is my strategy as well. I bought EOS around when John Oliver did his hit piece on it last February, and I'm going to sell when they start shilling it on TV. You literally cannot go wrong betting against mainstream media these days.

based grandma

>based grandma

This. My mother said something similar to me, and she was dead right - when I was deep in the grip of gambling-style shitcoining and losing my fucking mind and life over it. Horrible waste of time when you're "doing crypto" all day every day.

There is a lot to be learned from outsiders' perspectives, actually. We are in one hell of an echo chamber, and also have normalised our behaviour.

Jow Forums is the opposite of an echo chamber. In fact it's so opposite that it's impossible to get any decent information from here at all because everyone is constantly contradicting everyone else.

The opposite has happened to my father. He knew I was into crypto before the market boom. After it "crashed" he started looking into it more. He become obsessed and starting buying like crazy over the past 12 months. from his initial investment he is up 10k over this little pump. He has been trying to educate more and more people but they don't listen. He wants me to quit my job and start a program with him. He has turned into the mad man.

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They said


>wife: let’s cheers to decentralized oracles everyone!
>me: honey stop it
>normie friend: what’s that?
>me: oh it’s just a blockchain thing
>normie friend: *look of disgust* oh...
>normie friend 2: I think all that blockchain stuff is just like the tulip bubble and it’s all gonna come crashing down

I just told him how the tulip bubble is a dishonest secondhand account hundreds of years after the fact written by some British fuck trying to show how unreasonable and irresponsible anyone who isn’t British is.

No point discussing legitimate implications of blockchain technology with hard hearted normies

This. I got in in December and it was stupidly hard. I even lost $500 making a deposit to Bitstamp that never arrived (fuck that site btw). You can tell the crypto space is almost still all software engineers // coders because thia shit isn't user-friendly at all.

That is something that needs to change if you want mass adoption, wether you like it or not.


david cross is extremely based

dadcoin when

Your dad is literally figuratively me

was at a bar in my hometown and some 16 year old zoomer came up to me and started asking me about crypto cause he had heard about me making some money of it.

he talked about how he wanted to learn to trade alts with youtube tutorials etc but he didnt seem to understand how bitcoin actually worked

but seems like there's still some room for growth with the newer generation

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>You can tell the crypto space is almost still all software engineers // coders because thia shit isn't user-friendly at all.

major kek. buying crypto on the coinbase iphone app literally has the same "difficulty" of some roast opening up a instagram account. literally typing in your email and passport. half the population of the world has internet access (3.5 billion). Atleast 75% if not more are able to do this


I can't use Coinbase, dude. It's not available in my country.

"Its worthless its only used for money laundering and buying/selling drugs."

Interesting how they see it as con, a usecase is a usecase

Good thread, but can we get any more ACTUAL QUOTES from normies? Not what we pretend normies say/think?

"bitcoin, is that still a thing'?

He's right though. History repeats itself.

Most old people won't get it. The next generation is the ones who will adopt cryptocurrency in a major way. Like this user pointed out, the youth are the ones with passion for new ideas, and they've become increasingly used to the idea of digital currencies which aren't backed by USD. My parents scoffed when I tried to explain to them Runescape and World of Warcraft gold are worth real money, but the kids get it.

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"Since the fiat is worth nothing since 70s in the us I wouldn't be surprised if a distributed and decentralized world money would replace a debts based economy while the states are getting their shit together"

i dont really have a direct example.
but all i know of is that - atleast in my country i heard of cases where "basic" economics community college students learn about bitcoin&blockchain. this started 2 years or so. they learn the basics and its a topic for one week or so. they dive into mining, basic knowledge of the protocol, ledger etc. maybe little bit of eth. not really some aerospace engeneering but still. they learn this in coherent way. probably still more knowledge than the average Jow Forums users buying high selling low unironically taking financially advice from 4 chin (buying into shillers bags).....

so all in all alot here probably think browsing Jow Forums makes them so underground, insider knowledge, contrarion god. big part of the population already are aware of it in some extent and dont care but dont autistically praise it in a echochamber like here because they have social lives....

"things that are too good to be true usually are"

>mfw airplanes, the internet, and airconditioning don't exist

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When the price goes up, those that dismiss it as a scam will come. Those that hear about it but never bought will keep on hearing the price going up and greed will get them. Some will stay for the tech and principles.

There is more wall street and financial institution interest than ever. They missed 2017. They want another bubble.

>Implying the Internet is any good

The internet is amazing. How we use it not so much.

>in a discussion about using the internet to revolutionize finance and cause a paradigm shift which will turn traditional institutions on their head
>internet is bad, we dont do anything with it!
I don't understand you fags

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How does the normie use the internet though?