Everyone is seeing through the scam
Kek, the dumpening begins
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One of the greatest scam stories in crypto, possibly second only to BIRDchain.
Gilbert now cancelling ama’s and team tokens unlock in a couple of weeks.The dump will be glorious.
have you seen how gilbert flamed some people in the weekly ama? he also deletes tweets LOL how do people stay in this token is beyond me.
Did he really cancel the AMA coming up?
I got in at 1.25 and sold at 3.40 so I'm still happy but I'm glad I'm not in there now. Should have sold above 4.
no its a bs lie. He will be in NY for talks probably with a bank. Its very cool. People want to fud the price down. its obvious and then comes the pop when banking news comes.
yes lol. he gets mad when he gets called out on stuff he said. look at all the past AMA's:
he promised so much shit in Q1 but none came. Bank annoucenemtn already being pushed since Q4 2018. and when people call him out on it he gets mad. Shittiest CEO desu. i think project is good long term but he needs to get his shit together
>Did he really cancel the AMA coming up?
Yea he cancelled it and told you (specifically YOU) to go fuck yourself.
Just waiting for it to come down to $1 to buy again.
It's been dumping for the last 2 months you retard. Probably not too much further.
Teams tokens unlock this month too..Stay safe out here
Fucking Shilbert man he needs to just keep his fucking mouth shut and stop trying to hype shit unless he can actually talk about it
>that chart
absolutely justed
You chumps won't manage to push it much lower, so it's nearly time to quit trying. It's been retracing from the last big pump, that's all. Simple TA.
AMA is pushed to next week because Gilbert is in NY for meetings, tying up more bitching deals.
He said announcements would aim for Q1 but are up to the clients/partners.
Gilbert's CV is crazy and his connections are insane. The scale of what the project can achieve are mind-blowing, there's rumours and hints about major banks (ask yourself why they have connected JP Morgana's chain), NHS, all kinds of shit.
Time to accept you won't push it much lower, and buy back. It'll bounce hard soon. Don't get left behind.
Oh, and the token unlock at end of April is only team tokens. Why the fuck would they sell here. Won't affect price at all.
40% of currently locked tokens. I highly doubt they sell here, agreed.
lol big bank announcement was supposed to be in like September or October man..keep waiting for it while he lines pockets
Removed is in da house!!!
Good to see you haven't suicided at least. How will you pay for your lifestyle of BBQ, cheap beer and your Trailer park fees?
Tfw you realize it was a single guy (brbaquiring) single-handedly shilling both projects on here
I don't care who shilled it. I made good money. This project is dead now tho.
>Q1 bank
>Top ten exchanges
>Signing up for EU and Amazon like any project can do
>AMA's going from once a week to every other to canceling
>Deleting tweets and telegram banning
Almost did 100x on this BTC wise
You faggots will never learn, no one with a decent IQ still hodl
This whole space is one big scam
Fags in the telegram the only thing keeping this up right now "buy moar buy moar 100x incoming" kek
Look, if anyone is new to QNT, just DYOR. The potential is huge.
These dicks are fudding to buy lower. Check the guy who admitted exactly that about three days ago. Just ignore them.
erc20 shitcoin thats already gone 25x in a bear market.
CEO who lies every week
delusional bagholding telegram
QNT is the only legitimate project that gets discussed on biz. It'll go through the normal shill/fud cycles, but anyone with half a brain is accumulating as much as they can
So I did my own research. Why does this project even need a token? It's not like they're doing anything with it other than payments. Why can't they just charge corporations fiat to use it? Seems like the token is just an arbitrary extra step which makes adoption more diffecult
plz don't ask QTards the hard questions
>Why does this project even need a token?
Baby's first day in crypto.
Why do you have this obsession with a telegram admin, shit is fucking weird man, get some help.
Dump eet
So you think the project is dead, but are waiting for it to dump to $1 so you can buy? makes sense.
This is even more retarded than I thought.
>Developers will be able to obtain an annual license to develop applications on
Overledger through the purchase of QNT tokens equivalent to a fixed FIAT amount.
They are actually going to charge developers so they have the privilege of developing apps on....what exactly? Overledger isn't a platform itself. Are they going to charge developers to use Ethereum/Ripple/Bitcoin? Who the fuck do they think they are? Apple?
>Quant Network is working on the pricing model and strategy which is expected to
be finalised by Q2 2019 with the release of Quant Treasury.
So they actually don't have any tokenomics yet?
Lordy lordy, I can't even.
dude's a real piece of shit too