Anyone else feel like they're growing out or too successful for Jow Forums?

I've been here for 10 years, and frankly don't relate to most people here at all. When i first started browsing I was a bullied loser, crap grades, no money etc. Now I'm a student at Cambridge with 10 BTC and have no problem fucking tinder thots or doing general social interaction.

Everyone is so fucking clueless, this wouldn't be a problems if everyone wasn't so unbelievably arrogant. So many times I've been arguing with people here who just keep getting stuff wrong because they haven't bothered to Google it and check the truth. Most people are also very obviously uneducated but have no problem spouting their bullshit unsupported opinions. It's just frustrating, I've tried Reddit and that's even worse cause of all the cringey shit. Still I want to fucking leave.

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>I browsed r*ddit

You should’ve stayed. Fuck off

I would if it wasn't such a cringefest.

I can't fucking stand how unbelievably dumb and arrogant most people here are. The genuine racism, sexism, etc is just flat out pathetic as well



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I've been here longer than you shitlord

You're stuck here forever just like the rest of us. You might migrate to new boards or even take a break from Jow Forums all-together for a few months but in the end you'll be back.

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Yep back to r*ddit where’s the based v mod who banned that other redditor we need him to ban you

Cool get lost then faggot. And dont come back.

just fuck off or die thx

dear diary

This is the last time I'll ever write your ass
Sincerely yours,

please teach me how to fuck tinder thots

Are you say you are too good for me user? I know it's what you're trying to say. Everyone knows you're better than me. STOP BEING A PUSSY AND JUST SAY IT.
btw i blew your dad at your mother's wake

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Literally just bee yourself. My profile is autism and I'm not attractive, (apart from being tall, which I do admittedly mention). Once they've swiped on u it's practise and don't be afraid to fail.

I enjoy the company if the neetlords here. The thing I have an issue with is the arrogance, "drumpftardation", refusal to change and the people who clearly pack education BUT still decide to chat shit about everything without evidence.

>be OP
>only been here 10 years
>only owns 10 btc
my assistant who I hired to lurk Jow Forums thought I might find this thread interesting, and indeed I came to laugh at this pleb

Yeah I've been coming here less and less. I realized about 99% of the people here are people I would not talk to IRL, and IRL is all that matters

>nomie don't know
>one simply. does. not.
>Google the truth

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>pack education BUT still decide to chat shit about everything without evidence

That is financial education in a nutshell. A large set of economical "facts" are just a religion clad in the mantle of academics rooted in the economic belief system of Keynesianism.

well as someone who is currently poor but will be rich in 5 years (not through crypto) you might as well give back to the community. Like your friends who bought you liquor when you were in high school. There's no obligation to pay it forward but you might as well.

I think it may have changed over time as well. I swear it wasn't so hateful ages ago

I have zero intentions of spending my money on myself, I would love to start some big companies in silicon valley after I finish a phd but have little idea how to do it yet. Also wouldn't say my 100k nw is "rich", more than 99 percent of people my age but not enough to retire or anything. If course this might change over the next 10 years

>love to start some big companies in silicon valley after I finish a phd
You are going to lose everything.

I don't want to sound like a cunt here but I find life extremely easy and have nothing to lose. If BTC moons and I spend it all on some companies which fail I legitimately wouldn't care. Better than doing nothing with it.

My lifestyle has always been very cheap, and I'll have excess money working in academia which us my backup option, or even just in hs teaching which is my backups backup.

>10 years on Jow Forums
>doesn't own a single LINK
Some people just won't make it

>google the truth

I stick around for a reality check. There's a lot of smart people here. Real world is more and more retarded

i'm an unironical 33 years old boomer, and i "grew out" of the enlightened first year college student meme by age... 13, because i could see the logical fallacies even then
you think you have it hard, son? i've been dealing with clones of you in every internet community FOR THE PAST 20 YEARS. and none of you ever get smarter, each new generation falls for worse memes than the one before

Why do you think it got more hatful and wht was it like back when you started coming here? I’m more of a newfag than you

Jow Forums is an addiction. 99% of the shit you see in here is garbage or content that you hate or dislike. But that 1% of gold that you will not find anywhere else is the jackpot that will keep you coming back for more. See ya again tomorrow faggot.

Christ bud I could not see myself on this website at an age where I should be a dad lol. Did you fail really hard or did you succeed

I remember when I was in Uni and thought I knew everything.

Your sheltered world view just got exposed with this post. You can't live a full life and not become racist and sexist.

Can confirm. Getting thots as an austiat is the easiest thing now if you are OK looking and can make eye contact and smile. Its hot now to sleep with "awkward" or "quirky" "tech nerds". Thots love man who are good with IT as they break it the second they come even near to it. Being a IT nerd is like owning a motercycle back in the day. Just be yourself. They think its cute and derpy and shit.

Cambridge kid arrogantly calls others stupid

We should ban people who have no self awareness

Not him but kinda makes sense.Jow Forums has been going on for over 8 years now. Oldfags could have found here as students and might stay into retirement. Since nobody knows who you are the kids and the old men never get a cue to separate like it would happen irl. We might have here even generational frontlines over some topics without ever taking notice.

The sea of information is massive, there's no need to stick around sites that cannot satisfy you anymore.

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Biz always was a little hateful, this is Jow Forums, but started to really get a lot of nazis after the 2017 bullrun when a lot of pol faggots migrated here

Also op, you sound like a try hard insecure faggot.

There are many multimillionaires that are far more successful than you could ever imagine that browse here regularly.

If you don't like the site anymore that's fine but don't think you're "too successful" for Jow Forums, sounds dumb.

Saying that everybody here is a kissless broke virgin autist is a meme, trust me.

This is the worst advice. Kys

Real advice: Be attractive. Be direct. Be funny and lighthearted. Take the pressure off her by taking the lead subtly. Don't be afraid to fail. You will definitely fail dozens of times. Most importantly be attractive.


What a stupid, 90 iq narcissistic comment. Who was pubmed, who was careful selection of articles and multiples sources to study if something is true or not, who was reliable sources, who was knowing how to use the most powerful search engine of all time to find solid material

actually never went on Jow Forums before i was 29. most people don't realise the whole internet used to be much weirder than Jow Forums, just in tiny fragmented communities. after the no fun allowed cancer spread far enough, this place is the only one where i don't feel surrounded by drones

But narcissists are high IQ

nice blogpost cuckboy

even if all my holdings explode into me being a fucking billionaire I'll never stop browsing this retarded shithole

>I've tried Reddit
of course you did kek

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not always

where do you get that from? psycho/sociopaths aren't always high IQ either

Everywhere else is worse.

you are just getting old

This fag knows

>genuine racism, sexism, etc is just flat out pathetic
My sweet summer child.

>You guys ever realize your superiority and get annoyed that not everyone is as good as you are?
>Man racists and sexists are cringe amirite guise


i just wish 8biz was more active or there was an alternative. this site was great but the current jannies here are huge reddit faggots that are killing the site. if they all committed suicide or hiro fired the dumb cunts is the only chance for this site. a lot of people have left just because the jannies ban for anything, its worse than facebook

>start some big companies in silicon valley
Just companies, that's the goal. No real ideas, just ego. Jesus Christ user do you have exactly zero self awareness?

>Now I'm a student at Cambridge with 10 BTC and have no problem fucking tinder thots or doing general social interaction.
so that is what you take pride in? interesting

You've literally been telling jannies to kill themselves in multiple threads and yet your still here.
What kind of mental gymnastics are you doing?

lets make the test

*tink tink tink*

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It's not a test if you deliberately break the rules, you're just gonna get banned sooner or later...

I can tell who that schizo is because he uses full stops in all his posts but no capital letters.

You really think that you’re the best Jow Forums has to offer because you got into Cambridge and you shagged a few girls there? Having sex at uni is like shooting fish in a barrel. You must at least have the awareness to realise that there are quite a few multi-millionaires on Jow Forums?

You’re in for a rude awakening when you leave education. I sometimes sit on the hiring panel at my office and we turn away oxbridge grads with firsts routinely. Also, you won’t enter business at a higher level because you got a PhD. You’ll enter just above entry level and find that you’re being managed by a 25 year old that did an apprenticeship and has been in the industry for near on ten years.

Good luck setting up your unicorn in Silicon Valley.

What are you studying? What's your opinion on the best coins to hold long term?

As much as I love to hate Jow Forums, I must give respect to this place. I've been here for roughly the same time, you can say I "grew up" here, or rather "matured". This place had the most influence on my life period. Jow Forums alone is the board that changed my life forever; if it wasn't for being here in early 2017 I would have been wage slaving right now and not enjoying crypto gains that could last me years. Jow Forums has encouraged me and taught me how to lift and I'm the most fit I've ever been in my life, Greek-statue tier fit. /tv/ is responsible for some of my favorite shows and movies and /v/ is responsible for introducing me to the game series I love the most now, Dark Souls.
This place gets a lot of hate for the toxicity and immaturity but these are consequences of anonymous communities. This place is an unfiltered mess of information, most of which is bad but some of which is good. You can find gems here all the time, and I don't mean just Jow Forums. Just tidbits of new information and new ideas. I admit taking a break from Jow Forums has it's benefits, however coming back here after a long break you realize just how toxic, and yet unparalleled in experience this community is. If anything, I stay here for the memes and the chaotic nature of conversation for fun. This place has always been ahead of the curve in popular culture. Also it's a great place to get news quickly, from ALL over the world.



how are you here 10 years without realizing that you arent supposed to spoon feed or educate retards, that is what reddit is for
you are degrading Jow Forums by helping idiots be here

i came here from slashdot btw

Listen to me user.

Once you hang around for 10 years, even less, you never leave Jow Forums.

>claims to have been here for a decade
>actually offended at ANYTHING
Go back to watching cuckporn

I remember 10 years ago, there was nothing I looked forward to more than reading some tard stories on /b/, and making jokes about fags and niggers and shit. Tons of people I knew IRL did the same thing too, it was just fun jokes not taken that seriously.

But like all the people who actually saw shit as jokes eventually moved on and grew to be real people and know all that's left is the Jow Forumstards who actually take this shit seriously.

And the discussion is just absolutely garbage, people are constantly trying to pick fights for no reason instead of just talking about shit(I mean on like /tv/ /v/ /a/ & /co/, you can't even be a fan of something and just discuss it with other people who like it). And every argument just devolves into ad hominem attacks on their end or if you actually back up your argument with numbers and facts they just ignore it or intentionally misinterpret it and continue to argue like retards.

Decent subreddits are actually helpful, like I come to Jow Forums because I want to have discussions with other entrepreneurs and money focused people. That used to exist even about 5 years ago, my current business exist because I had a deep conversation with someone doing the same thing across the country and he showed me the ropes and gave me pointers and lessons I could never get anywhere else. Now it's just crypto shilling and teenagers asking what degree they should get? Compare that to reddit, which has actually dedicated subreddits for early retirement, and entrepreneurship with actual quality content.

TL;DR: This site is shit

This. Imageboards have had a significant impact on my life. Some bad but overall good as I got older. Can't believe I've been coming to this shithole since 2007. I literally only browse 4+8/pol/, 8/v/ and 4/biz/. I literally don't go outside of this unless I wanna order something or look up some shit. 90%+ of my traffic for the last decade has been imageboards and holy fuck has it been a ride.

Wait i just reread your post and you're actually a faggot

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>I come to Jow Forums because I want to have discussions with other entrepreneurs and money focused people
then you've come to the wrong place
this is a board for poor, basement dwelling life failures who fall for every scam while looking for a quick buck
just look at the retard above me
>duhh reading 2 lines of text too hard
>derr gotta post le epic ms paint frog to fit in wit my internet pals
these are the people who you are trying to have discussion with

I were too successful for Jow Forums before I started hanging out here.

- My total net worth is about $950k.
- I study at a top university in my country.
- Kind of suck with women though since I am almost a literal midget, I've still had sex with almost 10 women, but I've failed with long term relationships (never anything over a few months) and I'm closer to 30 than 20 y/o.

I hang out here because I like to be at places where you're allowed to be pro-west and not politically correct.
Still cringe at all the jew hate and female worshiping combined with hate.

Biz truly is a joke, although sometimes they get things right, but it's 95 % irrational spam gamblers.
Reddit is better when it comes to crypto, even though you have some similarities there...

>thinks he will be different in 10 years

You will be uglier, richer, know more and be pretty much the same and probably still shitposting on Jow Forums. Sorry.

Lul only 10 btc for 10 years what did you invest to start, $10?

Are you actually at Cambridge? If you are I dare you to meet me for a drink. You might be pleasantly surprised.