Next Exchange, why arent you in? Easy 2/3x by the end of April

NEXT Exchange a hybrid digital asset exchange.
- 3.2 million circulating supply with a maximum cap of 25 million.
- Paypal withdrawals
- Every wallet has its own personal address so the exchange doesn't have a central point or wallet where they keep the funds as most exchanges do.
- Fiat pairs Euro and Dollar (in the future the fiat pairs yen, chf, gbp and more will also be available).
- More then 100 cryptocurrencies on the exchange.
- Fee distribution for NEXT holders
- Mainnet will be released in april and also update 1.1 that will give the exchange a major makeover, registering every transaction on the NEXT blockchain
- NEXT exchange will offer IEOs and STOs and has the support of the Dutch government.
- NEXT holders have up to 50% reduced fees on the exchange.
- NEXT exchange is a regulated exchange registered in The Netherlands and England. They recently visited the Dutch parliament where they heard that The Netherlands will support crypto start-ups like NEXT Exchange. NEXT is part of a brand new group which educates the ministers.
- The price at the moment is $0.44 with a marketcap of 1.6 million.

Look at other exchange tokens who offer not even half of this shit. This should be a 10/20 mil cap easy

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Other urls found in this thread:

I would rather invest in NEX(Nash Exchange) instead

Very enfeebled decision.
NEXT holders are chads banging 10/10 alpha thots, whereas NEX holders are betas with cheeto stained finger tips and dicks stuck to underwear via pre-cum.

Eterbase is a scam
Next Exchange is a scam
It's not hard to see

Correct answer. A dev on the next exchange team page doesn’t even exist, Andrew Massman is fake. The scam will unravel and you will lose money if you invest

I thought Andrew Massman was on the Eterbase team? I might be wrong
Either way it's funny as hell, does anyone have the picture of him?

Team are all on Linkedin faggot

Nash is 60 mil cap this is 1. Only exchange with a masternode too

Show me Andrew massmans linked in profile then? Oh you can’t, in fact show me anything at all to prove he is real. Oh you can’t. Why did they change his bio on the team page after we saw it was stolen from a real dev?

Literally no volume anymore. Wonder why

Why are you so bent on madman when all the rest of the team is on LinkedIn? Did your company put you on their employees page? Does it even have one? Why are you so retarded and purposefully fudding this project to fill your bags.
Team literally has 60 people in their test net chat testing their Blockchain. You will
be a bitch buying this when it goes up in price 10x.

>tfw because of one missing linkedin link biz accuses a project of being a scam

Then why would they bother creating the fictional Andrew Massman if it was a legitimate project? That doesn't make sense. That does nothing but hurt its image

>having no answers so resorting to name calling

Come back once you have proof, thanks


this NEXT exchange address just market sold a lot of NEXT

No you fucking mong, you are the one accusing the team of having a dev that doesn’t exist. You should be the one providing the proof he doesn’t. What proves you he doesn’t exist? What justifies his non-existence? Yeah, nothing, fucking idiot.

They stole the bio word for word from a real developer and showed proof that everyone exists except him. If you ask about him on TG you get banned, oh and apparently Andrew massman is Russian lol. Your turn.

The scam continues. Anyone buying this shit is willingly lining the pockets of a well known scammer.

you dumb cunt, 0x4e005a760e00e17c4912A8070EEc047CfecBabbb is the contract address for the NEXT token, and that etherscan link shows ALL of the dex transactions that have happened within that contract.

TLDR; that etherscan link shows all NEXT token transactions on IDEX and is not the team selling.

brainlet tier fud.

You’re the same faggot every time.
Andrew = anglicized version of Andrev.
Nobody got banned from TG for asking about him.
Because he has no LinkedIn and he refuses to expose himself to the internet, he doesn’t exist? Grade A mental gymnastics.

It’s incredible that this one faggot appears in EVERY single thread about NEXT to FUD it. Why are you so hellbent to FUD this 1.5m MC coin? Why do you insist so much? You’ve been in every thread for the past 2 weeks. This just makes me more confident that you’re here to fill up your bags.

Nice blog

So the guy they stole the bio from is the real developer is what you are saying?

No you retard, how many times is it gonna take to make it through your thick brain that Andrew is a REAL dev working for the team, and it’s not because he doesn’t show up on google that he doesn’t exist? God, how long have you been here for? Fucking newfag.


So why put up a fake photo and a stolen bio? Why mention him at all? Why not just be transparent about him being anonymous?

It’s either a really fucking stupid idea, or a straight up scam. I’m going with the later.

He is
*drums drums*

>seems legit

Attached: 1542542256607.jpg (267x323, 7K)

>fake photo
And why is it fake?
You still haven’t told me why you are so obsessed with this one particular coin. And don’t tell me it’s for “anons not to get scammed” because that’s a bullshit excuse.

So the bio was stolen, the name isn’t real but you expect us to believe the photo is? You’re a smart one aren’t you is already in the market since 2017. I worked with their developers before to integrate my coin in their exchange and they did the job very professional. So what is the problem that you are thinking they will scam people? If they would scam you they did right after their ICO.

>name isn’t real
And what tells you it isn’t real?
>bio stolen
And what tells you it’s stolen?
And you still haven’t told me why you are so obsessed with this coin. I’ll just assume it’s XBASE paying you to FUD :)

Exhibit A, your fake developer Andrew Massman. That bio sure does sound familiar...

Attached: FF78901A-CF22-4FE7-8D77-CF1FA0BEAE51.png (229x366, 30K)

Ahh because it was stolen from this guy... after it came to light, Massmans bio got updated which isn’t suspicious at all

Attached: F4343C58-02B5-4FED-B9A8-5B60D0DC1349.png (1038x333, 71K)

The image of him even looks fake.

Sure, that's cool and all. Now tell me where's the volume?

because it has a long way to go down and then I will might consider buying at 0.0014 if its not gonna end up as a scam I think it is.

Absolutely BTFO

This is when you wanna buy, not when its 2/3x. Lol this whole scam arguement is based around ONE photo. People on here shilling Birdchain and Cedex and this is the scam? fucks sake


People overlooking the fact they actually have a working exchange also? Version 1.1 this month with lots of updates and an AMA this week that will kill a lot of this FUD

You really have an obsession for this developer. I can assure you he is real. Anyway get a real life instead of keeping this non-sense FUD against NEXT.

Thanks for bumping for awareness of the scam.

Bump you back. You got more or this is all?

What happened to their TG chat, it seems to be gone, not a good sign.

Hope I'm wrong, becuase I bailed at 25M gwei, at a loss of 1/3 from 37M gwei.

Now it's around 20M gwei with no volume.

If this turns around I am a dumbfuck, hope it doesnt, but also hope noone gets burned too bad.

Attached: SCAM.png (1084x304, 30K)

Telegram chat is still there

Posted by yourself. Nothing special. More?

AMA this week where they'll talk about all this FUD, lets see what the outcome is there

Becayse we're all going to trust some random bitcointalk message, most likely posted by yourself :) The fact that you're on such a crusade against this one specific coin makes me bullish on it, because why else would you take so much time to FUD some random shitcoin?

Let this guy spread his FUD! That's why he is here to keep the topic ongoing. Paid by the message.

Awesome will Andrew Massman be there? When is it? They were meant to announce a date this weekend right? Oh... that didn't happen either.

Weekend isnt over faggot, it'll be announced today.

he is getting paid to fud, very bullish. nobody who isn't retarded would do otherwise.

No doubt, its xbase and coss paying this pajeet to fud a legitimate project.

Cope harder

Huh since when does someone on a team needs to be using his real information? I'm used to see these masternode teams having aliases and fake photos and stuff...

If you for real are using an anonymous platform yourself and then bashing on someone else desire to stay anonymous, you're fucking delusional that's my 2 cents.

I don't think an exchange needs a team page at all, where's the team of kraken, bitfinex, binance, bittrex???

Looks like someone really wants the price of NEXT down and it honestly makes me want to buy some lol, seems like they got a lot of nice things upcoming anyways

What is your LinkedIn? Are you real?

Im betting 3 ethereum that announcement will come today. But I'm sure you wont match me, faggot.

Buy coinmetro fucking retards everything else is shady.

I dont get the scam argument. Its not like they collect a load of eth and left a load of broken promises. They basically got a fully fuctioning exchange even now. All this shit over one fucking photo on the teams page?

As far as I know it's really just dramatic

We're all using an anonymous platform. Using anonymous messengers and then there's a twat bashing on a dev that wants to stay anonymous LOL

I don't think he understands crypto very well

I guess people want their devs dancing all over social media making unrealistic promises, instead of keeping their heads down and actually working and building something

Ahhh; There we go. A paid shilly shill shill for coinmetro thanks buddy

Sorry for you, but he will not be there, he is not interested to date with you.

Ready to eat shit? AMA date and time announced. You seriously strike me as a person who sold in panic when it was at ATL two months ago before they started any type of marketing and were discovered. You are seething like a man child with pure inbred hate from missing out on a 15x. You can't refute this as an etched in stone fact.

Here you go you fucking down syndrome dip shit

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Dont waste your time bro, let them buy back in at 5 mil cap

Anyone else get the impression that a lot of times /biz only PRETENDS to be about helping you on a moon mission when they are truthfully trying to PREVENT you from experiencing one for yourself. To all you sad, lonely people who post things on this board at the expense of your fellow anons and their money I hope you all die slow deaths with no family, friends, or your precious material possessions by your side to comfort you as you pass

Wait... Is this actually legit?

Good job - now you can ask them why you are using fake developers on the team site.

You need to chill my man, and stop wasting your money on scams.

Nigger has been spotted.


You're salty as fuck bro, lets see where the price is at the end of April eh?

>why you are using fake developers on t
Fake developers which are building their own blockchain which is currently in testnet. So you lost a lot of money and you are crying now? Cry even harder.

Flawless arguments guys. Absolutely breathtaking

>gets BTFO
"You got to like chill, mayn, its like, ok, bro"
Fucking nigger, you get continually fucked over and you keep doubling down.


How do you know which person copied the other person?


Your whole argument is based around that. You're like arguing with a broad who takes one tiny part of a whole conversation and just keeps repeating it over and over

He is just in love, but Andrew is not there.

Perfect analogy

Lmao cosstards are imo the most subhuman retards ever. How can you hold on the worst functioning botwashtrading shit exchange ever? Like on lereddit they're straight up denying the washtrading. I bet that shithole of an exchange runs on like 25k real volume. BUT MUH DIVIDENDS

Coss sucks, rune is an old pedo.

bullshit. oooh one Reddit AMA? while kevin does weekly live AMAs since months and leaves like hundreds of tg voice messages to community questions.

>NEXT is part of a brand new group which educates the ministers.

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Ooooh WoooooooooooooooOOOooooooW Kevin likes hear is own voice wow big fucking deal you stupid fuckin mook

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Hey buddy we are talking about specific AMA to address recent confusion and rumors. Otherwsie I think NEXT is doing just fine with giving updates to the community, albeit not in voice messages to the community lol. Does it comfort you that the lead of your project stops what he should probably be focusing on just to address you insecure little fucking shits who need constant attention and gratification to make you feel like you've made the right purchase? KYS you stupid near sighted faggot

HURR DURR look at me I dont add any value to the conversation HURRR DURRR but at least I can post a funny screenshot I spent the afternoon drawing up HURR DURR I am special HURRR DURRR Kevin sent me a voice message this afternoon and told me I am special HURRR DURR

Owner not a scammer

I heard Eterbase paid for some Jow Forums and reddit marketing, I wouldn't be surprised if he is the XBASE shill

Sirs, ok, sirs.
Dutch people are really pathetic.

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what went wrong

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-04-07 23-30-45.png (686x122, 21K)

Another drawing?! Incredible! Here's a gold star for such a GREAT DRAWING Timmy! Good job little guy we are all so proud of you and your abilities

go back

nothin. its yet to truly moon yet. what we saw so far was nothing.

re-buy at 10 cents (or lower)

Fucking pajeets lmao.

Never change biz. Good boys.

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what's up with 3,8 mill circulating and 44 mill total supply

its incorrect on coinmarketcap
its actually a max supply of 25 mil
and 4 mil circulating