ITT: % chance that YOU personally believe of link succeeding AND token value hitting triple figure. I'll start :
>inb4 delusion
ITT: % chance that YOU personally believe of link succeeding AND token value hitting triple figure. I'll start :
>inb4 delusion
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100% chance of reaching $20 as that only requires keeping a value of 0.002 ETH as ETH hits 10k. When you do the math you quickly realize this could easily be a $100 coin with the right public image and genuine partnerships. Sergey is very very aware of how to create and maintain an image.
Hello Jow Forums
This may be a kind of a weird post here, but I think that if anyone can help me, it is you guys.
I am an entomologist, and I need a reliable way to make beetle cards, just like the one pictured here. These cards are used to mount really small specimens, and are used in three sizes, ranging from 5x9mm to 10x20mm.
I thought about using punches or paper cutting dies, but they can't be made with these little round corners. My currently idea is to cut it with a guillotine, but I have not found a way to round these corners (radius of around 0.5mm).
Can you guys help me?
Thank you very much, and sorry for ibeing kinda off-topic.
Sand paper
>as ETH hits 10k.
I think crypto Will Go over 2 trillion market cap within 2 years and i can link will capture between 2-5% of the market wich will make it worth between $40-100
96% sure. I went all in during the dip 2 days ago selling the other half of my portfolio for Link. I realized that all of these shitcoins are useless if the oracle problem isn't solved.
>as ETH hits 10K
user, I...
you know eth is not a very good investment?
Either 100% or 0%. There is no in between
110% expectation of $1000. The extra 10% is to account for my 100% expectation $1100.
Clearly none of you know anything about computer science and software development. If you left your house you'd realize every meet up is filled with young people working with Ethereum contracts, and soon they will be working with useful and trustworthy Chainlinks. Kek.
ethereum works better when eth price is low
ok you are a tech nerd and you think you can outsmart all of us here, but guess what investing in cryptocurrencies is more about finances/monetary properties than technology. You cannot monetize open source technology directly, if you think you can go ahead and try to sell a blockchain to someone or even a blockchain based service or whatever.
Here is the crypto redpill, it does't matter how advanced or groundbreaking ethereum is/becomes. Ether (not ethereum) is a useless gas token/shitcoins. You only need a tiny bit of it to pay for gas/transactions. If ethereum scales and makes transactions cheaper/faster guess what, even if more people use it that doesn't mean its price will go up.
Cryptocurrencies are not stocks, ether (the token) is not a facebook share, it doesn't have to go up in price just because ethereum (the platform) becomes more popular.
Chainlink is good because it has (hopefully) a holding (hoarding) incentive for collateral, bitcoin is held/hoarded as digital gold/store of value due to its credibility/monetary properties. That creates scarcity and puts upward pressure on price, that's not the case with ether.
TLDR: ether is a worthless gas token
>b-but muh POS ponzi dividends
keep hoping
You hate Ethereum but You do not understand that your dislike towards the platform has nothing to do with ChainLink's guaranteed success
My guts tell me that if it hits 10 dollars, it will hit 100, because it's either zero or to the moon with this one. So no point selling before 100. No matter what happens, it's gonna be a wild ride for sure. I'm strapped in. If it goes to zero, so be it.
im a quant you fag
then go ahead and refute what I said
I'm indifferent to ethereum, I just think that ether (the token) is a shit investment based on its weak monetary properties, that's it.
>Sergey is very very aware of how to create and maintain an image.
yes the autistic memes are great for business
finally someone with brian cells
50/50 it either works or it doesn't
You can't fight stupidity with logic bud. No use.
>Ether (not ethereum) is a useless gas token/shitcoins. You only need a tiny bit of it to pay for gas/transactions. If ethereum scales and makes transactions cheaper/faster guess what, even if more people use it that doesn't mean its price will go up.
Actually I WILL bite. Here you had the chance to use objective metrics to prove why this is the case. Instead you just hand waved and didn't provide any data. Here is my argument:
ETH is the most scarce project on earth, and no one knows it but the really educated.
Solving the Oracle problem is worth more than crypto. We could see a % well into the double digits
my naive bayesian prior = 50%
>When Art imitates Autism.
I'm not 100% sure about triple digits, but I am sure about double digits. I went all in after oraclize capitulated and the blythe masters pic came out.
not gonna make it
This pasta is so fucking stupid
o wow, 2% of the supply locked in in meme contracts
>the most scarce project
? you mean asset? yeah, sure especially with vitalik switching back and forth on inflation rate and all the other shit giving eth - credibiity
>doesn’t understand the concept of rate of change
Did you take high school level calculus?
>id will gib going ub
have fun when your stable coins backed by volatile assets get busted and/or replaced by usd-backed stable coins
"your argument is bad in, and of itself. Therefore, you are wrong" is essentially 90% of the counter-arguments givin on this board. No wonder people disgruntled with this shit. Can't wait for my ETH and LINK bags to moon so I can leave this miserable place, filled with miserable mouth-breathers. I'm only here because you guys are so herd-like, that I get real-time accurate sentiment from you. Kek.
>Either I win the lottery or I don't, there is no in between
> - Ok, but what is the probability to win?
>It is win or lose, what do you not get about that?
100%. Why? Because we're in clown world, and LINK is going to keep its sat value if not increase. Why is that important? Because currently you can buy ~10k LINK with one beetcone. How much is beetcone going to be worth in the not-so-distant future? 1MM, only so that McAfee can be proven right and keep his peepeeweeweeteehee. Again, we HONK now, there's no way he won't be right, specifically because nobody is expecting it.
100% 5k by 2024
Pretty much 100%. The only relevant question is WHEN
Check this smart faggot out.
100% of probability of this entering the top 200 before June and making me rich.