Oh hows it going with those cryptocurrencies babe, are we up?
Oh hows it going with those cryptocurrencies babe, are we up?
Okay this is literally my sister what the fuck
how old were you when you first fucked her
Bout 45
ew whats a nigger doing on here?
dayum bro she nice
Would date
Bitch wut
G-d I want to breed that niggerpussy so hard
Man, she is hot. wifey material.
Racemixing cucks
no bitch we not up
Nigger nigger motherfucker pussy ass tits
Genuine question if this isn’t bait: why do you care about your race/phenotype?
Stop calling me babe and get back to shining my shoes
When we’re done an hour from now you’ll be up $125 and on a city bus headed home.
Blacks on average have retard level intelligence and their genes need to be eradicated before they drag the rest humanity down with them.
There is a plethora of reasons why you wouldn't want a mix raced child, especially with someone from a race with a significantly lower average intelligence for obvious reasons. Heritage is a crucial part of one's identity, and when you lack that aspect of your identity it leads to all sorts of psychological problems. They're more likely to be depressed, drop outs, criminals, drug users, suicide etc. This is also why guilty white liberals who reject their heritage are such fuck ups.
Lmao you need to have sex buddy.
>You said something I disagree with. That means you don't have sex and I definitely do have sex, haha! Checkmate!
Imagine reading pol and actually believing it
I'm an attractive blonde male and I'll fuck any breed of woman with a big ass. It's coded into our minds.
the fact that you care about the IQ of the place you're dumping your seed means you have chronically low T
Imagine belonging to the only ethnic group in the world and in history to actively encourage the destruction of your own blood line, and not thinking twice about why you think the way you do. Progress, am I right fellow Democrat?
>t. r selection pleb
Imagine not caring about having strong and intelligent offspring
>niggers and latinas
>birthing hips
>not strong
easy on the onions
Enjoy your half-retarded kids who will never succeed in life
Care to refute the point about mixed-race people having identity problems?
I didn’t suggest having children with any random woman. I asked why you think race is so important. There are females of every race that are smarter than you and have much more accolades than you. Why do you make race such an important factor? There are on average more men of higher intelligence than women. Using your argument, it’d make more sense being in a homosexual relationship and having children with a surrogate who you’ve given an IQ test or something.
Yes, but youre a nigger so you aint getting shit. Bleach your womb and deal with it yourself.
>sharing your crypto holds with IRL normies
Hahahahahaha. NEVER GONNA MAKE IT.
Is there even one? let me guess, your source is a gif of a woman saying that she doesn't know where she fits.
Deniro wins
>wanting nigglets
>just have kids with a man
6/10 not bad
It’s just sad seeing people that are so into Jow Forums that they turn themselves into people that are really unpleasant to be around. I have a good friend that is a Jow Forumstard and his emphasis on racial superiority and IQ and Hitler has made it so cringey to be around him because he brings it into the real world with him.
Knowing him and others, I can’t help but think there is some kind of major insecurity that leads to this type of constant antisocial behavior and feeling like one needs to “redpill” others.
At least in Jow Forums we get the occasional adult, I've taken a look at Jow Forums a few times and holy fuck
>I didn’t suggest having children with any random woman. I asked why you think race is so important. There are females of every race that are smarter than you and have much more accolades than you. Why do you make race such an important factor? There are on average more men of higher intelligence than women. Using your argument, it’d make more sense being in a homosexual relationship and having children with a surrogate who you’ve given an IQ test or something.
holy fuck this is literally unrefutable logic hahhaha nice one mate
Mixed race here. My life is unironically better because I'm more attractive and my parents were both intelligent
>I can’t help but think there is some kind of major insecurity that leads to this type of constant antisocial behavior
White genocide, faggot. Take this shit seriously. It's not a fucking joke.
It’s just unfortunate that you could be destroying opportunities to make some real, great frens but you have spent so much time reading .jpg statistics. I hope you all make money and get a chance to explore the world. There are great frens and sexy babies all over in all the places I’ve been.
Everyone is mixed race in this world. As a European I really don't get the american labeling system for people. It seems to have no basis of any kind.
Fucking based
Bout tree fiddy
>everyone's out to get me
we're becoming a more integrated and global populace. adapt and evolve or forever cling to self deprecating racist ideologies as a coping mechanism for not being able to accept strength in genetic diversity
yeah you're right but all I was saying was I'm visibly mixed, and I'm constantly in between cultural identities, and it has only enriched my experience. You may have like 1% ethiopian in you but that's just a moot point in this context
> There are females of every race that are smarter than you and have much more accolades than you. Why do you make race such an important factor?
You should look up divergence to the mean. Offspring is more likely to trend towards the group average. So if you have children with a black woman with an above average IQ, that doesn't mean your kid will necessarily have an above average IQ. Also you completely ignored the part about identity and psychological development.
I agree that people who talk about this stuff and push it on others without any sort of catalyst is pretty cringe. It's a lost cause trying to red pill some people, especially liberals who are actively political. Though I've found that most people are pretty open to new ideas, especially in 1 on 1 conversations. The "liberal consensus" is mostly just virtue signalling that thrives on fear of becoming a social outcast.
race doesn't fucking exist and if you believe it does, you have not interacted with enough people.
>inb4 but what about genetic differences
> divergence to the mean.
It's called regression to the mean, my bad
Thanks for your insights user
>just lie down and accept eradication
Leftism is a literal death cult
1%? so what's the other 99%? I'd have to be horribly inbred. Yes, my ancestors might have lived a bit closer to each other than yours but given the hundreds of conquests that my country (or the land my country is in) has gone through any idea of racial purity sounds just stupid.
you just think people are out to get you and thats literally a psychological issue with conspiracy-prone right-wingers lmao. you are a clear case of this shit. I have no desire to fucking kill you mate, despite you being a dumb piece of shit
To believe that no one is out to get you is just as delusional as believing that everyone is out to get you.
Yes I know bro, like I don't have a category. That's why I don't think about race at all when I interact with the world. It's just such a useless thing to take into account, it never helps me bond with anyone, no matter what "Race" they happen to appear as. This is a subtle thing that basement-dwelling racial realists do not intuitively get beacause... well they don't leave the house and overdose on paradoxically too-easy-to-swallow redpills
>what are birthrates
>what is the mass importation of niggers from the third world
>what is a massive tax burden
>what is social welfare paid for by whites and given to niggers to breed while whites have to struggle to and actually pay for their children
Get fucked.
You sound like the sort of person who grew up in a 99% white upper-middle class suburb and has interacted with maybe 5 black people in your entire life. I grew up in one of the more "diverse" areas of Toronto and race literally defined what groups of people I could hang out with in school.
They're out to soothe their insecurites not fucking kill you, only a select few people are that sinister. It's about understanding that people have a bad AND good side, and that no one wants to publicly be known as a bad person. The social incentives are built into to us to not do shit like that, unless you are psychologically out of whack, which many redpillers literally are. They are anti-social types.
Well, all I can say is, if you ever get tired of "racial-talk" just move to Europe. No one is going to look twice at you, and your parent's nationality or origin or whatever will be nothing more than a fun anecdote.
My only point is that it is pretty retarded to treat your family building as a statistical study. I think humans are largely social creatures and it is ok if you make frens or even procreate with someone with different phenotype than you. A lot of people have positive things to contribute that may not necessarily be considered “intelligent.” There is also populations that are pathological and contribute much more negativity than positivity.
Just feel bad for people who may never meet new BFFs or maybe a great americoid, negroid, caucasoid, mongoloid, etc QT3.14 because they’ve convinced themselves there’s something wrong with interacting with or appreciating people who may be different
Then how do you explain all the genocides throughout history? Do you think they just spring out of nowhere?
>he thinks we're talking about individuals
If you're a Jow Forumslack and treat individual people you run into poorly, that's on you.
I've accounted for this argument bud. It's something you don't understand because you are too closed off from the world. This is why there is a language barrier between liberals and conservatives. You fags rely on stats of generalized population groups, whereas we focus on the individuals immediate experience. This is actually ironic considering conservatives literally say shit like "leftists are collectivists". You have it so backwards it's hilarious to see you smugly send out stats and sit there like we haven't accounted for your bullshit like half a century ago.
You essentially are the modern version of a phrenologist.
Actually I'm considering this for grad school. I'm eyeing France. Where you at? Tell me how it is there
lmao OP has bestiality fetish
what? genocides are massive errors in judgment kek
That is why it's important to judge individuals as individuals, and groups as groups. Everyone gets the benefit of the doubt until they prove otherwise as far as I'm concerned. But when it comes with something as important as my potential offspring I don't take chances.
Literally a result of the Othering you are presenting currently. Like you are the people that would lead to a genocide, not us. Lol!
people with sex on tap can afford to have standards
high T meme is pure cope. drain your balls twice a day in a 10/10 qt and you won't even care for looking at other girls
Everyone "others". That's part of human nature. The ones who refuse to acknowledge it are the most dangerous of all because they're the ones who will commit acts of evil while thinking themselves to be saints (see: SJW's)
Germany. France is a bit turbulent at the moment, particularly if you were thinking of a big city (which you probably were)
that's cute. frog here, and now that a solid third of the population is african in the Paris area, half of the whites became racists
tolerance doesn't survive exposure to diversity
Nah dude. There are people who have spiritual experiences that completely shatter the concept of the Other. Check it out.
What a hateful fucking planet we live in.
What does it matter? These "judgements in error" happen far too frequently to take one's guard down when all the warning signs become present. You can either protect yourself when under threat, or lay down and die. The motives or judgements of those attacking you is completely irrelevant.
Okay first off I don't believe you, #2 your sister is hot as fuck, #3 what are you doing here, you need to leave this place..
Pattern recognition skills and in-group preferences are something we evolved with and are required for our survival. If you have two groups, one with in-group preferences and one without, the one without goes extinct 100% of the time, because human nature is not malevolent and it never will be. At some point, the less successful group will want what the successful group has. And they will try to take it.
>human nature is not malevolent
>'Heritage is a crucial part of one's identity, and when you lack that aspect of your identity it leads to all sorts of psychological problems.'
This is 100% backwards, basing your whole existance on what your grandads grandad cared about just lol
Getting JUSTed doesnt look so bad
It's actually been studied my dude, and it doesn't have to be black and white. ajph.aphapublications.org
checked. But time to leave mr. Nigger
this is now a multicultural thot thread
you just live in a bubble and don't talk to people outside of your ivory tower
good luck finding matching bloodtypes were your mix raced kid to get injured, not to mention the mental problems that mixed people tend to have from lack of shared identity with either parent.
there aren't that many blood types
mental problems? citation needed, I don't buy it
f u c k her user
Imagine being a cracker and getting offended every time they see a person of color.
Oy vey
Do you even know what bloodtypes are?