Do Female biztards exist??

Are there actually any BIOLOGICAL FEMALES on Jow Forums right now??

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How many LINK do I need to accumulate to get a QT like this is 2022?

Notice how there is no cleavage but her breasts look big. This is the sign of a padded bra.

femanon reporting in. I'm born a boy, but identify with the feminine gender

I have a feminine penis OP

he said biological

male females > bio females

And you'll be gassed because of it you fucking freak

what happened to that dumb ass annoying poster reluctant kneepad girl

I can confirm that I am a girl (male)

You’re just a faggot

Please be nice to other people sir. You will regret it later

I know you won’t believe me OP but yes I am a woman for real.

hrrrr women are underrepresented in crypto drrrr patriarchy oppression

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What coins do you hold?

So why are you here and not flirting with Chad or posting on Instagram?

If you struck it rich what would you do with the money?

proofs or GTFO

They will come when BTC reaches new ATH, along with the other normies.

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Hello m'lady, I assure you I'm not one of these CRYPTO-CREEPS so-to-speak, wishing to buy your """services""" with online currency (I know! how debased? THIS was certainly not the vision of satoshi!) And what would a lady like yourself have to do with an Oracle token anyway? You need not worry your head about these things m'lady! I'm Thomas by the way. ;)

you know that the crash is imminent when hot women and black men jump onto the thing you're speculating on

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Link. 17.5k

I’m a weirdo just like the rest of you. I’d probably invest money and live off the interest as a nomad.

Blue board yo

*tips fedora*

hot af

>Blue board means no proof
Nigga wear a bra

>loli laugh.jpg

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She could post to /s/ and then link us. She just doesn't want us to see her boobs.

>almost outlinked by woman

Women all use Facebook. They don't come to the chins unless we are near the peak


Can you stop posting pics of my brother?

There is a 0% chance that a woman holds more LINK than me
stop lying faggot


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>holds LINK
ah, a real female (male)

Look at that (((body type))).

no shit, its a trap

Hello fellow tranny

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the bottom 20% of women are

OK op here, second question: would any of you have sex for money & if so how much?

Or a young girl.

This is admittedly a proper question

Kill thine self mincing fag


Do not post pictures of clearly underage children or you will get reported. This will be your one and only warning!

Post tits

Qt snek

Groestl resurgence when?

here's my pic...I'm on my cellphone now

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That's the most tranniest thing i've read all day

If there are, which there probably are, I can't imagine why they would want to reveal themselves on this board. Femanons that do reveal themselves are likely user larpers/traps. The only reason I can think of why they'd reveal themselves is for financial or social media incentives or ignorance. This board is too openly creepy/stalkerish/abusive for a sane person to think it is a good idea. I'm sure someone will try to prove me wrong though.


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