Come get me faggots
Whale here - AMA
how do i leverage my trades without getting liquidated?
Is pic you?
What makes you think you're a whale?
how can I find and join whale telegram?
should i close my longs?
Tight SL (0.97% - x39)
I can buy your entire shitcoin circulating supply
whale groups are a meme. No really interesting group is public and you won’t get invited if you don’t know whales personally.
My longs are open. Depends on the entry, when did you enter your pos.?
Okay then who is she
Do you think is that the bear market is over?
A cheap thot from Bern (Switzerland)
I don’t know, I’ll keep buying whenever we dump
>119 replies and you'll get my positions fagots
is XTZ a great coin or the greatest coin?
How much BTC do you have?
How much do you need to have in crypto to be considered a whale?
>My longs are open. Depends on the entry, when did you enter your pos.?
thursday. btc/bsv/bch
> how much do you need to have in fiat to be rich ?
Welcome in user
i need yours to have enough faggot
should I close my lungs ?
How much Enigma do you have
Yes kys
Negative 1448...
Do fundamentals of any shitcoin out there matter to you at all?
AMB pump when?
Lol don’t buy shitcoins... take suicide insurance with chainlink and buy some btc but stop gambling on shitcoins
Not gambling on shitcoins
> liquidity
> scams
what do you think of XTZ?
how much HOT are you holding?
how much FTM are you holding?
HOT : 0
FTM : -10'000'000
Enigma isn't a shit coin but ok
would you rather hold 300 NEO or 2000 OMG?
checked. wanna elaborate why you think they aren't worth holding?
Would hold btc only lol
isn't worth the time, stop gambling on shitcoins
Only a whale could afford to say that, poorfags need high risk high reward investments to have a chance to make it
no, you can't even imagine what's happening (nor can i). I you have more than $12.99 in crypto today you'll make it (no shitcoins, stick to top coins)
Do you margin trade ever? How do you increase your stack?
you agree that BNB is not a shitcoin right mr big willy whale?
> buy low
> sell high
i'm trading with margin (cross) but refer to for the next week
was that you?
>Tight SL (0.97% - x39)
Does that mean using a leverage of x39 with a trailing stop of 0.97% against your position?
Any clue as to why?
i agree that FTM is a shitcoin, i only intend to hold it for an easy 5-10x to flip into BTC and ETH. HOT could really be a gamechanger though for dapps, and a decent long-term gamble (2-3 years). I'd have a look in case you haven't done any in-depth research. Several ETH genesis wallets have invested in their ICO.
yes, valable when entry price is good.
You'll see
lol i was struggling not putting some eth in the HOT ico, it's a litteral shitcoin. FTM is also a shitcoin. The only coins worth holding are btc$ xmr$ eth$ link$ + ((SHITCOINNAME HERE))
Do you have some way for us to follow your trades on tele or something? Would be keen
no but i can repost an update on /biz in 7 days using a picture of this woman
What the hell are you saying? Unless making it is making $10k there's no way $12.99 will be enough for anyone to make it, how fucking high do you crypto will go? This is ridiculous, don't give unrealistic hopes please
Are you interested in trading with algorithms?
You could finance mine with pocket change.
> began with litteraly 10$ (paysafecard), suck dicks newfag
why the fuck would we need a fucking computer or AI to buy low sell high when /biz_mongrels buy high sell low ?
literally replies to every fag apart from the user acknowledging the whale whopper wang
I agree BNB is shit hot wish I didn’t sell
thoughts on GRIN?
Lol here you go faggot
> pic related
No BNB = Poor nigger
No shit you made it if you bought btc when it just started trading, but today there's no way $12.99 would be anywhere close to enough to make it, which is what you were saying
I just hope you broke her heart after using her cunt based whaleanon
doge and the Standard XRP?
shut to fuck up nigger. i made an account on which i sent 0.1 btc 6 months ago and i have 2.13 btc on it now (which will be worth over 100k). Until next ath this account will be worth >15btc
how much HST are you holding
First, fuck you.
Second, good job on growing your stack so much, that's not easy, but then what you're suggesting isn't that holding $12.99 worth of crypto is enough to make it but rather that it's enough to start trading and grow it to a good enough stack to make it. Ultimately it seems like you're here to brag about your trading skills, well congrats user, looks like you'll probably make it
stfu pajeet
> not even enough volume for me to buy a bag
if your dumbass doesn't know how to enter a large position on a low volume coin, you most definitely aren't a whale
user i'm not a good trader, i lost a lot. But saying that it's impossible to make it with < 12$ is delusional (statistically -> i + Nx)
> do not trade btc > 1/month
> trade with lev (+SL)
lol pocket change traders are entering low volume shitcoins
> gtfo my post nigger
ah, it all makes sense now. You're just larping.
HST is a long play
here's betting 80% of those gains came from the april 2nd pump
on crab markets it would be impossible to get 21x on as little as 6 months
>i agree that FTM is a shitcoin, i only intend to hold it for an easy 5-10x to flip into BTC and ETH. HOT could really be a gamechanger though for dapps, and a decent long-term gamble (2-3 years). I'd have a look in case you haven't done any in-depth research. Several ETH genesis wallets have invested in their ICO.
this guy sounds more whale than op
>thoughts on GRIN?
the question is not should you buy grin, but when to buy grin
Hello fellow redditor,
When did you buy "ftm" as a whale ? i can't see any decent volume before the first positive trade. When if the 200k / day volume isn't you trading a shitcoin you're not a whale.
Good for you OP... Congrats
I'll never make it lol...
I was thinking this too. I like GRIN but it looks like it needs to find its price range furst
Why you love/hate ZIL so much?
What's your point of doing an AMA?
>a swissbro
How much is whale status ? Is the occult stuff, kek, 7777 a big deal in those circles ? Any stories to tell?
big mammories make you a whale not
I don't like the shape of her tongue.