Get out before this dumps to hell, panic is setting in.Fallen out with binance so wont be listing.
Dumping because gilbert cancelling amas, cursing at the telegram, lying about partnerships
What a surprise
quant = app with erc20 token attached
ceo = fell out with cz and will never get listed on binance
also ceo is dumping while announcing fake partnerships
who the fuck is holding this shit. i knew top was 30m 2 months ago (i never held this shitcoin btw)
Everything in crypto is a scam minus less than 5 projects. Did you really think this was legitimate? Some neckbeard made a copypaste ERC token and made you buy it. The absolute fucking state of crypto holy shit.
remember when Gilbert hyped up their EU connection and then it was revealed that is was nothing more than a simple membership in which there are 100 other companies involved?
how about hyping up a banking partnership? oops.
if you fell for that fucking line then you deserve to loose all your money on this scam
>he fell for the shillbert
Removed’s technical analysis skills are a scam.
ALL these coins are SCAMS!
the telegram is cancer, mostly responsible for hyping dates leading to these nasty dumps. its all in coordination with Gilbert's sweet talk.
kek it looks like either y'all bought the top and now pissed or fuding to make it go lower and buy 'em back
anyways, thanks
Thanks just sold 100k
its being built into hyper ledger. you faggots have no idea. Once a decent exchange comes and some awareness and banks we moon. Still Comfy. Fundamentals mean this will be around in 5 years time while your shitcoins will be forgotten.
cope harder user
Panic in the streets of londen, panic in the streets of burmingham. I wonder to myselfffffff......
Hang the dj, hang the dj
>its over soon tellie. Youre fucked
I'll let you in on a little secret. Quant has almost zero fundamentals.
>You fags are delusional
>It's going to moon hard AF once this announcement comes out
>It's replacing hyperledger
but it's true.
What about tokenomics?
You have to hold tokens to use the platform. This will get billions of real world usage from major banks. Meanwhile in crypto land zero people will use your shitcoin.
how many tokens?
to run a dapp on EOS? ....1.....
1 qnt or 1 eos? or do i need both?
You need both. Also if you want to develop on QNT you need additional tokens.
To sum it up:
- buy tokens to get Dev access
- buy QNT to use Overledger
- Buy EOS for anything that goes over EOS
can i buy qnt with eos?
you're obviously a fucking brainlet that my joke flew way over your head.
My point is Massively pumped projects like EOS and many top 10 projects have no actual usage. When was the last time you used IOTA or EOS for anything?
QNT however will have real licensing demand from Billion dollar companies. So fuck off you pajeet.
Same way xrp holders became rich when ripple "partnered" with big banks?
I hope that's irony but doesn't sound like it.
No, but it has very little value in an already saturated market. Privacy coins will be the biggest gain bois.
quantards are absolutely delusional
they unironically listen to TA on 1hour candles ignoring fundamentals completely
they deserve to lose their money
making a fucking sonicfag their CM was the sing to get out of that mess
fuck that shit scam
>Once a decent exchange comes
Literal cope at this point, Binance never ever. The "other exchange under NDA" was fucking COSS, the absolute state of this shit.
>nobody uses blockchains
>blockchain interoperability tool will be used by billion dollar companies
This is how stupid you are. There is no excuse for you really.
Looks like I shouldn't sell my AION tokens after all.
QNT being a scam doesn't mean AION isn't utter dogshit too
Take it easy. I am in NY now. Trying to get our things done. I have the treasury on my creditcard.
We doing real business. That means, we making money and you loose it. We don’t have a working product yet, i really hope it will one day. We already have partnerships with banks, to bring in my money. We are holding enough quant to keep the thing alive for some months. Don’t worry people. We are still better as 90 percent of the other projects. I am doing this all for the community, they are doing great work. Couldn’t do better when i was head of selling empty boxes.
We have great Exchanges, Idax works perfect. No fake volume over there.
Our advisors will not sell their tokens for sure. Maybe a few, but don’t be affraid for that.
So i am more busy then ever, nice food and views from NY.
Shillbert Verdian
Can u prove anything u just stated?
better dogshit in hand than scam on the tree.
(bolivian proverb)
Incorrect. That exchange is yet to be announced.
This thread is typical of biz retards when anything has a pull back. Can't you keep your emotions in check you fucking betas?
Fucking hedgehog faggot talks too much consntantly giving his opinions. He thinks he is so clever but I nearly fell of my chair when he revealed his average cost is over $3. What a retard.
This reminds me when all you idiots were shouting DOUBLE DIGIT SHIT COIN about ETH at $80. I went in big then. Buying more Quant here as well.
imagine falling for Quant, or FLO or CHX