Get out before this dumps to hell, panic is setting in.Fallen out with binance so wont be listing.
Dumping because gilbert cancelling amas, cursing at the telegram, lying about partnerships
What a surprise
quant = app with erc20 token attached
ceo = fell out with cz and will never get listed on binance
also ceo is dumping while announcing fake partnerships
who the fuck is holding this shit. i knew top was 30m 2 months ago (i never held this shitcoin btw)
Everything in crypto is a scam minus less than 5 projects. Did you really think this was legitimate? Some neckbeard made a copypaste ERC token and made you buy it. The absolute fucking state of crypto holy shit.
remember when Gilbert hyped up their EU connection and then it was revealed that is was nothing more than a simple membership in which there are 100 other companies involved?
how about hyping up a banking partnership? oops.
if you fell for that fucking line then you deserve to loose all your money on this scam
>he fell for the shillbert
Removed’s technical analysis skills are a scam.
ALL these coins are SCAMS!
the telegram is cancer, mostly responsible for hyping dates leading to these nasty dumps. its all in coordination with Gilbert's sweet talk.
kek it looks like either y'all bought the top and now pissed or fuding to make it go lower and buy 'em back
anyways, thanks