Why do so many young entrepreneurs think their ideas are worth billions?
Why do so many young entrepreneurs think their ideas are worth billions?
Why are you obsessed with what young people think?
OP is scared of young blood
because millennials grew up always getting a participation trophy, and their parents told them non stop that they would do something great and change the world.
All that money and he still dresses like some wannabe ghetto faggot
Because there's a lot of venture capital sloshing around in this low interest rate environment.
i wouldn't let this faggot near a dollar of my money lol. Btw you can pay a hundred bucks or so to go get a pho in front of a private jet. Don't trust it unless they're inside and a mile up.
Dunning kruger effect, plus social media likes = success in life type of thinking,
it has nothing to do with age desu, there are a lot of people who think that ideas are what are important. these same people lack every skill necessary to follow through on an idea.
ideas are a dime a dozen, literally everyone with at least a semi-functioning brain has ideas. 99.9% of what people lack, is the ability to follow through and stick to a plan in order to execute an idea.
the most successful people take fuck loads of ideas, and organize other people to bring them to life. they don’t care if the idea is good or not, all they need is for a few to be successful, the rest can fail and it’s quite alright. my friend david is dumb as rocks but he co-created onions (made millions) and now working on a new nicotine gum, and it is highly successful. it’s literally nicorette rebranded for a new generation. my point is his ideas are garbage (onions is fucking retarded) and nobody in their right mind would think to launch a new nicotine gum. but he did and he made these ideas (among many I know that have or never will see the light of day) come to life. this is success and the only idea that truly matters is the idea that you can make things come to life.
Edit: (sorry) s-o-ylent not onions
entrepreneurship is a disease that needs to be eradicated.
>ideas are a dime a dozen, literally everyone with at least a semi-functioning brain has ideas. 99.9% of what people lack, is the ability to follow through and stick to a plan in order to execute an idea.
I have a friend who was one of those ideas-only guy. He was paranoid about sharing the full details of his ideas, afraid people might steal them to the point where he wrote them down only on paper and put his writings in a locked box. He lacked the ability to put his ideas to reality due in part to his laziness, lack of ability, and his insistance on taking only a "leadership" role where he absolutely doesn't need to get his hands dirty. Needless to say, he failed, and I don't think he even learned his lesson.
from the 48 laws of power
all humans think they are grandiose and better than others at some point in their lives and many still believe so, while delusional. the entrepreneur type makes it easy for delusional grandiosity
Why do you care what people do with their money?
Funny how fashion changes. This was definitely how skaters/scene kids dressed when I was in high school. I'm from the Bronx so people dressed like this were still ratchet but this wasn't stereotypically ghetto attire.
execution is the thing most people struggle with. study Trump how he behaves qnd does it; you will get better. that guy is 0% talk, all action.
>study Trump how he behaves
yeah for israel.
Wannabe entrepreneurs are buttmad.
Boomer time is over.
Just prepare yourself to die in a few years.
Imagine trying to flex in front of a NetJets citation because your insta followers don't know that flying on one of these isn't that expensive.
>lives in the ghetto
>what we wore wasn't ghetto
Was there anything good on the AMA this morning?
This but unironically
yep. I remember when the niggers used to call them faggots cause there pants where to tight
>that guy is 0% talk, all action
This is what drumpftards actually believe.
Never call yourself an entrepener, its comes off less businessman and more smug conman who takes risks.