Skycoin Court Documents Leaked on Reddit
fucking lol
Skycoin Court Documents Leaked on Reddit
fucking lol
So the kidnapping was real after all?
Skycoin is one of those things that I want to happen, but have no faith it could happen.
skycoin is going full desperate these days it seems.
Seems you have Tourettes Syndrome
That’s it
I’m going all in on SKY
I was keeping away and it fucking pumps 50%. I should’ve known fucking pajeets would FUD this coin. I fucking hate myself
The fuck chart are you looking at
Fucking shills have been exposed and you have no argument left. Goddamn it, how could I not have seen this? The only joy I can have is knowing SKY will be taking off more
He scammed his employees. Not exactly inspiring behavior.
You are fucking braindead lmao
>He scammed his employees. Not exactly inspiring behavior.
Lol what?
>You are fucking braindead lmao
Hmm, they way I read it, they were scamming him and he told them to fuck off.
>Lol what?
They did work and he refused to pay them. What's so hard to understand? They're not yakuza they're a bunch of faggy chink marketing scammers they didn't do all that for no reason.
Read better.
>Lol what?
>They did work and he refused to pay them. What's so hard to understand? They're not yakuza they're a bunch of faggy chink marketing scammers they didn't do all that for no reason.
Refused to pay them? All the evidence of payment is there? Shut the fuck up you dumb fucking nigger. You have fucking tourettes as well. Honk honk you flaming bag of pajeet shit.
>do all that
What did they do?
I've only seen this Sam guy in like one video.
>he paid them
>they broke into his house for no reason
It's fucking obvious what happened. They're not heavies, software nerds don't do holdups for shits and giggles.
They were actually in hot water with the "investors" they were holding the funds for.
Bollox. Scammy crypto dev scams his own team. Tale as old as time, no mystery.
They got angry when Binance/C2CX froze their accounts cause they used fake identities. Also they are not nerds you fucking faggot they are a marketing team who falsely invoiced 10+ people who were suppose to be fucking nerds for 8+ months. One of the people that is part of this scam team had a girlfriend who is 100% tied to Chinese gangs. Information is hard to digest for forum Pa-neets like you, I totally get it.
Nice pastebin you made in your moms basement.
Oh, I mean, you can look also look at the official release they made after they got out of jail. They say the same thing except they don't lie about attacking people in this one:
I read that chink shit. They are known scammers in their communist country. They embezzled shit loads of coins to pay developers that were not even real. Stop your pajeet shit you fucking nigger. Anyways I said what I needed to say im not going to sit here and argue with a stupid chink believing pajeet.
It's not hard to put pie's in a plexi box. He could have done that in the west and avoided scammers or just provided the linux build for people to install themselves and sold antennaes. The whole thing reaks of scam.
implying scammers aren't all over the world and in every culture. The FUD on this project is finally clear as day to the point that normies can see it. I'm predicting $2 EOW
why even buy routers from Bestbuy when you can make your own by buying all the parts separately and spending a week putting it all together, god you're a fucking brainlet, its called a final product for mass adoption, just proves to show that Jow Forums wouldnt recognize a quality project even if satoshi came back from the dead
People built their own but had difficulty whitelisting. Offer the linux build for download or purchase on sd. The website could sell antennae and pi's etc. too. Getting muxed up with Chinese gangs, Binance, 1 btc miners etc. is just scammy.