I am having $55,000 in savings, which have been invested in various ETFs (S&P500, MSCI World, etc).

With BTC pumping lately, I am wondering if I should go all in on BTC and buy 10 BTC. Would you do it? It's all the cash I have left, except for the $66,000 that my shitcoin portfolio is worth right now.

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Just buy 1 dude.

Get in or stay poor

put in what you can afford to lose

>buying when pumping
you fucking retards will never learn

Don’t listen to these bears. You will only make it if you take risks. Unironcalling go big or go home

DCA it you fuck, average your entry and average your exit

i already have 1 BTC user, the rest is in shitcoins. i could already buy 10+ today if I liquidated all my shitcoins but I am a degenerate gambler and want to retire early. Not sure that is possible with 10 BTC...

the question is: has the GBR started or is this a suckers rally??? who knows really....

i will definitely wanted to buy more BTC within the next 3-6 months. i just wonder if i should do it now. do you think we won't retrace?

You don't go big ATH.


Go all in on BHC. It's low right now and gonna be pumping again all day tomorrow

what ATH???

Does it really matter in the long run? I picked up 5 BTC @ $4800 and literally felt like I'm stealing from someone at these levels.

You already have 1 BTC, so instead maybe 32 ETH and buy 1 Urbit star. BTC is hands down your safest bet though.

Take half of that. Go 50 percent BTC/ETH 50 percent alts.

BTC over stocks in a heartbeat. If that's a substantial portion of your net worth DCA a bit so you don't get spooked out.

I would buy eth and monero exclusively.

Go all in or die a mediocre nobody

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OP you didn’t get the answer you’re looking for so keep posting this thread and bumping it until you do. We can solve this together as a community.

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Buffet is a retard when it comes to new age markets, but his philosophy on investing is still sound.
Don't risk what you have and need for something you don't have and don't need.

Will post my DD from another bread now.

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In the long run, going all-in at 5k vs 4k or even 3k won't matter because you're guaranteed to be a millionaire either way.

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Need and not need are rather subjective.

The old classic.

10 BTC and you've made it, OP. It really is that simple. If 1 million isn't enough for you: Sell at 100k, buy when it goes down to 10k-30k, then hold through the next cycle and you'll have multiple millions.

Not really.
It is interpersonally subjective, interpersonally objective. If you are to stupid to understand this please send me all ur coins then enjoy a hot bath with a toaster.

Just DCA over April and May. Have your 10 by the end of May.

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long run u mean extended marathon haha have fun being 80 year old millionaire. u missed out sub 1k there’s no hope making it on a wage slave wage

I don't see anything wrong with $10k a month for the next five months. BTC isn't really going to do anything until Q4.

Uptrend begins a year out from halving, that's why. This is the accumulation period. Once we leave it we're never coming back.

No but I would buy 5,000 USD worth of ETH and 10,000 USD worth of ZEC, DASH, XMR, and XRP. Then diversify the rest in traditional fixed income.

Buy 1 OP...Remeber these are what BTC shatoshi looks like in physical form.

Think long term

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kek i have to think about it. but i got some good advice, will probably start to DCA into BTC

i would buy yes not with all
buy with half price drops buy with half again price drops buy with half because if i buy the price always drops.


Yes buy buttcoin, wait 2 years and u make it, or put some in ETH for more gains

No I would buy eth as it will be number 1 in the next couple years.
>mining rewards reduced by 30% a month ago
>PoS making legit progress (no this isnt a meme) it literally is
>Vitalik said he is surprised how fast development is going and if were to have guessed in 2017, he would not have thought how far development on sharding would have come
>MakerDAO just announced an s&p 500 synthetic peg similar to DAI (meaning the entire stock market will be tradeable on eth in a decentralised way very soon) - you can literally already trade an s&p 500 index on eth
>plasma and offchain also making very good progress
>WASM coming soon meaning you can create smart contracts in rust, c++ etc.

Is 50 ETH in a portfolio of $55k be enough to make it?

Double down nigger.

Take a 55k loan and buy 20 bitcoins you pussy.

T. Retard

only those who do not understand what is coming will tell you not to do it. by framing this question in this way, i think you have already decided to do this, and as such, you are going to make it.

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I am buying Dash and ZEC as BTC
I am buying KMD as ETH.

if it cash sure.

would buy at around 4k in a few weeks.

I'd wait till the last dip. Or dollar cost average in.

Bitcoin is dead and will slowly go to 0