I have an officially tested 160 IQ. What is the easiest way for me to make 10 million dollars?
160 IQ
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sucking dick
You should be able to solve that.
Are you that retarded OP?
knee pads
>Believes in IQ
I am. My way of solving it is by asking biz.
Buy 100K chainlink
Hold until chainlink is 100 dollars per link
>i have a high IQ my solution is to ask people with low IQ
Another person claiming to have a high IQ who is actually literally retarded.
fuk u my docter said i was bourn this way
Take a bunch of other tests like GMAT & SAT and then start giving people classes on how to ace standardized tests.
start reading as much shit as you can, acquire knowledge, your IQ will make sense of it all. Without knowledge, intelligence is wasted
Also depends on your social skills, If you can easily create connections and manipulate people, just go to the nearest golf course and make friends. A salesman of some sorts perhaps in the supercar industry or yachting. Its not gonna be a straight road with one career. Youre gonna have to start at one place and end up in a completely unrelated one at the end. NY city property salesman can make 10 mil in 2 years by commissions
dude, he's asking Jow Forums for advice, he's clearly a social autist
buy 10 million lotto tickets
Sell some of your IQs for 100k each
Don't ask brainlets like us for starters
Go all in on Bitcoin now and lose money when it crashes to $3k.
post a timestamp with your officially tested IQ score
Would you sell 60 points of IQ for ten million dollars?
170 IQ here
Marry a rich girl.
>u gotta shake their hand
>wolver of well street
Listen to this
did sasha grey make it or just got aids?
define easy. there's usually a trade off.
How about studying, reading books and using that Information. instead you Post a shitty thread here like a 80 IQ mutt.
Please sir, I need to know. Wat coin to buyed to /make it/?
t. came to see kneepads
You tell me "smart guy"
Sucking cock is for fags op, become a trap and let that e-girl cash roll in
50% but only 13%
>I have an officially tested 160 IQ. What is the easiest way for me to make 10 million dollars?
buy chainlink just like all the 90 IQ mouthbreathers on here
Honestly where can i test my IQ "legitimately". When i test shits always like 120+, i dont fucking believe that shit. Theres got to be the other way rather than online versions.
i think this is supposed to be the best online one iqtest.dk
Learn to communicate and ephasise with people who are less intelligent than you, all the way to 80 IQ.
There is no other way.
He said he had a 160i, not a retard with the moral capacity of a jewish chink.
t.156 IQ robotics engineer.
190IQ here, go all in on LINK, get on welfare, sleep in your car
>160 IQ
>smarter than 99.9968313965% of people
Sure buddy, sure.
>160 iq
>Shitposts on biz
Pick one
450 IQ here, short LINK, long BITCONNECT and CONFIDO
They probably give 120+ to everyone lol. Or you might actually be 120+.
You've got the big IQ, smarty pants. You figure it out.
Why are you asking a board with an average IQ of 90 then?
Invent bitcoin
money printing machine
shatter sha256,
crack ECDSA,
randomly transfer funds from inactive wallets,
short 100x,
transfer Binance paper wallet to random address but never sell, just to crash Bitcoin
profit, no trace, enjoy
Not so smart then. It was a Facebook IQ test, right ?
imagine the feel of that tight pussy. would cream her in 1 nanosecond
outsourcing the work to pajeets I see.
High IQ indeed.
Meh, anything is possible. Having a high IQ is like having a big dick, no one believes you. It doesn't matter if you believe it or not, I still have a huge dick & a high IQ.
Also, I was going to leave without letting my blond cutie gf giving me a bj this morning, I avoided hurting her feelings by letting her blow me.
Keep seething dicklet, brainlet momos.
of crime in the US
What an arrogant cunt.Slit your wrist and suck my cock
>t.seething stupid, microdick incel
>160 iq
>unironically asking biz for advice
Lmao stay poor professor
t. John
161 iq here, OP is a brainlet
Kleros claims they have no product. No Oracle in 5 years. Somebody might develop it sooner.
Do you set timer for yourself 30 minutes or can you take longer to complete?
just sell shit telling people how to be smart
Probably a combination of lip service/ connections, receiving welfare and loans without any initial capital, and using it to trade. If you are truly 160 IQ this should be a sinch.
162 IQ here, y'all both dumb.
But OP, you do what all successful people do, study successful people. Spend 100 hours reading everything Warren Buffet put out (books, Berkshire letters, etc), then continue this onto other people.
that worked for me and im only 120+
We don't fit in, people think we are weird. Unless you used you intellect to gain amazing insights through years of self study or gaining high level degrees. You are more fucked than a 90-120IQ normie with social skills.
If you're smart you should be able to figure out how many dicks you have to suck.
The typical corporate manager boomer brainlet makes six figures
The smell of superdollars
Anyone have link for an IQ test? This one test I took took me like 20 mins and in the end they said I could only get my results if I paid
you have to pay a psychologist, dummy
t. 125ish high IQ brainlet
you just failed it, lmao
subhuman iq confirmed
Find a task that is easy for you to perform that people will pay you money for then repeat that task until you get $10 million dollars.
Join circus?