What is the best material attempting to sell blockchain to enterprises?

What is the best material attempting to sell blockchain to enterprises?
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blockchain security from Accenture:

>nShield HSMs integrate with Thales Security World architecture to abstract keys into fragments that live within the secure, FIPS-certified HSM boundaries. Administrators use smart cards with nShield HSMs, along with pass-phrases, to access and manage their keys within this unique architecture. This highly secure architecture also delivers the flexibility to readily add nShield HSMs to an organization’s existing security world as performance needs grow, as well as the benefit of seamless failover, load-balancing, backup, and maintenance. With nShield HSMs, blockchain customers can obtain high-assurance security without compromising efficiency.


>Unlocking Economic Advantage with Blockchain
>A guide for asset managers

>In this joint report, we argue that asset managers need to get off the sidelines and take the initiative to understand and embrace blockchain. The report is designed to serve as a guide to how the technology may evolve, the impact it may have on asset managers and the action they can take. Like any guide, it is not comprehensive — blockchain is a complex technical topic and the many initiatives it has spawned are too wide-ranging to be encompassed in any single document. Rather, we have imagined ourselves in the driver’s seat of an asset manager organization and have raised the questions that the industry needs to address. For each member of the senior management team, we lay out a set of five key actions as they begin the journey.

This is perfect:


>Breaking blockchain open: Deloitte’s 2018 global blockchain survey

>Deloitte’s 2018 survey of more than 1,000 blockchain-savvy executives globally is a leading indicator of where blockchain is headed. While blockchain is not quite ready for primetime, it is getting closer to its breakout moment every day. The academic hypotheses of five years ago are steadily becoming a reality. Momentum is shifting from a focus on learning and exploring the potential of the technology to identifying and building practical business applications.

Blockchain for government from deloitte:



>Can you imagine a future in which your finance organization and external business partners have a common system to transact, store, and access records for payments, orders, and reporting—a future in which processes that were once manual and laborious are carried out automatically? Not only would you be able to cut out dozens of costly and time-consuming steps, you’d also be able to create a more trusted environment for everyone involved: vendors, business users, and customers.


Blockchain government - a next form of infrastructure for the twenty-first century

>Today, more than 100 blockchain projects created to transform government systems are being conducted in more than 30 countries. What leads countries rapidly initiate blockchain projects? I argue that it is because blockchain is a technology directly related to social organization; Unlike other technologies, a consensus mechanism form the core of blockchain.





>Nevertheless, 2019 is shaping up to be a breakthrough 12 months for the technology. Post says he expects “a large number” of POCs and trials to turn into production this year. “Adoption is widespread but limited in scope today — but will greatly expand and accelerate as companies gain experience,” he says.

Attached: corporate-guy-linking-blockchain.jpg (960x540, 38K)

Blockchain Technology Overview


Blockchain technology solutions may be suitable if the activities or systems require features such as:
• Many participants
• Distributed participants
• Want or need for lack of trusted third party
• Workflow is transactional in nature (e.g., transfer of digital assets/information between
• A need for a globally scarce digital identifier (i.e., digital art, digital land, digital
• A need for a decentralized naming service or ordered registry
• A need for a cryptographically secure system of ownership
• A need to reduce or eliminate manual efforts of reconciliation and dispute resolutions
• A need to enable real time monitoring of activity between regulators and regulated
• A need for full provenance of digital assets and a full transactional history to be shared
amongst participants

The IEEE exploration of blockchain scaling and application. They don't touch things that aren't serious business.




>In addition to OCR, banks are also looking to utilise technology to further streamline trade by creating digital ecosystems. One new example is focused on optimising the commodity trade finance industry where a consortium of banks has formed a digital and blockchain-based open financing platform, called komgo. Along with Citi, leading commodity finance banks and commodity traders are working to leverage blockchain technology to provide new financial offerings such as digital letters of credit (LCs) within the commodity trading ecosystem.

Morgan Stanley

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nderlying Bitcoin was supposed to spell the end of traditional finance; instead, big banks plan to leverage it to streamline operations and costs, while improving services and products for clients.

Unironically Quant network.



>Blockchain and the future of finance >Imagine a world with no out-of-sync ledgers. No need for reconciliations. No fragmented or hidden data that create multiple versions of the truth. In this world, you would have just one version of a ledger, with simultaneous settlements that are seen by all parties. You could get instant visibility on the status of accounts receivable, supply chain movements, and other transactions. You would have a transparent, chronological history of events for a single source of truth. This world is coming, and its name is blockchain. As a revolutionary technology for recordkeeping, it is poised to change the future of finance—in accounting, asset registers, payments, trading, collateral management, and more. How should you prepare for this wave of disruption? What are the implications for your finance organization? Inside, we explore the principles of blockchain through a finance lens, including a framework for projecting the impact on core processes and our hypotheses for a blockchain world.



>Blockchain: How this technology could impact the CFO
>Blockchain has the potential to impact and redefine the traditional CFO role and revolutionize the finance function.

CPA and assorted organizations


>Widespread blockchain adoption may enable central locations to obtain audit data, and
CPA auditors may develop procedures to obtain audit evidence directly from blockchains.

You can now follow a "blockchain + accounting system implementation" certificates


Most of those things, if not all, are about private blockchain networks.

it's really funny to see boomers trying to ignore bitcoin (because they're terrified of it) and focus on blockchain, which is a bad database for a centralized operation
when you manage to make them understand that a smart contract if made correctly can substitute their entire operation with a token economy, they lose it. "you can't replace us, it's too complicated of an operation!"
they're clueless and it's going to hit them hard

Show them an example of decentralised justice - a use case they would not expect.

>Conglomerates of huge corporations/government entities constitute a centralized entity
fuck no