Is this true? I want to invest in cryptocurrency but not if it's inherently morally wrong to do so

Is this true? I want to invest in cryptocurrency but not if it's inherently morally wrong to do so.

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Heh. Being brainlet tier and ignoring the vast use cases based on one opinion.

yes yes, don't invest, jews are already rich

if you're not dying for Israel
you're antisemitic

if you're out giving out most of your paycheck to the kikes
you're antisemitic

Extremely bullish.

I believe in the one true god and his name is Satoshi.

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I'm also a fan of Hal Finney, but we have to move on, user.

Of course it would be seen as anti-semitic. It takes away (((their))) control over your money/assets.

What does that have to do with Craig Wright?

>morally wrong to do so

Upon the moral authority of whom? The guys with a larger stake in the traditional system? That sure is convenient that the morally right choice favors them but I guess since they are in the right way of things we might as well accept it; they are right after all.

Oh he's Jewish. It all makes sense now.

Right wing extremism is morally wrong, as is all extremism. I don't want to support any extremists voluntarily with an investment.

And just what is extremism to you, if I might be so bold as to ask for a personal definition?

wtf is this oldman doing lmao

Yes, crypto is taking (((their))) power away, don't buy goy.

People advocating for "death to all" of a certain group like some of the crazies on here based on their own prejudices. Islamic terrorists who believe all kuffar should be killed or Nazis who want to genocide all non-aryans. Black nationalists like the 5%ers. Anyone willing to promote violence as a solution against different subgroups they don't like.

My immediate thought as well

yeah crypto is definitely racist

bitcoin is basically a gas chamber user

>Is this true?
yes and no crypto is the whip to keep the banks in line banks are allegedly run by jews so it's the whip that keeps the jew in line.

how about death to all aussie scammers and shitposters?

Crypto does have a major problem with alt right fascists that we need to do something about if we want mass adoption.

Greed will overcome virtue

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pic related is so comfy... having competence, being a boss, making big decisions, living in a huge city with millions of people who are all striving for the best... god damn, i want to take my dad's shotgun everyday and kms on this retarded farm

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Don’t do it cletus

Here is how it actually goes mate:
pointless meetings where you're bored out of your mind, speaking for 30 seconds and having imbeciles rip into you to look better to the boss, performance reviews where the goals change monthly, mandatory overtime while on salary, boring backstabbing people.

i know guys, i live in the city... now that i read my post the sarcasm is not as blatant as i thought, it's 100% reverse. i wish i had a dad and a farm or even a shotgun

we can just wait it out, the "wacism" meme is just the latest fashion among mongoloids and will die down in time

kek ok

If you call out Israeli war crimes and their ethnic cleansing of the area, you're anti semitic

If anybody ever says anything is "left" or "right" then it isn't strictly true. Left and right are generalizations that no longer make sense.
Public health is "Left"
Japan is "right"
Japan has public health and dental
The point is, left and right are over simplifications that don'e encapsulate the truth of the situation.

so he is admitting the Jews control the money with this tweet

>muh morals
Where do you get your morals? Why do you assume they are universal? If you aren't trolling you are very naive.

>Letting mainstream opinion form your moral framework

Wtf I love crypto now

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Good for you, my man. The rampant antisemitism and racism of 4channel is certainly a troublesome topic. I agree that you should not invest into cryptocurrencies as they are inherently extremist and work to propagate white privelage.

Thanks, just bought 100k gas chambers

Who made this idiot famous?
Why do people even listen to this faggot?

Wtf lmao

Israel has no right to exist

That is one angry man

>Crypto is Anti-Semitic!
Sweet, just bought 100k.
>it's actually true because crypto will destroy the (((banks)))

he made it to a senate committee hearing about bitcoin
got everybody mad right and proper with fudding

Everytime I see this posted I am glad I own crypto. Nationalists everywhere will buy more everytime this is posted.

>i wish i had a dad

Notice that OP didn't even mention jews in his original post. Just saying that billionaires have power is antisemitic. Really makes you think huh?

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They do this all the time, they are deathly afraid of losing power

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Oy vey!

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You are too stupid for this. How about you head back over to twatter where you belong. Bye now

Wow, we should really thank this soulless NPC hack for the free advertising.
>Yes, goyim. Don't buy crypto. Whaddya trying to break out of your goy-pen or something?

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Wtf I love Elon Musk now

the nazis really liked gold
we should do something about that

read: The Politics of Bitcoin: Software as Right-Wing Extremism Author(s): David Golumbia

Their narrative is in decline. Once the hall-of-cost mythos finally dies in the hearts of just 20% of thinking people, it is game over. They are right to be scared. The lynchpin to their multi-generation scam is crumbling.
This is anecdotal, but:
>Be shopping in predominantly white supermarket
>Start looking at the magazine rack
>Special edition of LIFE kvetching about muh 6 gorillion on the cover.
>Deliberately pick it up, making sure to crease the pages while giving a derisive laugh
>Young register jockey spots me looking at it and asks me if I want it
>"Nah, I don't buy political propoganda. It's pathetic."
>Register bro laughs awkwardly, but gives me a knowing look.
>MFW the goyim know
At the rate things are going, I wouldn't be at all surprised to see encounters like this become more and more typical in a matter of years.

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>have money jews dont control
>it's anti-semetic
you damn right it is

All the more reason to buy...
Fuck the kikes and dumb boomers who can't see their tricks.

>twitter cancer link-holder cries about biz
Bye you enormous fucking faggot.You won't be missed.

very true yet terms such as alt-right and progressive left are being used more and more and will not disappear
same applies to classic marxist doctrine of oppressor/oppressed
the university where i studied was clearly left in the sense that all profs hated on trump constantly and all fell into the "white men have been at it for too long" meme, completely ignoring that white men have been fucking each other over since the dawn of time

point im trying to make is: sure, left and right might be old terminology, but we see old terminology being used along the big cultural battles of our time, for example the victim/oppressor logic of marxism that is applied to our culture today, be it men/women, black people/white people and so on

the battle of marxism and capitalism is an ongoing one

there is no such thing as rights, really
theres only power

This guy is a fucking joke lol

If thats true, its morally right !

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>Register bro laughs awkwardly
1448 and all bro I think he was just laughing about what a weirdo you were

All talk of "rights" was just an 18th century attempt to decentralize legitimacy of power.

>as is all extremism.
>extreme love and compassion would be morally wrong

>not using fiat is anti-semitic
So they confess to their crimes

List the alt-right barriers to entry for crypto for us so we can address them individually.

>Hal Fanney

having money
only white men have money so only white men can spend it on bitcoin
also women arent intrerested in technology so this is a boys club to begin with

based roubini has always been based

Stay STIFF my friend

hopefully this will cause crypto to crash hard for a bit so we can /buy/

Remember to use "anti-jew" or "anti-jewish" instead of anti-semetic. That's what people really mean to say.

I would be surprised if even 0.1% of jews today are Semites.

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They use the term 'anti-semite' to disguise the word 'jew'. Everyone knows the word jew carries and innate negative connotation.

The jew lives in perpetual fear of the word 'jew'.

Yes, I try to point it out ever since I thought to myself "why the hell does everybody keep using anti-semite, is it to cover up that so many hates the jews?" If i was part of a group that people were negative towards i'd prefer it if news etc didn't mention the name of my group.

Honk honk, btw.

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We are 100% on the same page, brother but this is 4chins so I have to lay one on you. Did the magazines clap?


it's because it's a culture war. america has had so many bipartisan issues that became associated with the left or right wing. lot of people can't see past ideology

Buffet said himself: Bitcoin is Ratpoison.
Bitcoin kills the kikes.