Go up you stupid piece of ark shit

Go up you stupid piece of ark shit

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lol its so true
i cant wait to smoke weed again

>ark going up

Imagine IMAGINE holding Ark in 2019 LMAO



Tokenomics, I say the same thing every post. They suck.

T. Bagholder

The good community developers have left this project after seeing how incompetent the team is, some delegates which tried to help recover the network during its many collapses have left after seeing that the team was leaving them alone during the crisis because of their incompetence, there will be no smartcontracts on the mainnet and the development of smart contracts on sidechains has not even started yet... This thing is worse than EOS, Loom and basically every dpos network except Lisk Should I go on?

Arguably is better than Lisk but not much else besides that 10%stake roi

isnt it crazy how times have changed? this thing was huge in 2017 and also hugely fudded. i just didnt think that it would get this bad for deluded arkies. welp i guess they all really were deluded.

I was one of them until a few months ago, I left after I saw too much shit but I regret not selling before, the signs were already more than enough

I still hold this and can't bear to part with it. My investment is worth not much now so I don't sa point in selling now t. Deluded

Research Loom, I am not personally invested in the project but if I had to invest in a multichain dpos that would be my first choice now, I also think that it is currently lower than Ark on cmc.
It was liberating to sell Ark for me, I have been holding that shit since spring 2017

Hi moonman

Biz classic btfo

Not me, I can't even code ;) is moon doing fine?

And goldenpepe? I've not beeing following their discord for a long time now

ChainLink will have the same fate

Same, have 1k that I will never part with, got around 900 to swing trade, but this week's -25% makes me want to just research greener pastures.

same boat here. I wanna dump this pos since chang posted about the whole ordeal with that idiotic CEO insulting a delegate that has done more to this project than anything.

What happened?

In the same boat. Early spring 2017 buyer, hate this fucking project so goddamn much but can't summon the strength to dump my stash

It's up to you, reading on Slack that they were going to spend q1 2019 deciding how to start to develop their virtual machine was the straw that broke the camel's back for me and I'm glad I sold, I am now avoiding biz shills and low cap shitcoins, now that I'm out I realise that even among the dpos with sidechains there are far better projects than Ark

I unironically own like 100k of this shit and I don't want it anymore.

Yep, this product has no direction on where it wants to go after 2+ years

They have a direction, become rich and play God deciding who can be a delegate and who cannot with their private stack

Had a 3k stack for a long time
Just sell it, I did it and regret I didn't do it sooner

out of all the garbage i was holding during the bullrun (electra lol) this piece of shit did nothing and made no money and that 1k on it couldve gone into more raiblocks or something else. chuck this into the trashcan and never look back