Oh no no no no

Oh no no no no

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Other urls found in this thread:


So he's looking to buy now

smarter then you guys



what a fucking retard.

>makes profit
the state of link bagholders

wow this is the perfect thread to hide and not give 2 fucks about

not really, only retards are dumb enough to sell their alts when Bitcoin goes up.

note this dude said frens, what else is he doing

Are you serious? You have no idea what you're talking about. Check all the altcoin prices when BTC did a massive rally on 2 april

It’s over

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> frens
I want to punch this sõyboy

Mainnet pretty close. Almost all 5 audits complete. Dan K. said product goes live before q3 2019. I expect a major partnership announcement around mainnet time. Price will go parabolic again, probably comparable to the percentage-wise-rise we had the last 6 months. This is how it could look like

Attached: TIMO.jpg (1084x830, 172K)

Let that faggot swing
Clearly he's confident in his decision
He will live with his choice

Here is how it could look like
>600% parabolic increase (with virtually no dips) in 3 months starting tomorrow
Do you actually believe this shit?

Hi Timo

>80k by July
the absolute state of stinkies


Onions boy detected
>he doesn't know

Attached: OUCH!.jpg (400x400, 27K)

>the average babyface faggot link holder


Can’t you read? The basedboy dumped his stack

>owned link
>still has 10% of his shitcoin stack left

Can YOU read?

Nobody is going to use your ponzi middleware, stinktards.

They will hire somebody to spend an afternoon to create their own json parser (simple task) that doesn't require a million bagholding Indians to function.

>keeping a suicide stack

Nice reading skills.

Why does this brainlet think anyone cares what he buys or sells?

I took a 10 inch shit today, should i be telling everyone this?

Who is this faggot and why should anyone care? He even said he's planning on rebuying. No one cares about this nobody swinglinker.

I hope this greedy fuck gets burned so much.

Tintin Harings


I really don't understand why something that just parses data and puts it into blockchain is praised as revolutionary.

faggot harings deserves to lose all his link
fucking altright nazi idiot

Who cares, this market needs dumb money anyway.

>altright nazi
wtf I love Timo Harings now.

>I really don't understand
Don't worry about it.

I am pretty sure I understand data parsing and blockchain tech a lot more than your bag holding ass.

T. Fintech dev

youre a shit dev then if you dont understand why
t. real dev

I said don't worry about it.

Stop you faggots

Im also waiting for a dump but for this faggot i want the singularity now

Pump eet

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Writing CRUD doesn't mean you know anything about actual use cases and financial institutions.

Yes, not bad user. Especially if it was one long thick meaty sausage.

well you dont know what CRUD means cause you dont write CRUD
come on

CRUD is basic stuff, writing code to handle millions of dollars is not.

Believing that someone will use chainlink to parse data and not having your dev team write a parser for a week (tops for enterprise solution) is idiotic.

>week tops for enterprise solution
Clearly never worked in enterprise

me and my gay Muslim boyfriend both hold chainlink we are very disappointed in Timo and are declaring a fatwa on his kafir head

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>writing code to handle millions of dollars is not
t. never wrote banking SW

You're still worrying about it.

Idiotic like fax machines beating the internet. Amiright

CRUD is a design pattern you moron
> dev team writing a parser for a week
ok, you're not a dev cause thats retarded. If you need to parse an api then youve got a million standard tools to do it for you.

let me spell this out for you in simpleton language.

if you build a financial product on the blockchain then you need decentralised oracles to fetch data or there is no point in using blockchain in the first place

CRUD is a design pattern top kek.

CRUD is what idiots like you do, because you can't do anything else.

Whoever said that your source of information provides an api, obviously if you just use an api it will be millions times faster.

Nobody in finance cares about decentralised oracles, you just choose a couple of trustworthy sources and do a voting algorithm.

Can't believe chainretards are really that deluded and only cult following.

this is your brain on link

Attached: wefwf.png (660x480, 419K)

>you just choose a couple of trustworthy sources
You have no idea what oracles are.

Nice fundamental misunderstanding of dlt, oracles, and fintech you have there

You almost cover the entire spectrum of retarded

timestamped api snapshots.
wow that sure was hard to explain

Pretty much this. In the time since the Link project started, there are now FREE json parsers written in Solidity, so...RIP. I'm sure what's why OPs butt friend sold his stack, it's why I sold mine...

You're making it worse lol.

> CRUD is what idiots like you do, because you can't do anything else.
hahahahahah you have no idea

You clearly have no idea of what an oracle is or why contracts needing oracles is important, get off your fucking high horse cause youre a junior dev smashing out shit java code in spring daily

dig that hole deeper

>CRUD is a design pattern you moron
lmao what hhaahhahaahhah

link is tapped out on the monthly, sell now if you want to swing like a bawss and buy below 20c

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>IT Pajeets shitfight
You're both idiots if you're willing to argue over such an inane topic as if CRUD is a design pattern or not. Or if you're willing to invoke your larp-y "credentials" to make a point - fuck off to plebbit for that.

That fags ta has always been wrong

> CRUD is a design pattern or not
its not. I just like giving some worthless anons the feeling like theyve won at life on an user image board

hes using link to pump and dump all while getting e cred because link is a meme and get s him attention to his shitty twiter

You are a fucking idiot.


says the guy who thinks you can timestamp snapshots of apis in a fucking smart contract has no idea of what http is

>still playing with your pretend money in 2019
that's real cute

link is shit

What is LINK ??"?"

A MEME "??"


Grow up..

..check out!


Stake while you trade

Says the guy who has no idea what oracles are.

You can't even compare two strings for difference dumbass.

youre right, you cant compare strings in ethereum contracts without a helper
cant do a fucking api call either

Swingers will swing


Killtimo is wickr handle :) we are bunch of anons planning to get him assasinated when we are millionaires :)

why is the west importing more and more developers from the east, the thread.

ITT butthurt bagholders pissed off at someone not emotionally attached to their bags

Trading is for peasants. He got another 10% by risking all of what? 30k LINK? LOL.

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another real developer here, don't feel bad for being a brainlet and the inability to understand simple concepts

Create , Read , Update, Delete. It is a design pattern Aka standard for using json objects on the web. Hope you're not a web dev or something related to web dev otherwise we will get more shitty software in the future from people like you.

Street shitters in panic mode.

This true software developer is correct. We contrast the CRUD design pattern with the "Event Sourcing" design pattern, where you only Create and Read.
Fucking Pajeets I swear.

random faggot sold the bottom and started FUD on twitter, news of the day

> Dumps on us
> Signs more data providers
> medium.com/clc-group/honeycomb-marketplace-adds-three-new-data-providers-ipstack-aviation-edge-and-daneel-83261b93c2f3


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Leave the children alone. Let them play make-believe with their pocket change. Don't waste your time arguing with them like it's some big deal.

LOL this is exactly what he posted when he dumped on his fellow frens in the discord at 13k sats. He always posts shit like this comparing link to eth charts etc when link pumps 15% on low volume calling for breakout soon when in reality he gradually dumps his 1 000 000 LINK tokens on people fomoing

Shut up...it’s whales accumulating. That’s why the price stays in a specific range!